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first words
around 12 months, children understand words before they are able to say them.
2 word utterance
14-18 months; emergence of syntax
turn-taking, choice of words, what to say to whom and where
zone of proximal development
take requires thinking just above student's level of current mastery. student can learn w/ help from others.
to facilitate languge dev. caregivers can
play language games, read to and with children
piagets sensorimotor substage 6
internalized thought. toddler can solve problems by thinking them thru using mental images.
piagets view on language
launguage is secondary fuction; thinking comes first
vygotskys view
language and thinking is interrelated, one is not more importnat than the other
symbolic pretend play
emerges around 12 months; becomes more complex w/ time; language dev. and thinking
nutritional intervention
maybe most effective intervention for supporting dev. of babies in poverty
family intervention
enhance effective parenting behavior will provide early support for babies dev.
educational intervention
quality programs can enhance intellectual ability
cognitive disability
motor activties, sensory activities, object permance activities, causality activities
speech perception
babies r competent in percieving speech sounds. can distinguish constanant and vowel sounds, intonations, pitch, and loudness

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