KA National Exam
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- The official colors of the Order are
- crimson and old gold
- The official flowers of the Order are the
- red rose and magnolia
- What is the Order’s motto inscribed at the bottom of the Coat of Arms?
- Dieu et les Dames
- What does our motto mean?
- God and the Ladies
- Kappa Alpha Order is ______ in organization.
- military
- Kappa Alpha Order is ______ in feeling.
- religious
- What was the month, day, and year KA was founded?
- December 21, 1865
- At the time of KA’s founding, what was the name of the college where we were founded?
- Washington College
- What is the name of that institution today?
- Washington and Lee University
- In what city and state was Kappa Alpha Order founded?
- Lexington, VA
- What was the first name of Kappa Alpha Order?
- Phi Kappa Chi
- Give the full names of the four founding fathers of Kappa Alpha Order.
James Ward Wood
Stanhope McClelland Scott
William Nelson Scott
William Archibald Walsh - Who is the Practical Founder of Kappa Alpha Order?
- Samuel Zenas Ammen
- Who is the Spiritual Founder of Kappa Alpha Order?
- Robert E. Lee
- What is the Lexington Triad and who are its members?
- first fraternities; founded around Lexington; Sigma Nu, Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Tau Omega
- Your chapter is located in what province?
- Locke
- List the chapters in your province.
Beta Eta- OU
Beta Xi- OSU
Gamma Kappa- OCU
Mu- TU - Who is your chapter’s alumnus advisor?
- Rob Ward
- Who is your chapter’s faculty advisor?
- Roger P. Bey
- What is the only committee required by Kappa Alpha Laws, and what does this committee do?
- Prudential; finances
- ______ is a chapter organization for members who have the desire to expand their knowledge of the Kappa Alpha Laws and customs of thevOrder.
- Council of Honor
- _______ is Kappa Alpha Order’s 4-year total membership development program that centers on leadership, service, academics, ritual, and career based skills.
- The Crusade
- ________ is a province organization that recognizes alumni for distinguished achievement personally or professionally or for exemplary service to KA.
- Court of Honor
- The sovereignty and legislative authority of Kappa Alpha Order shall be vested in?
- Convention
- ___________ is the national president of Kappa Alpha Order.
- Knight Commander
- Executive Councilors are ______ at Convention.
- elected
Name: - Title: Executive Councilor Name: William E. Drier
- General officers serve ____- year terms.
- two
- The Executive Council is composed of the seven general officers and the _______, who serves as a non-voting member.
- national undergraduate chairman
- Who is the National Undergraduate Chairman (NUC)?
- Rusty English
- What body has the most authority in KA?
- Convention
- Who composes the advisory council?
- Executive Council, Province Commanders, Chief Alumnus
- How are the Number I, II, and III selected for their offices?
- elected
- How are the Number IV – IX selected for their offices?
- appointed by #I
- Minor offenses are tried before the
- #I
- The maximum penalty for a minor offense is a fine of ____ or suspension of ____ months or both.
- $100; 3
- List five minor offenses as defined by Kappa Alpha Laws.
1-Absence from meeting;
2-neglect of authority;
3-damage to property;
4-improper language/conduct;
5-Failure to meet financial obligations - Major offenses are tried before the ________ or ________.
- entire chapter; Executive Council
- List five major offenses as defined by KA Laws.
1-Defamation of Order
2-drunkenness at meeting
3-Criminal conduct
5-Willful neglect of financial obligations - Where is the National Administrative Office located (city, state)?
- Lexington, VA
- Who is the Executive Director of Kappa Alpha Order?
- Larry Stanton Wiese
- Who is the Executive Director of KAOEF?
- Larry Stanton Wiese
- What is Kappa Alpha Order’s official website?
- www.kappaalphaorder.org
- What is the telephone number to the National Administrative Office?
- 1-800-KAO-1865
- What are the responsibilities of a Kappa Alpha Order educational and leadership consultant?
- regularly visit chapters to promote scholarship and leadership
- The geographic regions that KA is divided into are called?
- provinces
- How many provinces are there in the United States?
- 20
- NLI stands for
- National Leadership Institute
- KAOEF stands for
- Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation
- List five awards given by Kappa Alpha Order.
1-George C. Marshall Award- top one to three chapters in nation
2-Samuel Z. Ammen Award- top 15% of chapters in nation
3-Most Improved Chapter Award- improvement in previous year
4-Outstanding Scholarship Award- academic award
5-MDA Fundraising Award- philanthropy - List four publications of the Order.
Kappa Alpha Journal- alumni magazine
Kappa Alpha Laws- Constitution, bylaws
The Varlet- membership manual
The Shield- risk management newsletter - What does FRMT stand for?
- Fraternity Risk Management Trust