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math terms


undefined, object
copy deck
distributive proptery
this property states that to mutilpy a sum by a number yopu can mutipy each addend by the same number and add the products ex 7*8 + 7*2=
a line segment that connects the center of a cirle to a point on the circle or the length of that segment
inverse operation
opertions that undo each other addtion and subraction and mutiplcation and divisision
in a proprotion the denomatiopr of the first fraction and numatior the second fraction
the possible result of an expertment
corresponding sides
the sides of similar triangles that match
set of outcomea in a probiltaly experiment
In a porportain the numerator of the first fraction and the denominator of the second fraction
sample space
the set of all possible outcomes in a probbtily experment
an equation that desicibes the relanship between 2 or more quianties
an indcation of the accrucy of a measuement depends on the unit of measure you use the smaller unit of measure you use the greater number of presion
least common denomatior
the least common mutilple ofr denomatiors of 2 or more fractons used as a denmotaior
to find the value of a algbraic expersion
a line segment that connects 2 points
staretarded form\standerded notation
the usual way of writing a number that shows only dights no words
one of the most common metric units of capticay mL=one thousandth of a litter
the point [0, 0] on a cortdantine plane where the vertical axix meets the horizontal
a mathmatcail staement with an = indcating that the left side of the equal sign has the same value as the right side
mutiplcative inverse
the number that when mulptied by a given number results in a product of 1
the mutilcattive inverse of a number
in a percent problem the orginal or whole amount that the part is being compared to in power number used as a fractor
achord that passes through the center or the length of that chord
the distance around a circle
associative proptive
these properties state that the grouping of addends or factors does not change the sum or product ex 2+3+4= 3+4+2
y- cordantine
the second number of a ordered pair
teremating decimal
a deimal that ends
Identity proteries
Propties that state if you add a number by 0 the sum will be the same number given and if you mutiply 1 the product would be the given number ex 2=0=2
central angle
an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle
a quadrilateral in which each pair of oppiste sides are parrel and equal in length
a comprasion of 2 quauanties by division
an equation stating 2 ratios or rates are equal
rational number
any number that can be wriiten as a fraction
a numbert that can be expreesed using a exponet
the value that makes the equation true
Zero property of mutipacation
this property states that any number mutipyed by 0 the prouduct will be zero
the first number in a order pair
a part of a circle
ordered pair
a paIir of numbers that are the coordinates of a point in a coordinsate plane in this orderx axis,y axis
inverse of multiplication
this property states that when a number is divided by itself or muilpied by its reciprocal
the number of cubic units needed to fill the space occupied by a soild figure
the amount being compared to the whole amount of a percent problem
the vertile axis in a coordiante plane
order of operation
the order in which opertions should be preformed when evulating experisons
a ratio that compmares 2 quanties with two diferrnt types of units
inverse of addtion
the property states that when a number is subracted from itself the answer would be 0
a ratio of part of a whole divide into hunderedths to 100
the amount a container can hold
the horztinal axis in a coordinate pair
coordinate plane
a plane formed when 2 lines called axises intersect at the right angle at their 0 points also called a coordiante system
repeating decimal
a decimal in which a patern of one or more dights is reapeated

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