undefined, object
copy deck
- stilted
- not natural or relaxed; too formal: . Cứng nhắc, không tự nhiên, giả tạo. affected, artificial, awkward, bombastic, flowery, formal, grandiloquent, grandiose, highflown, pompous, prim, stiff, stuffy, unnatural, wooden
- distend
- swell from or as if from internal pressure. Sưng to ,sưng phồng
- scrappy
- quarrelsome; contentious; Full of fighting spirit. Chắp vá, rời rạc. Thích cãi cọ, gây gổ
- exude
- make apparent by one's mood or behaviour. Rỉ.ứa
- benison
- Blessing.
- proviso
- a condition that must be accepted before an agreement can be made.Điều khoản,điều quy định
- don
- to put clothes, etc. on: Mặc quần áo
- boo
- to show that you do not like a person, performance, idea, etc. by shouting 'boo':
- prostrate
- lying on the ground and facing downwards:. Quỳ phục
- slant
- (v)to present information from a particular point of view, especially in an unfair way: Nghiêng về 1 phía, không thẳng. Xuyên tạc.angle, aside, band, bank, bevel, bias, decline, diagonal, distort, glance, grade, incline, lean, opinion, pitch, point, prejudice, sideways, skew, slope, tilt, tip, turn, veer, view, viewpoint, virgule
- astringent
- critical in a harsh or clever way .slightly bitter but fresh:Làm se. Chặt chẽ, khiêm khắc, khắc khổ
- narrative
- a description of events, especially in a novel Chuyện kể, bài tường thuật
- maverick
- a person who does not behave or think like everyone else, but who has independent, unusual opinions:
- resentment
- a feeling of anger or unhappiness about sth that you think is unfair: .Sự oán giận
- eviscerate
- remove the contents of
- demise
- the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc. death:
- semblance
- a situation in which sth seems to exist although this may not, in fact, be the case: . Có vẻ bề ngoài
- stipple
- to paint or draw sth using small dots or marks:. Sơn,vẽ,chạm,khắc
- chisel
- a tool with a sharp flat edge at the end, used for shaping wood, stone or metal.Cái đục, chạm, trổ
- enamel
- a substance that is melted onto metal, pots, etc. and forms a hard shiny surface to protect or decorate them; an object made from enamel: .Lớp men
- palpable
- that is easily noticed by the mind or the senses. Có thể sờ mó,cảm thẩy được. apparent, blatant, certain, clear, concrete, discernible, distinct, evident, manifest, material, noticeable, obvious, ostensible, patent, perceptible, plain, real, recognizable, tactile, tangible
- lingering
- slow to end or disappear:
- perpetual
- continuing for a long period of time without interruption . Liên miên, liên tiếp
- renounce
- To give up a right to, abandon, reject. abandon, abdicate, abjure, abnegate, abrogate, apostatize, cease, defect, deny, desert, disavow, discard, disclaim, disown, forego, forgo, forsake, forswear, give up, quit, recant, redo, reject, relinquish, repudiate, rescind, retract, waive
- tenacity
- firmness; persistence
- impassioned
- showing strong feelings about sth
- unilateral
- involving only one part or side. Đơn phương
- smattering
- a small amount of sth, especially knowledge of a language:
- discord
- lack of agreement or harmony. Sự bất hòa,xích mích, nghịch tai
- flinch
- to draw back, as from surprise, pain, or something unpleasant or difficult. Chùn bước,nao núng, do dự. avoid, blench, blink, cower, cringe, feign, quaver, recoil, retreat, shrink, shudder, start, wince, withdraw
- pilfer
- to steal things of little value or in small quantities, especially from the place where you work:. Chôm chỉa,ăn cắp vặt. filch, finger, hook, loot, pillage, purloin, rob, snitch, steal, swipe, take, thieve
- dire
- desperate, grievous, serious. Thảm khốc, kinh khủng, khốc liệt
- colossus
- someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful. Tượng khổng lồ,người khổng lồ
- torrent
- a large amount of sth that comes suddenly and violently:
- fluke
- a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident, not because of planning or skill. accident, blade, blessing, fish, flounder, oddity, quirk, trematode
- grit
