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SW Practice Licensure Exam


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The type of information that can be prosecuted under tort law is: (a) confidential information (b) privileged information (c) essential information (d) personal information
According to the DSM-IV, Personality Disorders are generally classified on: (a) Axis I (b) Axis II (c) Axis III (d) Axis IV
If you as a worker believe you can't help a client, the BEST course of action is: (a) disengage from the client (b) consult a colleague (c) obtain the education/skills needed to help the client (d) refer the client to another clinician who can provide the needed service
A female social worker has been treating a male client for several weeks when she realizes that she is attracted to her client. At times, she finds herself wondering what it would be like to be with him outside of the therapy session. She discusses this with her supervisor. Her supervisor's first course of action should be to: (a) find out if this has happened before (b) advise the social worker that this is unethical and a must be stopped at once (c) explore the situation with the social worker (d) refer the client to a different therapist
You would be LEAST likely to recommend family therapy in which of the following circumstances: (a) a child in the family has an eating disorder (b) improvement in one member is likely to cause distress in the other members (c) a couple with 2 children has decided to divorce (d) the 17 year old son needs to separate psychologically from his family
Her husband brings a 40 year old woman to your office. He states that, during the past week, his wife shows no interest in eating, can't sleep, and will not complete her usual tasks. According to the husband, his wife constantly worries about her own health and his health, although both have no physical symptoms. The wife's symptoms are MOST suggestive of which of the following disorders: (a) Schizophrenia (b) Major Depression (c) Munchausen's Disease (d) Bipolar Disorder
According to the work of Albert Bandura and social learning theory, aggressive play in children is generally related to: (a) frustration (b) genetics (c) observational learning (d) natural growth process
Generally in practice, research indicates that social workers generally prefer to work with clients who are: (a) YAVIS - young, active, vicarious, intuitive, strong (b) YAVIS - youths, activities, victims, institutions, students (c) YAVIS - young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, successful (d) YAVIS - young, active, verbal, independent, self-sufficient
According to psychoanalytic theory, incest offenders are found to have experienced: (a) overactive libido (b) sublimated aggression (c) early object loss (d) superego dominance
Which of the following statistical tests is a nonparametric test of significance? (a) analysis of variance (b) t-test (c) Pearson's r (d) chi-square
Which family therapy approach includes the techniques of active participation on the part of the therapist with the family, confrontation, and making use of symptoms? (a) structural (b) paradoxical approach (c) strategic (d) communications
The primary purpose of confrontation is to: (a) demonstrate accurate understanding (b) help a client change her view of a problem (c) make a client aware of inconsistencies (d) provide a client with information to identify alternatives to her present behavior
A clinical social worker asks a young child during an assessment interview, "If I asked your parents what they think of you, what would they say?" The social worker is assessing the child's: (a) dependence on the parents (b) reality testing (c) conscience (d) self-concept
A man, age 30, comes to therapy with a variety of complaints. He says that for 3 years he has been plagued by chronic mood swings. He says that during his "low" periods, he feels bored and tired and during his "high" periods, he has so much energy that he does not know what to do with himself. Through all of this, the man has maintained a good marriage and performed most of his duties at work. The treatment for this client is most likely to involve: (a) cognitive therapy (b) lithium (c) couples behavior therapy with drug treatment (d) family or marital therapy
A client, J, is absent from two consecutive group sessions without contacting the social worker. On J's return to the group at next session, the social worker should: (a) terminate J from the group (b) encourage the group to address J's absences (c) welcome J back to the group (d) ignore J's absences and proceed with the group session
The process of anticipatory socialization is BEST represented by: (a) expectant mothers attending infant care classes (b) day care for preschool children (c) job enrichment programs in industry (d) divorce mediation counseling
According to the theory of ego psychology, projective identification describes the process of: (a) an individual unconsciously attributing and perceiving the behavior of another as a reflection of their own identity (b) linking characteristics of people in your past with people in your present (c) building ego identity in an individual (d) utilizing learning theory to address learned behaviors
