undefined, object
copy deck
- el juego
- game
- volver
- to return, to come back, to go back
- encontrar
- to find
- pasado
- last, past
- el cuento
- story
- coleccionar
- to collect
- chistoso
- funny
- el concierto
- concert
- el dinero
- money
- el invitado
- guest
- de
- about
- otro
- other, another
- contar
- to count, to tell
- costar
- to cost
- tomar
- to drink
- el chiste
- joke
- domir
- to sleep
- los naipes
- cards
- vi viste vio
- I saw You saw he saw
- otra vez
- again
- invitar
- to invite
- la moneda
- coin
- la cancion
- song
- libre
- free, not busy
- pagar
- to pay for
- hasta la vista
- see you later
- el radio
- radio
- el plan
- te
- you
- me
- me
- pasar
- to spend (time)
- mostrar
- to show
- e
- and
- hacer cola
- to stand in line
- la entrada
- ticket
- di diste dio
- I gave you fam. you gave
- el problema
- problem
- el piano
- piano
- aqui tienes tiene Ud.
- here is here are
- la invitacion
- invitation
- esta bien
- okay, alright
- u
- or
- fabuloso
- fabulous
- presentar
- to introduce
- jugar a los naipes
- to play cards
- el tocadiscos
- record player
- poder
- can, to be able to
- la grabadora
- tape recorder
- nos
- us
- el pasatiempo
- pastime, hobby
- el baile
- dance
- jugar a las damas
- to play checkers
- la foto
- photo
- jugar al ajedrez
- to play chess
- el fotografo
- photographer
- las damas
- checkers
- vamonos!
- lets leave, let's go
- tal vez
- maybe, perhaps
- hasta pronto
- see you soon
- tocar (discos)
- to play
- Sacar fotos
- to take pictures
- oye!
- listen! hey!
- el ajedrez
- chess
- el grupo
- group
- llamar por telefono
- to phone
- que + noun
- what a _
- tomar algo
- to have something to drink
- la revista
- magazine
- el sello
- stamp
- el rock
- rock(music)
- prestar
- to lend
- la camara
- camera