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increased vascularity across bridge of nose, think:
Liver disease
Paranasal Sinuses
-air filled cavities (skull lighter) -contain mucous membranes and cilia that move and excrete secretions -sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid and maxillary
-soft and hard palate -uvula -pillars (anterior and posterior) -tonsils/adenoids -epiglottis
NERVE - sensory; smell reception and interpretation
Olfactory CN I
NERVE - motor, sensory, and parasympathetic; voluntary muscles for swallowing and phonation; sensation of nasopharynx, gag reflex and posterior 1/3 for taste; secretion of salivary glands and carotid reflex
Glossopharyngeal CN IX
NERVE - motor, sensory, and parasympathetic; swallowing and voluntary muscles of phonation (guttural speech sounds); sensation behind ear and part of external ear canal
Vagus CN X
NERVE - motor; tongue movement for speech sound articulation (L, T, N) and swallowing
Hypoglossal CN XII
roof-hard palate; lips; 32 permanent teeth; tongue; salivary glands; gum tissue
passage for air: humidifies, filters and warms inspired air and conserves heat and moisture during exhalation; identifies odors; gives resonance to laryngeal sounds; comprised of bone and cartilage
absence of flaring (of nostrils), rule out
respiratory distress
evaluate olfactory nerve CN I for intactness - rule out:
anosmia - difficulty smelling or difficulty interpreting smells
sweet acetone odor may mean
problems with diabetes -- liver failing
when you have the client say "ah," you are:
evaluating glossopharyngeal CN IX and vagus CN X
the last smell to go as you age is:
cheddar cheese
nasal polyp
-won't know they have it -real easy procedure to just "snip" it out
herpes simplex
cold sores
deficiency of this can cause gums to bleed
vitamin c
air filled pockets
paranasal sinuses
a painful, white, round or oval ulcerative lesion on the lips and buccal mucosa
Aphthous ulcer
an oral lesion that is associated with measles
Koplik's Spots
two visible structures in the mouth that release saliva are:
Wharton's and Stenson's ducts
turbinates are found in what part of the nose?
on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
The examiner notes that a patient's tonsils are enlarged and touch one another. This is documented as:
4+ tonsil swelling
the nurse notes that the client's tongue has a blackish furry appearance. What question is most important for the nurse to ask?
Have you been taking antibiotics lately?
what is an indication for transillumination of the sinuses?
the client complains of pain over the sinuses with palpation
what is an example of an assessment finding that may be caused by nasal polyps?
obstruction of air flow through the nose
what finding is most likely to cause an examiner to suspect that a foreign object is in the nose of a young child?
there is a foul smelling odor coming from the child's nose
the client sticks out his tongue and moves it back and forth. which cranial nerve does this test?
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
what examiniation is not performed on a newborn infant?
examination of the sinuses

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