Empathic responding entails which of the following: (a) Accurately perceiving a client's overtly expressed feelings and communicating that understanding to the client (b) Accurately perceiving a client's surface and deeper feelings and making connections the client may not otherwise see (c) Accurately perceiving a client's deeper feelings and communicating that understanding in a way that connects her present feelings to her past experiences (d) Accurately perceiving a client's deeper feelings and communicating that understanding in a language congruent with the client's here and now experience
When a client is suspected to have Tourette's disorder, the social worker's first referral should be to: (a) Psychotherapist (b) Neurologist (c) Pathologist (d) Long-term treatment program
Which of the following medications is primarily used to treat psychosis? (a) Haloperidol (Haldol) (b) Fluoxetine hydrocholoride (Prozac) (c) Bupropion (Wellbutrin) (d) Alprazolam (Xanax)
A family is seen in treatment, consisting of a father (age 45, a long distance truck driver), a mother (age 43, housewife), a son (age 22, living at home recovering from alcohol and drug problem), and a daughter (age 15, recently failing in school). The mother has made the appointment because the daughter is refusing to try to pass her subjects in school, and the usual methods of discipline and motivation are not working. From the family therapy perspective in assessing family problems, the therapist would be LEAST likely to: (a) refer to the DSM-IV (b) complete a structured family analysis (c) complete a developmental history on each member (d) have the family complete a family circle/ genogram
According to the DSM-IV criteria, which of the following symptoms is most prevalent in persons with major depressive episode: (a) inflated self-esteem (b) sleep disturbance (c) hallucinations (d) negative view of the future
A social worker has recently accepted a position at a local agency. in reading the agency policy handbook, all the following information can be found EXCEPT: (a) the agency's mission statement (b) agency policy and procedures (c) workload management issues (d) employee recruitment information
J, a 30 year old female, has been diagnosed as suffering from "specific phobia". Which term listed below best describes this condition? (a) avoidance of social contact (b) anxiety about 2 or more life circumstances or events (c) fear of a particular stimulus (d) a generalized fear of the unknown
A client says "I'm not sure if I am ready to start college yet." The social worker responds, "Okay, so you've decided to never go to college." The social worker has made what type of reflection error? (a) Timing (b) Meaning (c) Depth (d) Stereotyping
If a woman admits during a counseling session that she is being abused by her husband, the social worker is obligated to do the following: (a) report the incident to the proper authority with or without client permission (b) report the incident with client permission only (c) assist the woman to become aware of services available to her in regard to the abuse (d) nothing is required of the social worker. It is up to the woman to ask
When discussing a client the social worker has seen in therapy, she correctly refers to the client as "gay". The therapist is speaking about a: (a) male client (b) female client (c) a transsexual female client (d) an unfamiliar lifestyle
Supervisors generally are required to provide a variety of services for those they supervise. Services included generally consist of all the following EXCEPT: (a) education (b) assistance with reinterpretation (c) active problem-solving (d) parental guidance when warranted
An anorexic teen girl has made great progress in an Outpatient treatment facility. Her social worker is informed of the pending discharge home. The social worker is concerned because both of the client's parents exercise and diet rigorously. The best course of action for the social worker is to: (a) release the girl to a halfway house (b) have a family conference to discuss discharge strategy (c) encourage the client to stay with other relatives (d) assist the client in confronting her parents behavior
In a social service agency, the designing of training programs and the implementation of staff development rests with: (a) the support staff (b) the general administration (c) the supervisor (d) the company executive officer
In contrast to a supervisor, a consultant: (a) is of the same profession as the person who hires him (b) is not concerned with the social worker's professional knowledge (c) is not in a position of power over the social worker (d) participates in the implementation of the intervention plan
When counseling a minority group client, the therapist should determine the client's degree of acculturation into the majority culture. According to contemporary models, acculturation is best defined as: (a) a process of adopting the traits of the dominant culture with or without abandoning the traits of one's native culture (b) a process of adopting the traits of the dominant culture without abandoning the traits of one's native culture (c) a process of rebelling against the traits of one's native culture (d) a process of psychosocial and biological adjustment to living in a new cultural environment
