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Life Science: Hirsch: Grade 5


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There are five ________ used to classify living things.
The six kingdoms are p___, f__, a___, p___, and m_______.
plant, fungi, animal, protist, moneran
Animals vs. Plants: Animals are ___ and cannot make thier own _____. Plants are ______ and make their own ______.
mobile; food
immobile; food
_______ is an English scientist who discovered cells by looking at a cork.
Robert Hook
The cell membrane gives a cell its ______ and controls ____, _____, ____, and ____ entering and leaving a cell.
shape; food, waste, Co2, H20,
The ________ is a liquid which holds all parts of a cell.
The ____ is the control center of a cell and is surrounded by the _______.
nucleus; nuclear membrane
During _____, the nucleus doubles itself then splits into two cells.
cell reproduction
The _____ are oval structures that store food, water, and waste.
_______ change food into energy and are shaped like a kidney.
Six characteristics of living things
Take in nutrients
Use energy to do work
Get rid of waste
React to outside changes
Plant cells contain a ___ and ___, which animal cells do not have.
cell wall; chloroplasts
A _______ is a sturdy layer around a cell membrane which supports and protects a cell.
cell wall
________ contain chlorophyll, which traps the sun's energy to make food.
_____ get energy from dead plants and animals.
Mold, yeast, mildew, and mushrooms are examples of ______.
____ are animal-like protists: they are mobile and eat food found in their environment.They may live in soil, water, or the bodies of organisms.
Algae, euglena, and protozoans are examples of ________.
______ are single-cell organisms that do not have a cell nucleus.
A type of moneran classified by shape. Has cell wall and membrane but no chlorophyll. Found in air, H2O, and organisms.
A type of moneran found in H2O or soil. Produce oxygen in H20 and air.
blue-green algae
_______ tubes carry water and nutrients from the stem to leaves of a plant. _____ tubes carry sugars from the leaves to the stem of a plant.
Xylem; Phloem
List the four steps of photosynthesis
1) Xylem tubes carry nutrients from stem to leaves
2) Sunlight shines on leaves and is trapped by chloroplasts
3) air combines with energy stored in chloroplasts to produce sugars
4) sugars travel down phloem tubes to the stem where they are stored to grow and do work
______ is a type of asexual reproduction which involves splitting. This can be found in monerans and some protists.
______ is a type of asexual reproduction in which single cells drop off a parent, which becomes a new organism with food and water. This occurs in ___, __, and ___.
Spores; mildew, mold, mushrooms
________ occurs in yeast and is a type of asexual reproduction in which buds form on a cell and then break off to form a new cell.
_____ is a type of asexual reproduction found in larger plants and animals.
________ is a type of regeneration where a piece of a plant is put in moisture and forms a new plant.
Sexual reproduction in mosses and ferns occurs when special cells called ______ from males and females join to form a fertilized egg.
____ are naked seeds such as confiers.
_____ are covered seeds, such as those in fruits (the fruit is the covering).
The ____ of a flower is the male reproductive organ with pollen grains which containing male gametes.
The _______ of a flower is the tube leading to the ovary.
Insects, attracted by the __ of a flower, carry pollen from the ______ to the _____.
petals; stamen; pistil
Three steps of flower fertilization
1) Pollination: movement of pollen from stamen to pistil
2) Tube grows from pollen grain down to pistil and into ovule
3) Fertilization: gamete joins egg cell in ovule (newly formed seed)
The ______ of a seed contains food until the embryo can makes its own.
The ____ of a seed protects and moisturizes the seed.
seed coat
The ____ of a seed uses stored food until it grows roots to form a new plant.
_____ is the process in which an embryo grows roots and becomes a new plant.
In animals, ______ is when a sperm and egg join outside of a parent. _______ is when they join inside a parent.
Extrenal fertilization; internal fertilization
The egg goes from __ to _ to ___ to become a newborn.
zygote; embryo; fetus
The ____ is a fertilized egg which travels down a tube from the ovary to the uterus.
The ______ is a developing organism attached to the uterus.
The ____ is an embryo in the later stages of development.

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