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Mass Communication Exam 3


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Small Town Pastoralism
Tend to favor small-town news over the city
Propaganda Analysis
How does it change public opinion?
Generally been argued that obscenity doesn't constitute a legit form of expression
Communist or State Model
Government controls press; some government criticism allowed
Rating Movie Content
PG-13 came about after an Indiana Jones movie was released; NC-17 came about when the movie Henry and June was released
Public needs guidance, role of the press is to serve the government
Prior Restraint
Over time the US has defined censorship prior restraint; courts and government is not allowed to do this
Pentagon Papers
ex-Defense department employee leaked study to NY Times & Washington Post; Nixon admin. Tried to get a temporary restraining order; Verdict- news must be free to publish, no matter the source
Senator Joseph McCarthy
"Red Channels" brought Cold War blacklisting to the radio & TV industry
Cultivation Effect
Heavy viewing of TV leads people to perceive reality in the way its shown on TV; fear of crime is skewed from what people see on TV
Public Opinion Research
How the mass media filter information and shape public attitudes; heavily used in political elections
Libertarian Model
Vigorous government criticism; highest degree of freedom of speech
Public Journalism
Trying to actively involve readers in the paper to re-engage citizens
Motion Picture Production Code (MPPC)
During the Great Depression the movie industry came up with a moral code
Spiral of Silence
People who aren't with the majority of the opinion, made by the media, stay silent because they are scared to voice their opinions
Communications Act of 1934
Broadcasters must operate in "the public interest, convenience and necessity"; FCC- regulates interstate and international communications
Progressive Magazine
An article was going to be published but then it was actually stopped from being published
When mass media pay attention to certain events, they set the major topics of discussion for society & individuals
Richard Jewell
1996 Olympic Park bombing suspect; media camped out on his lawn for nine weeks; he was never charged
Appropriating an artist's or writer's words without consent
Films & the 1st Amendment
When the 1st amendment was written films didn't exist, so as movies became more popular more people wanted to censor them
Absolutist Ethics
We are a moral society with laws and everyone should stick to them in any situation
Equal Opportunity
Broadcaster stations must provide equal opportunities and response time for political comrades; exemptions for news events
Qualities of News
timeliness, proximity, conflict, prominence, human interest, usefulness, unusualness
Uses and Gratifications
Contests notion that audience is passive; studies how and why we use the media
The First Amendment
Free speech
Right to Privacy
Protects peace of mind, right to be left alone; intrusion is the unauthorized use of recording devices; publication of private matters
Responsible Capitalism
Tend to "go easy" on big businesses
Minimal-Effects Model
People engage in selective exposure and selective retention with regard to the media; we seek out what is familiar to us
False, bad written information about someone
Gotcha Stories
News reports in which journalists nab evildoers or interview subjects who were caught in an act of deception
Hypodermic Needle Theory
Powerful media attacks weak audience; media as magic bullet; discounted by War of the Worlds radio broadcast in 1938
Neutrality (techniques)
Inverted pyramid, attribution to sources, minimal use of adjectives & adverbs, 3rd person
Differences Between TV News & Print
TV is driven by technology, if you've got the toys use them; TV credibility comes from live, on-the-spot reporting; powerful images; people make the story
Government may not engage in prior restraint or interfere with radio programs BUT can be punished after the fact; Janet Jackson on MTV
Integrity Problems
Stephen Glass, Jayson Blair, and Janet Cook
Investigative Journalism
Food Lion case, ABC sent two producers to work at Food Lion stores in 1989 to investigate claims of unsanitary conditions & Food Lion sued ABC
Social Learning Theory
A theory within media effects research that suggests a link between mass media and behavior
Conflict of Interest
When journalists could benefit from a story through gifts, free tickets, etc.
Social Psychology Studies
Measures individual behavior and cognition; Payne Fund studies during 20's linked frequent movie attendance to juvenile delinquency
Invasion of Privacy
IP vs public's right to know; what public good will be gained through exploitation of other people's tragedies
When other countries are written about journalists tend to judge them on how they live
Social Responsibility
4th estate, unofficial branch of government to monitor other branches and abuses of power
Fairness Doctrine
Required stations to air and engage in controversial issue programs that affected their communities; ended in 1987
Situational Ethics
Will a greater good be served?
Criticism of TV News
Pretty faces vs. quality reporting; if it bleeds, it leads; obsession with celebrities
Defenses for Libel
Truth; individual must prove it was false; public figure must prove malice; qualified privilege- in court if someone says something false and it is published it is protected because it is public information

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