- very small pieces of stone or sand:, the courage and determination that makes it possible for sb to continue doing sth difficult or unpleasant . Tính bạo dạn,gan góc
- withering
- intended to make sb feel silly or ashamed. Khinh thường
- impiety
- (n.) irreverence toward God; lack of respect. Sự không tín ngưỡng, bất kính
- recreancy
- cowardice, a cowardly giving up. Nhát gan, hèn nhát
- wastrel
- a lazy person who spends their time and/or money in a careless and stupid way. Người lười biếng vô tích sự . Kẻ phóng đãng
- anterior
- front end (head). Ở về phía trước. antecedent, atlantal, before, earlier, foregoing, former, forward, front, preceding, previous, prior
- elite
- superior;top,, selected as the best,persons of the highest class
- maimed
- to wound, injure, cut-off
- calibrate
- To correct/adjust perfectly and precisely
- retreat
- to move away from a place or an enemy because you are in danger or because you have been defeated:
- intriguing
- very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer:. Hấp dẫn, gợi trí tờ mò
- repulsive
- causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant: Ghê tởm, đáng ghét, kinh tởm
- contentious
- likely to cause disagreement between people: ,liking to argue; involving a lot of arguing:
- epilogue
- a speech, etc. at the end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a CONCLUSION to what has happened:
- serfdom
- a member of a servile feudal class bound to the soil and subject to the will of his lord. Chế độ nông nô
- trough
- a long narrow open container for animals to eat or drink from:.Cái máng
- ruminate
- to think deeply about sth . tu+ lu+., tra^`m ngâm suy nghi~, nga^~m nghi~. brainstorm, brood, chew, consider, contemplate, deliberate, masticate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, spew, think
- brocade
- a thick heavy fabric with a raised pattern woven especially from gold or silver silk thread.Vải thêu kim tuyến
- holocaust
- a situation in which many things are destroyed and many people killed, especially because of a war or a fire: Sự hủy diệt hàng loạt
- stump
- the fact of a politician before an election going to different places and trying to get people's supp
- subdued
- unusually quiet, and possibly unhappy: Dịu,khẽ,thờ ơ
- mire
- swampy ground; to sink down. Vấy bùn
- articulate
- to express or explain your thoughts or feelings clearly in words. clear, convey, distinct, eloquent, enunciate, express, fluent, formulated, intelligible, link, pronounce, speak, state, utter, verbal, vocalize
- lush
- growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive; covered in healthy grass and plants. Tươi tốt, sum suê
- corrosive
- tending to destroy sth slowly by chemical action. Gặm mòn, phá hủy dần. abrasive, acerbic, biting, carking, caustic, corroding, destructive, eroding, erosive, fretting, mordant, sarcastic, venomous, vexing
- precipitous
- very steep, high and often dangerous.Dốc đứng,dựng ngược Done very quickly, without enough thought or care:. abrupt, hasty, precipitate, quick, rapid, rash, sheer, steep
- doggo
- to lie still and quiet, so that other people will not notice you . Nằm yên không động đậy
- scourge
- a person or thing that causes trouble or suffering.Điều hiểm họa
- archaic
- very old-fashioned: ,from a much earlier or ancient period of history:. Cổ xưa
- excerpt
- a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole: .Trích dẫn
- slog
- to work hard and steadily at sth, especially sth that takes a long time and is boring or difficult:.drudge, grub, plod, slave
- ambivalent
- having or showing both good and bad feelings about sb/sth
- appropriate
- to take sth, sb's ideas, etc. for your own use, especially illegally or without permission: .Chiếm đoạt làm của riêng
- enthral
- so interesting, beautiful, etc. that you give it all your attention. Làm mê mệt. absorb, captivate, charm, enchant, enrapture, enslave, fascinate, hold, hook, intrigue, mesmerize, spellbind, subjugate, thrill
- wrest
- take by pulling or violent force.Giật mạnh. distort, exact, extort, extract, falsify, force, garble, misconstrue, pervert, rend, seize, snatch, squeeze, take, usurp, wrench, wrestle, wring
