undefined, object
copy deck
- ready
- prepared mentally or physically, prepared for immediate use, willingly disposed:INCLINED, likely to do something indicated, QUICK
- wholly
- Full, Entire, Completely, Solely
- Vegetarian
- HERBIVORE: lives on plants and fruits, eats no meat
- temporary
- lasting for a limited time, Not permanent
- pageant
- a mere show, display, Beauty show, Exhibition, Pretense
- nationality
- a people having a common origin, tradition, and language constituting a nation-state, an ethnic group
- illusion
- the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled:Misapprehension, Deception, Mislead, misinterpretation, Hallucination, Delusion
- decameter
- a line of verse consisting of 10 metrical feet;unit of measure of length
- Gladden
- to make someone happy, to be gleeful, joyous
- landholder
- owner of the land
- ego
- the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world, SELF-ESTEEM
- imitation
- to produce a copy of: Reproduce, Mimic, Counterfeit, to follow as a pattern, model, or example, to be or appear like : Resemble
- scribble
- to write hastily or carelessly, inlegible writings, worthless writings or drawings
- earthenware
- ceramic ware made of slightly porous opaque clay fired at low heat
- machinery
- the means or system by which something is kept in action
- baffle
- to be confusing or puzzling:disconcert, to become frustrated, a device to deflect, check, or regulate
- beneficial
- conducive (helpful), receiving or entitling one to receive advantage
- eccentricity
- Odd, Strange, whimsical, deviation from an established pattern or normal behavior
- Obstruction
- Impede, Hinder, Obstacle, a condition of being clogged or blocked, to be cut off
- writing
- INSCRIPTION, Penmanship, Authorship, notice used to communicate, forming visible letters or characters, literary or musical composition
- pacify
- to allay the anger or agitation of: SOOTHE, APPEASE, PROPITIATE, PLACATE, MOLLIFY, to restore to a tranquil state: SETTLE, CONCILIATE, to reduce to a submissive state:SUBDUE
- *Kingling
- royal like a king
- palate
- the roof of the mouth, a usually intellectual taste or liking, the sense of taste
- vacate
- to make legally void: ANNUL, to give up the occupancy of something
- Judgment
- Discernment, a formal authoritative opinion:decision given by a court, divine sentence, form an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing, an opinion or estimate so formed
- Quantity
- an amount or number, total amount of, something measurable in terms of greater, less, or equal: increasing or decreasing magnitude, the subject of a mathematical operation
- unbiased
- free from prejudice and favoritism : eminently fair, to be Just
- illogical
- devoid of logic: Senseless, Nonsense, not making any sense, Foolish, Stupid, Meaningless
- narrative
- to tell a story or account for something, representation of a event or a story thru artwork
- illuminant
- to enlighten spiritually or intellectually, to supply or brighten with light, to make luminous or shining , to make clear : Elucidate, to bring to the fore: Highlight, to make illustrious or resplendent, to decorate with gold or silver or brilliant colors
- palatable
- agreeable taste, acceptable to the mind : APPETIZING , SAVORY , TASTY , TOOTHSOME
- OmniVore
- eats both plants and meat
- fatal
- Deadly, causing death,binging ruin, causing failure, very important, grave
- grave
- to carve or shape with a chisel:Scpult, Engrave, to impress or fix (as a thought) deeply: Somber, a burial place, Serious, Important, of great harm or danger, Considerable, serious demeanor, low-pitched in sound, an accent mark having the form of `
- Carnivore
- eats only meat
- *readjust
- adjust anew
- aborigines
- a member of any of the indigenous peoples of Australia, native people of a country or a region
- Juicy
- having much juice: Succulent, rewarding or profitable especially financially: Fat, rich in interest: Colorful, Sensational, Racy, full of vitality: Lusty
- habitant
- Inhabitant, Resident, a settler or descendant of a region
- hallucination
- perception of objects with no reality (response to drugs), an unfounded or mistaken impression or notion: Delusion, illusion
