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equilateral triangle
a triangle with three congruent sides
distributive property of multiplication over addition
the product of a factor times a sum can be written as the sum of the two products
teh raito or comparison of a number to one hundred
scalene triangle
a triangle with no congruent sides
the greatest factor that is common to two or more numbers
verticle angles
opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines
segment passing through the center of a circle with both end points on the circle
irrational number
a number that cannot be expressed as a rational number in the form of a over b and b b is not equal to zero. As a decimal, it is a nonrepeating, non terminating decimal
rational number
a number that can be written in the form of a/b where a and b are integers and b doesnot equal 0. Zero and repeating or terminating decimals make up the set of rational numbers
order of operations
the order in which mathematical operatons must be done when more than operation is involved
parallel lines
lines in a plane that never intersect
the measure of the distance around a figure
to divide a segment or angle into two congruent parts
complentary angles
two angles whose sum equal 90 degrees
a comparison of two numbers by division
a prefix meanig thousand
inverse property
the sum oof a number and its opposite is zero. The product of a number and its reciprocal is one
the answer to a division problem
a rectangular prism with six congruent faces
a quadralateral with two pairs of intersecting sides
pythagorean theorem
a thoerem that the sum of the squares o fthe legs of a right triangle equals the square of the hypotenuses
a set of points in order extending indefiantley in opposite directions
perpendicular lines
lines in a plane that intersect to form right angles
inverse relationships
opposite operations: addition and subtraction are inverse relationships,; multiplication and division are inverse realationships
a simple closed figure with sides that are lines are line segments
line of symmetry
a line that divides a figure into two congruent parts
supplementary angles
two angles whose sum measure 180 degrees
a segment from the center of a circle to a point on the circle
part of a line with one end point
a letter of the alphabet thst stands for a number value in a mathematical expression or equation
the sides that make up a solid figure
the number to be divided
a solid figure having one circular base and a curved surface
The least number other than 0 that is a common multiple of 2 or more numbers
alternate interior angles
located on the oppisite sides of the tranversal and on the outside of the line it intersects
identity element of addition
zero is the identity element in addition because adding zero to a number does not change its value
identity element of multiplication
one is the identity element in multiplication becuase multipling the number one does not change its value
to evaluate a mathematical expression, replace the variable with a number thn simplify
a solid figure ahving two paralle ciccular bases and a curved surface
A number that tells how many times a based is used as a factor.
mixed number
A number having a whole number part and a fraction part
congruent figures
Congruent Figures that have the same size and shape
two rays that have a common end point
a quadrilateral with all angles congruent and two pairs of congruent sides
perfect square
a number whose square root is an integer
one of two or more numbers taht are multiplied to form a product
the number of square units a region contains
the middle number in a set of nubers arranged in ordder. If there is an even number of enteries, the median is the average of the two numbers in the middle
the side opposite to the right angle in a right triangle
the number that appears most frequently ina set of numbers
one of four sections into which the coordinate plane is divided
The line segmentformed by the intersection of two faces of a polyhderon
surface area
the sum of the areas of all the faces of a solid figure
isosceles triangle
a triangle having two opposite angles congruent
regular polygon
a polygon having all six sides and angels congruent
the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle.
a closed plane figure all of whose points are equidistant from a point within called the center
alternate exterior angles
Angles that lie outside a pair of lines and on opposite sides of a transversal.
composite number
a whole number greater than 1 that has more than two factors
a numeral that includes a decimal point
the product of a given number and any whole number
th enumber of cubic units of space a figure contains
obtuse angle
an angle measure greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
the average of a set of numbers
th egiven measure plus or minus the greatest possible error
the number by which a dividend is divided
a parallelogram with all sides congruent and opposite angles congruent and oppsite anngels congruent
a flate surface that extends infinately in al directions
prime number
a whole number greater than 10 that has only two factors itself and 1
the distance around a circle
part of a fraction that expresses the total number of equal parts
the point (0,0) in teh coordinate plane where the x-axis and the y-axis intersect
square root
a number which when multipliedby itself gives the orginal number
a metric unit of length equal to ten meters

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