- bolster
- to improve sth or make it stronger:
- pertinent
- appropriate to a particular situation: . Thích hợp,đi thẳng vào vấn đề
- corollary
- a situation, an argument or a fact that is the natural and direct result of another one: Kết quả tất yếu
- libidinous
- having or expressing strong sexual feelings Dâm đãng
- progenitor
- a person or a thing from which sb/sth develops or is produced . Tổ tiên,người khởi xướng
- heckler
- person who verbally harasses others; V. heckle: verbally harass as with gibes (by interrupting a speaker or speech)
- sermon
- a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service . Bài giảng đạo, thuyết giáo
- etch
- to cut lines into a piece of glass, metal etc. in order to make words or a picture:. to make a strong clear mark or pattern on sth:.Khắc. carve, draw, eat, engrave, impress, imprint, inscribe, portray, stamp
- gulf
- a large difference between two people or groups in the way that they think, live or feel:
- gaffe
- a mistake that a person makes in public or in a social situation, especially sth embarrassing
- reconnaissance
- the activity of getting information about an area for military purposes, using soldiers, planes, etc . Trinh sát, do thám
- lusty
- healthy and strong . Mạnh mẽ, cường tráng
- extol
- to praise sb/sth very much: Tán dương,ca tụng. applaud, approbate, bless, celebrate, commend, compliment, deify, enhance, enshrine, eulogize, exalt, glorify, laud, magnify, panegyrize, praise, spiritualize, worship
- gourmand
- a person who enjoys eating and eats large amounts of food
- glutinous
- sticky:
- crass
- very stupid and showing no sympathy or understanding:. Đần độn, thô bỉ
- pusillanimous
- frightened to take risks . Nhát gan, rụt rè, nhu nhược
- cling
- to hold on tightly to sb/sth:. adhere, cleave, cohere, stick
- sear
- to burn the surface of sth in a way that is sudden and powerful. to cause sb to feel sudden and great pain:
- aloft
- high in the air: . Cao,ở trên cao
- unfathomable
- too strange or difficult to be understood: . Không thể hiểu được
- wily
- clever at getting what you want, and willing to trick people . Xảo trá,quỷ quyệt
- rueful
- feeling or showing that you are sad or sorry:.Buồn bã,rầu rĩ,phiền muộn
- intransigence
- unwillingness to compromise, stubbornness, intractability
- sparse
- only present in small amounts or numbers and often spread over a large area: . Rải rác.dispersed, inadequate, infrequent, innumerous, meager, occasional, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, skimpy, spare, sporadic, thin, uncrowded
- temperate
- behaving in a calm and controlled way. Cư xử chừng mực
- metamorphosis
- a process in which sb/sth changes completely into sth different:
- deference
- Respectful submission or yielding, as to another's opinion, wishes, or judgment..Sự chiều theo,tôn kính
- demarcate
- to mark or establish the limits of sth. Phân ranh giới
- callous
- not caring about other people's feelings or suffering: .Chai, cứng. Nhẫn tâm
- snob
- a person who thinks they are much better than other people because they are intelligent or like things that many people do not like:
- tautology
- a statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words, when this is unnecessary
- irresolute
- not able to decide what to do . Do dự phân vân lương lự.double-minded, doubtful, fickle, fluctuating, hesitant, inconstant, indecisive, infirm, tentative, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, unsure, vacillating, waffling, wavering, wishy-washy
- tepid
- slightly warm, sometimes in a way that is not pleasant . Lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm; halfhearted.Âm Ấm. Nhạt nhẽo,lãnh đạm
- mounting
- increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses anxiety. Sự trèo, tăng lên
- reticent
- unwilling to tell people about things:cc. Kín đáo,dè dặt,trầm lặng,ít nói. discreet, dumb, laconic, quiet, reluctant, reserved, restrained, retiring, secret, secretive, silent, speechless, subdued, taciturn, uncommunicative, unwilling, withdrawn
- parlance