- Abandon
- DESERT, fORSAKE, RELINQUISH , to give up control, to withdraw, to give over unrestrainedly, yield, Enthusiasm, Excuberance, to cease
- magnificence
- Grand, splendor (Splendid), Great, Exalted, Grandeur, Very Impressive, Stately
- *rearrange
- put into a new order or arrangement
- Knight errant
- a knight traveling in search of adventures in which to exhibit military skill, prowess, and generosity
- taxation
- to impose someone to pay, revenue, amount assessed
- landlord
- Innkeeper, the owner of property (as land, houses, or apartments) that is leased or rented to another
- scholastic
- a learned person: PEDANTIC, Formalist (ostentatiously learned), an academic person
- ladle
- a deep-bowled long-handled spoon used for dipping up liquids
- illuminate
- to enlighten spiritually or intellectually, to supply or brighten with light, to make luminous or shining , to make clear : Elucidate, to bring to the fore: Highlight, to make illustrious or resplendent, to decorate with gold or silver or brilliant colors
- calorie
- a unit to express heat-producing or energy-producing value in food, Equal to 4.19 joules
- tendency
- AIM, Purposeful TREND, DRIFT, Current, direction or approach toward a place, object, effect, or limit, a proneness to a some thought or action
- Aback
- by surprise, Unawares, backward or back, in a position to catch the wind upon the forward surface (as of a sail)
- deceive
- mislead, delude, beguile, to give false impressions
- Variation
- Change, Diveregence, Declination, measure of changethings that change (varies, divergence)
- edible
- fit to be eaten, eatable
- savage
- not domesticated, UNTAMED, lacking restraints: FIERCE, FEROCIOUS, WILD, UNCULTIVATED, PRIMITIVE, BOORISH, RUDE, MALICIOUS, Brutal, lacking complex or advanced culture : UNCIVILIZED, or unmannerly person
- deadlock
- uncompromising situation, standstill, a tie score
- deciliter
- unit of measure for volume
- Puja
- worship
- scholarly
- reaction
- resistance or opposition to a force, influence, or movement, a response to some treatment, situation, or stimulus heightened activity and overaction, a mental or emotional disorder, the force that a body is subjected to, chemical transformation or change
- nativity
- the process or circumstances of being born: birth, the place of origin
- decency
- Propriety, conformity to standards of taste, or quality, proper standard
- magnet
- Lodestone (a mass of iron, steel, or alloy that attracts something)
- maharaja
- a Hindu prince ranking above a raja (King)
- imitator
- to follow as a pattern, model, or example, to be or appear like : Resemble, to produce a copy of: Reproduce, Mimic, Counterfeit
- immature
- Childish, Crude, Unfinished, Immature, lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development
- Observant
- paying strict attention: Watchful, keen, Perceptive, careful in following (as rites, laws, or customs): Mindful
- tempt
- to entice to do wrong by promise, to try presumptuously: PROVOKE, to risk the dangers of, to induce to do something—LURE, BAIT
- scoundrel
- a disreputable person:RASCAL, a mean, unprincipled, or dishonest person, a mischievous person
- impatience
- restless or short of temper, Intolerant, eagerly desirous: Anxious
- unconscious
- not knowing or perceiving:not aware, not possessing mind, thought, sensation or feeling
- lactation
- to secrete milk
- kilowatt
- 1000 watts (unit of work or energy)
- generate
- Procreate, Beget, Produce, to bring into existence, to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind), to define or originate
- immune
- Free or Exempt from something, marked by protection, not susceptible or responsive, resistance to disease,having antbodies
- tempter
- to entice to do wrong by promise, to try presumptuously: PROVOKE, to risk the dangers of, to induce to do something—LURE, BAIT
- underhanded
- marked by secrecy, chicanery, and deception:not honest and aboveboard: SLY, SECRET
- hard
- hearted-lacking in sympathetic understanding: Unfeeling, Pitiless, Merciless
- cereal
- relating to grain or to the plants, made of grain, breakfast stuff
- Junction
- an act of joining, a place or point of meeting, an intersection of roads especially where one terminates