A couple present complaining of difficulty with intimacy. The social worker should FIRST ask: (a) what initially interested you in each other (b) how do you usually resolve problems (c) tell me about your sex life before marriage (d) how long have you been married
A client (4 year old male child) is brought in for treatment by his mother (age 24) and father (age 30). The child appears to be having temper outbursts and is enuretic during the day, wetting himself while he is playing with other kids or watching TV. When asked why he does not go to the bathroom, the child has no reply. The parents state that the child's behavior is causing them to argue over the proper way to handle the situation and other several seemingly unrelated issues. The worker suggests that the couple use a procedure called "time out" in handling the child's temper outburst. To complete this method the worker would MOST LIKELY suggest that: (a) the parents not argue in front of the child (b) the parents are to remove the child from what he is busy doing after each outburst and place him in a chair for 4 minutes telling him why he is being placed there and when they will be back (c) the parents punish the child immediately by scolding him (d) the parents isolate the child from other children until he learns to change his behavior
A client has mutually established treatment goals with the social worker and is progressing well in treatment. She announced that she is also in therapy with another social worker. The social worker should: (a) explore with the client why she sees the need to do that (b) tell her that therapy can be less effective when going to two therapists at the same time (c) ask her to contact the other social worker so that you can talk with her (d) discourage her from doing this
Which of the following is the BEST description of social work advocacy? (a) it is achieved through direct intervention and empowerment (b) it is used only in the community setting (c) the client must actively advocate for him/herself (d) it refers to only what the client is able to do for his/herself
If a recipient qualifies for a transfer program, benefits are generally received "in kind". An example of an "in kind" benefit program is: (a) Food Stamps (b) specific cash monies paid directly to recipients (c) Medicare (d) Unemployment Insurance
A social worker is emotionally drawn to a client and begins to think about the possibility of dating the client. The first thing the social worker should do is: (a) terminate with the client (b) be honest and tell the client (c) process these thoughts (d) tell her supervisor
Which of the following statements is true of BOTH supervision and consultation in social work? (a) the focus is on the continual process of resolving problems identified by the consultant or the supervisor (b) the level of responsibility of the consultant and supervisor are the same (c) the final decision making authority rests with the consultant or the supervisor (d) each process is designed to help the social worker deal more effectively with problems or tasks
The most important action for a social worker to take in working with a Black family is for the social worker to: (a) acknowledge differences in ethnic background and discuss family's feelings about the differences early in the relationship (b) provide directions and instructions to effect a change in the family's negotiation with social institutions (c) encourage contact with the extended family as a source of material and emotional support (d) establish contact with members of the family's church in order to assure that a social support system is available
A clinical social worker used the techniques of thought stopping, assertiveness training, and modeling with N, a depressed client. The social worker introduced each of the treatment techniques in order over time with N. which of the following designs should the social worker use in order to compare the effectiveness of each of the techniques in helping N reach the treatment goal? (a) A-B design (b) Multiple Baseline Across Behaviors Design (c) A-B-A-B design (d) With-in Series Design
A social worker has referred a client to a psychologist to have the client assessed for his degree of normal intelligence. As part of the referral process, the social worker is expected to check off the name of the test that is appropriate. Given this situation, which would be the correct test to request for the client? (a) Rorschach (b) TAT (c) SPMSQ (d) WAIS
Of the following, the BEST medication for the treatment of Bipolar Disorder is: (a) Prolixin (b) Valium (c) Lithium (d) Thorazine
An individual with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is NOT LIKELY to display the following characteristics: (a) stinginess (b) indecision (c) perfectionism (d) hallucinations
Prior to the termination of treatment, a client states that his insurance has run out. It is your opinion, as the social worker, that services need to be continued. You should: (a) arrange a sliding fee scale (b) terminate therapy (c) discuss other options for therapy (d) offer a referral to assist the client