- a particular way of using words or expressing yourself, for example one used by a particular group:.Cách nói
- plight
- a difficult and sad situation. Hoàn cảnh khó khăn
- proclaim
- to publicly and officially tell people about sth important
- ironclad
- adj. armored, protected by an iron covering; hard, tough
- blunder
- a stupid or careless mistake:. Điều sai lầm,ngớ ngẩn
- nominal
- being sth in name only, and not in reality: Chỉ có danh. Nhỏ bé, không đáng kể
- impediment
- something that delays or stops the progress of sth . Sự trở ngại, ngăn trở
- benefactor
- a person who gives money or other help to a person or an organization such as a school or charity: Người làm việc thiện
- demure
- behaving in a way that does not attract attention to herself or her body; quiet and serious: c, modest and reserved in manner or behavior. Nghiêm trang,từ tốn,kín đáo
- ingenuity
- he ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new ways:
- amputate
- to cut off sb's arm, leg or finger in a medical operation:
- mercurial
- often changing or reacting in a way that is unexpected: . Hay thay đổi, không kiên định.changeable, erratic, fantastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile, whimsical
- anticipate
- to expect sth. Mong đợi
- punitive
- intended as punishment:. Nhằm trừng phạt.avenging, disciplinary, penal, punishing, revengeful, vindicatory, vindictive
- ennui
- feelings of being bored and not satisfied because nothing interesting is happening . Sự buồn chán, chán nản
- contravene
- go against, as of rules and laws. Mâu thuẫn, trái ngược, đi ngược lại
- shepherd
- to guide sb or a group of people somewhere, making sure they go where you want them to go: . Dẫn đường
- intimate
- having a close and friendly relationship:
- advocate
- to support sth publicly
- perish
- to die, especially in a sudden violent way:
- prudent
- sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks: Thận trọng, cẩn thận
- poultice
- a soft substance spread on a cloth, sometimes heated, and put on the skin to reduce pain or swelling: Thuốc đắp
- ashes
- the powder that is left after a dead person's body has been . Tro
- flirtatious
- inclined to flirt, be romantic,behaving in a way that shows a sexual attraction to sb that is not serious:.coquettish, coy, flirty
- congeal
- to become thick or solid: Làm đông lại
- turquoise
- a blue or greenish-blue precious stone:. Ngọc lam
- exalt
- to make sb rise to a higher rank or position, , to praise sb/sth very much. Đề cao,tâng bốc, tán tụng. tán dương:
- rancorous
- showing deep-seated resentment. Thù oán
- jettison
- to throw sth out of a moving plane or ship to make it lighter .Rũ bỏ,vứt bỏ. abandon, discard, dump, eject, eliminate, hurl, scrap, shed, unload
- tout
- to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it:
- felicitous
- chosen well; very suitable; giving a good result:.Rất thích hợp,khéo léo. apt, becoming, befitting, correct, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-mad
- ranting
- complaining; speaking wildly, violently, or noisily
- gorge
- a narrow pass (especially one between mountains). Hẻm núi,đèo
- protuberance
- a round part that sticks out from a surface: Sự phồng lên,chỗ nhô lên
- plodding
- hard monotonous routine work
- cantankerous
- bad-tempered and always complaining: . Khó tính,hay gắt gỏng
- outrageous
- very shocking and unacceptable . Xúc phạm, tổn thương, tàn bạo
- bereft
- completely lacking sth; having lost sth:
- plethora
- an amount that is greater than is needed or can be use
- ridicule
- to make sb/sth look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way . Chế nhạo. absurd, ape, banter, belittle, burlesque, caricature, debunk, deflate, deride, farce, jeer, lampoon, mimic, mock, parody, pastiche, pillory, rally, roast, satire, satirize, scoff, scout, skit, spoof, squib, stultify, taunt, travesty, twit
- preclude
- to prevent sth from happening or sb from doing sth; to make sth impossible:
- pastiche
- a work of art, piece of writing, etc. that is created by deliberately copying
- denounce
- to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc