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Psych Final Exam

a bunch of everything


undefined, object
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classical conditioning
associating two events or things and you anticipate these things happen together, co-occuring, coined by Pavlov (dogs and salivation to food)
learned neg attitude toward a target object or group of ppl
methodical, logical rule or procedure that garantees solving a problem, takes a long time
brain;s capacity for modification after insult
ind. variable
the conndition/event manipulates/varies to see if there's an impact on another variable
short-term stress
improves memory
learning theory
we learn language bc we are rewarded when we do
case study
method used in psych research, learn alot can study rare poeple, observe one indiv closely, BUT not representative of most ppl
the junction between two neurons (axon-to-dendrite) or between a neuron and a muscle
seperated monozygotic twins
best way to study roles of genes and environment in development
three processes needed for memory
encoding, storage, retrieval
catharsis hypothesis
releasing aggresive energy relieves aggressive urges and dec the liklihood that youll act aggressively in the future
negative reinforcement
inc liklihood that you'll repeat the behavior by removing something negative, chores
long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron
positive reinforcement
inc liklihood that you'll repeat the behavior by presenting a reward, allowance
devient, distressful, dysfunctional
in order to diagnose thought and behaviors as disorders they need to be
measures relationship btw two variables
sevant syndrome suggests
that intelligence is actually multiple distinct abilities
drives for survival, thirst, hunger, sexual drives, body temp, pleasurable feelings, Rhodes and Milner experiment with rodents and lever
experimental research
manipulate a variable to see cause and effect
myths about psych disorders
once someone has a disorder they always will, ppl with disorders are dangerous and mentally insane, they are rare (44% have them)
identify at risk children and get them the help they need
Alfred Binet's int test was originally made to
anxiety disorders
class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety
naturalistic observation
method used in psych research, unobstrusively observe BUT cannot examine causality and time consuming
anxiety disorder marked by a persistant irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object/situation, 7.8% of Americans suffer
conditioned stimulus
tone, neutral/irrevelent stimulus that becomes associated with US and begins to elicit the same response
general adaption syndrome
GAS, body's adaptive response to stress
mental retardation
score of 70 or below and functional impairment on bell curve
sleep walking, stage four of sleep, ppl are unaware
when someone learns something then forgets it, then learns it in a smaller amount of time, the amount of time differences
long-term stress
damamges brain, hinders memory
reoccuring problems falling or staying asleep
relatively permanent change in behavior based primarily on exposure to environment
factors to consider when evaluating psych research
the size and importance of of the effect, placebo effect, the sample being represented, consider if the findings have been replicated
nativist theory
noam chomsky, argues that we have a language aquistion device that switches on and allows us to learn language
history of psych
came from physiology and philosophy, sacrates, plato, aristottle=are soul, mind and thoughts seperate or part of the body, 1879, leipzig, germany Wundt and reaction times
unconditioned response
salivaton, occurs naturally to US
developmental psych
age related changes and applications of the resulting scientific knowledge
clinical psych
Phd or PsyD
social interaction in which one suggests to another that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts and behaviors will spontaneously occur, the power of suggestion
critical thinking
based on reason and logic
split with reality
quasi-experimental research
cannot prove causality, dont manipulate variable
exposure therapy
behavioral techniques that treat anxieties by exposing them to things they fear/avoid, systematic and flood
process of neural communication
electrochemical process (electrical and chemical), electricity travels along the neuron, space btw other neuron, spits out siganls to other neuron
myths about alcolhol disorder
abstinence is the only cure, treatment is needed
cerebral cortex
all lobes
visual info processed
observations made in a society, ex: heart rate suring a movie
processing color vision
step one: trichromatic process, sensory receptors fire to certain colors (red, green and blue) info gets to the brain, step 2: opponent process, polar opposites work together, cells in brain work as opposites
emotional intelligence
ability to perceive, understand, manage and use emotions
put info infront of you, you say which is right, mult choice ?'s
observational learning
A learning methord in which we observe and imitate others.
discriminating pitch and sound
factor one: frequency or how often our sensory receptors fire in the ear AND what or where these cells are located in the ear (place theory)
cognative psych
the study of mental activities or thought processes related to attention, learning, intelligence, problem solving, decision making, language, and memory
rt temporal lobe, a-ha moment, sudden realization of the solution
fluid intelligence
reasoning ability (process new info) decreases sharply from early adulthood on
dependent variable
the variable that is thought to be affected by the ind. variable
solomon asch
lines and influence of conformity
planning, attention, regulating emotion and impulses
an event that decreases the behavior that it follows
three storehouses of memory
sensory(lil info, lil amount of time), working/short term memory (a few seconds of storage, 7 plus or minus 2 to remember at any given time says miller) long-term (limitless, info in for life)
mood disorders
caused by biololgical (family), psychological (gender or pesimism), social-cultural (trauma)
concious repitition of info
anyone/anything whose behaviors are systematically observed in research
touch, movements, and sense of space
gestalt psych
emphasis is your perception of the world is more than simply adding all that we sense/detect in our environment
sensory relay station, touch, hearing, vision, NOT smell, tells sensory info where to go in the brain
social cognition
process through which ppl select, interpret and remember social information
trial and error
haphazardly trying possible solutions and discarding those that are in error until one works
process of forcing tramatic/stressful producing experiences from memory, defense mechanism, coined by signund freud
short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron
psychoanalytic perspective
created by sig freud, importance of the unconcious and drives shape personality
two schools of thought
structuralism-ways ppl think about things, how these thought processes relate AND functionalism-adaptive value of our processes, what function do processes serve?
chemical messengers released by axon
sensory experiences that occur w/o sensory stimulations
polygraph test
device that records several indicators of automatic ns reactivity while a subject is questioned, heart rate, respiration rate and GSR/sweat
features that make psych a science
systematic empiriscism (critical thinking), falsifyability (hypothesis must be able to be proved wrong), publically available knowledge
production and comprehension of speech, when damaged ppl experience aphasia
simple thinking strategy allowing efficient judhement and problem solving, rule of thumb, quick, doesnt garantee a correct answer
crystallized intelligence
accumulated knowledge (stuff you learned) increases and then levels off
long-term potentiation
biological basis for memory, LPT, requires electrical activity, synapse changes so that those two neurons will fire together
nature and nurture
int is a combo of biological factors and life experiences otherwise known as
research on hypnosis
most effective to manage pain
retrieve info from long-term memory, more difficult type of info, fill in the blank ?'s
factors that influence attraction
proximity, physical attraction, similarity
contemporary psych
scientific study of behavior and mental processes and the application of knowledgen gained from research on these issues to make life better for ppl
uncontrollable sleep attacks, 1 out of 2000 ppl suffer from it
spearman's g
single intellectual factor that underlies all other specific mental abilites, tests-one score shows how int you are, there is a correlation among scores but its doesnt say how successful youll be at life or what kind of person youll be
infantile amnesia
the inability to recall memories or events during infancy
method used in psych research, easy to collect data on things hard ti observe BUT wording affects and theres social desireability
heavily involved in memory
anything being measured or changed in a study
spacing effect
the tendacy of distributed study or practice to yeild better long-term retention than what is achieved through study (cramming)
person perception
process of forming impressions of others
ability to store and retrieve information, Liz Loftus quote-"when recalled memories are reconstructed from a few highlights, using info that may or may not be correct," leads to risk of error
pos or neg evaluations toward objects or thoughts
emotional bonds of affection btw infant and caregiver
intelligence in adulthood
crystallized intelligence is stable and fluid intelligence decreases
alzheimer's disease
progressive irreversable brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration or memory, reasoning, language and physical functioning
subliminal perception
when you detect and interpret sensory info w/o knowing it, however the effect is small and short lived
putting info together into meaningful units, phone number
characterized by unwanted repetative thoughts and or actions, ppl are aware its a problem
unconditioned stimulus
food, event or object, automatically triggers a response, unlearned, innate
behaving differently towards a member of a group
state of awareness of ourselves and our environment
stanford prison experiment
philip zombardo, role playing on behaviors, even good ppl will play the role
almond shaoed, processing emotional information, research with cats and mice, fear and anger
process where we appraise and cope with threats and challenges
stanly milgram
would ppl follow crazy orders from authority figures. 70-80% suggests that obedience to authority is influential
object permanence
awareness that things continue to exist even when they are not perceived
social psych
study of the way indivuduals thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others and situations
operant conditioning
behaviors are influenced by/tied to consequences

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