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Pre-Algebra Final Exam Vocab


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The distance of a number from zero on a number line
Absolute Value
A property stating that changing the grouping of numbers does not change the sum or product
Associative Property
The two perpendicular number lines in a coordinate plane that intersect at zero
The number of a variable.
When two lines intersect n more then one point
Points that lie on the same line
Collinear Points
A property stating that changing the order of the numbers does not change the sum or product
Commutative Property
A number paired with a point
A pair of numbers paired with a point
A grid on a plane with two perpendicular number lines (axes)
Coordinate Plane
Lines or points in the same plane
A property stating that the product of a factor and a sum is equal to the sum of all the products
Distibutive Property
A number sentence that states that two numbers or quantities are equal
Equations that have the same solution
Equivilent Equations
To substitute a number for each variable in an expression and simplify the expression
A set of ordered pairs (x,y) where for each value of x there is only one value of y
All the points in a coordinate plane whose coordinants satisfy the equation
Graph of an Equation
A point paired with a number on a number line
Graph of an Integer
Properties that state that the sum of 0 and any other number is htat number, and that the product of 1 and any number is that number
Identity Properties
A number sentence that states that two numbers or quantities are not equal
Lines that cross each other
Intersecting Lines
The opposite opperation that "undoes" another
Inverse Operation
A number that is not rational: a nonterminating and nonrepeating decimal
Irrational Number
Terms that have the smae variable
Like Terms
A set of points that extends withoput end in opposite directions
An equation whose graph is a straight line
Linear Equation
Numbers less than 0
Negative Numbers
A line in which points have been paired with numbers
Number Line
A sentence showing a relationship among numbers
Number Sentence
Number sentence that contains variables
Open sentences
Two numbers on a number line that are the same distance from 0 on opposite sides
Properties that state that subtracting a number is the opposite operation of adding that number, and dividing by a number is the opposite operation of multiplying by that number
Opposites Properties
A pair of numbers in which the order shows the location of a point on a grid
Ordered Pair
The point where the x-axis and the y-axis intersect on a grid
An exact location
Numbers greater than 0
Positive Numbers
an equation which states that two ratios are equal
One of the four sections in a coordinate plane formed by the x and y axes
Hte symbol showing the positive square root
Radical Sign
Any number that can be written as the quotient of two integers where the denominator is not a 0. The number can be written as a fraction, decimal,repeating decimal, or terminating decimal
Rational Number
Any rattional or irrational number
Real Number
The transformation of a geometric figure where the figure changes position through the motion of a flip
The transformation of a geometric figure where the figure changes position through the motion of a turn
The number that replaces the variable in an equation to make the equation true
An ordered pair that is a solution of both equations in a system
Solution of a System
Two equations that have the same variables
System of Equations
The variables and numbers in a mathematical expression that are joined by signs for operations
The transformation of a geomatric figure where the figure changes position through the motion of a slide
A letter used to represent a number in a mathematical expression
Terms that do not have the same variable
Ublike Terms
The horizontal number line in a coordinate plane
The vertical number line in a coordinate plane
The property stating that the product of 0 and any number is 0
Zero Property of Multiplication

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