- cabinet
- a case or cupboard usually having doors and shelves, a collection of specimens especially of biological interest, advisers to the ministers or the president
- Occurrence
- Event, Incident, Episode, Circumstance, Happen, Appear: to be found or met with, to come into existence, to come to mind,
- habitual
- Customary, Usual, resorted to on a regular basis, inherent in an individual
- laddie
- a young lad (boy)
- Kind
- hearted-having or showing a sympathetic nature
- fanatic
- marked by excessive enthusiasm and devotion
- pujari
- priest of the temple
- unaffected
- not influenced or changed, free from affectation: GENUINE
- generally
- Usually, Overall, in disregard of specific instances and with regard to an overall picture
- abrupt
- Precipitate, Steep, sudden change without preparation or warning, unexcepted, unceremoniously curt, lacking smoothness or continuity, cut or broken off, sudden steep rise or drop, break Off
- machinist
- Craftsman, or a worker who works, assembles or repairs tools
- faculty
- power to do something, acquired ability to act or do, ;an inherent (in-built) capability, any of the powers of the mind, natural aptitude (gift), a branch of teaching or teachers, professors
- Octagon
- a polygon of eight angles and eight sides
- centiliter
- unit to measure volume
- Oasis
- a fertile or green area in an arid region (as a desert), something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast
- immense
- marked by greatness especially in size or degree;Huge, Enormous, very large and great, Very good (excellent)
- bait
- Badger, Tease, Entice, Lure, Tempt, to harass, malicious attacks, to give food and drink to (an animal) to catch, HECKLE, HECTOR, CHIVY, HOUND
- waver
- Hesitate, fluctuate, Swing, Falter, to vacillate irresolutely between choices, to weave or sway unsteadily to and from : REEL, TOTTER, QUIVER, FLICKER, to give an unsteady sound:QUAVER
- vacuum
- emptiness of space, a space absolutely devoid of matter:VOID, a state of isolation from outside influences, a device for cleaning by taking in or by suction
- centimeter
- unit to measure length (100 cm = 1 meter)
- able Bodied
- having a sound strong body
- guru
- someone who is good in that particular field-MASTER of something
- haughty
- blatantly and disdainfully proud, arrogant
- uncommon
- Glimpse
- to look briefly,a fleeting view or look
- fancier
- one that has a special liking or interest,excellence, not plain: Ornamental, Swanky, Posh, Whimsical, Impressive, Extravagant, Skillful, Styleful, parti-color
- valorous
- bravery, Bold, COURAGEOUS, carried out with determination : HEROIC, VALIANT
- faulty
- defect, imperfect, Mistake, Failing, Wrongdoing
- effective
- producing a decided, decisive, or desired result, IMPRESSIVE, STRIKING, ready for service or action, actual, operative, effectual, efficient, efficacious
- Jargon
- confused unintelligible, strange, outlandish, or barbarous language or dialect, obscure language, Twitter or warble
- packet
- a small bundle or parcel, cluster or mass, Pay envelope, salary, paycheck, a considerable amount, a passenger boat usually carrying mail, a pack of cigarettes, short fixed-length section of data that is transmitted as a unit
- Judiciary
- a system of courts of law, the judges of these courts, a branch of the govt.
- bark
- loud cry of a dog, to speak in a curt loud tone:SNAP, the tough exterior covering of a tree, to rub off or abrade the skin of, a small sailing ship or a craft propelled by sails or oars, a candy containing chocolate and nuts that is made in a sheet and broken into pieces
- benefit
- Advantageous, Help, useful aid, to profit, something that promotes well-being, a payment for a service, an entertainment or social event to raise funds for a person or cause
- kingship
- the position, office, or dignity of a king, government by a king
- narrate
- to tell (as a story) in detail, to provide spoken commentary for (as a movie or television show)
- nameless
- Anonymous, Obscure, Undistinguished, Illegitimate: having no legal right to a name, Unnamed, Indefinable, too repulsive or distressing to describe
- reassure
- to assure anew, to restore to confidence, REINSURE