A 9 year old boy tells the social worker during a session that he has been sexually abused by a relative. The boy immediately breaks into tears as he fears the social worker will report it. the first response of the worker should be to: (a) calm the child and ask for further clarification of the abusive situation (b) explain to the child that the social worker has no choice and it must be reported immediately (c) tell the child that it is for the best in the long run and he must trust the worker (d) explain the legal requirements and what will probably happen to the child as a result if the abuse is currently going on
Which of the following is NOT true about social worker self-disclosure: (a) high levels are effective because they build trust (b) self-involving statements tend to be more effective than information about your own experiences (c) it often correlates with client self-disclosure (d) moderate levels are most effective for keeping the client in therapy
When addressing mental health conditions, use of the DSM-IV is MOST helpful in the area of: (a) Assessment interpretation (b) Treatment regimes (c) Medication recommendations (d) Treatment planning
In providing feedback to the supervised, the supervisor should include all the following comments about performance EXCEPT: (a) noting how the supervisee's work performance mirrors the supervisor's expectations (b) commending the supervisee on a specific action (c) remarking on the positive performance of a supervisee in front of other agency employees (d) pointing out inappropriate work performance when it occurs
A social worker who uses cognitive-behavioral therapy has been seeing a family once a week for about 6 months. treatment has been successful and the family has met their therapeutic goals. As a cognitive-behavioral therapist, the social worker will most likely start a discussion about terminating treatment by: (a) reviewing the progress made by the family as a whole and each family member (b) asking the clients to express their thoughts about terminating therapy (c) asking the clients to express their feelings about terminating therapy (d) asking the clients to express their thoughts about their experience in therapy
A board of directors made up of representatives from various inner city agencies recently received word that they can open a drug rehabilitation facility in their city. They should FIRST: (a) appoint a chairman of the board (b) hire an executive director (c) find a building (d) get a building permit
A "Z Score" is an example of: (a) a standard score (b) a minimum score (c) a maximum score (d) it is not related to a score in this context
J, a client with a history of suicidal behavior reports the following symptoms to the social worker. Which symptom below would cause the social worker the MOST concern? (a) employment change (b) withdrawal from therapy (c) recurring cases of the "blues" (d) giving away close personal possessions
To diagnose mental retardation, which one of the following is not required: (a) Onset prior to 18 (b) IQ of 70 or less (c) Organic factor contributing to its development (d) Deficits in adaptive and social functioning
A mentally retarded child who is unable to speak is being assessed for placement in a group home. Currently, he lives with his parents who feel they can no longer control him in the home environment. In order to facilitate placement for this client, the BEST course of action for the social worker to initiate is: (a) determine how he has interacted in the home environment (b) determine what tasks he is able to perform for himself (c) see how he responds to non-verbal cues (d) complete a psychosocial history
In the beginning of treatment for divorce adjustment, which of the following worker statements would be LEAST effective in regard to initial problem assessment and identification? (a) Why have you come in to see me? (b) Tell me how you responded when you decided to divorce (c) After she told you, what did you do? (d) How many times have you been divorced?
To diagnose mental retardation, which one of the following is NOT required: (a) onset prior to age 18 (b) an IQ of 70 or less (c) an organic factor contributing to its development (d) deficits in adaptive and social functioning
In the final session of treatment a client states that s/he doesn't want to terminate because there are new issues to cover. The worker should FIRST: (a) set up more sessions (b) set up at least one additional session (c) ignore the complaints (d) discuss the possibility of termination avoidance
At the end of the initial session with a client diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, the client hugs the social worker. The BEST response to this action by the social worker should be: (a) tell the client immediately this is not appropriate (b) at the next session discuss the behavior and establish boundary rules to be followed in subsequent sessions (c) realize that this is an indicator that the client accepts the therapist (d) to avoid rejection, reciprocate by hugging the client back
J states that she can't stay in her current marriage since her husband has turned abusive. She reports that since he has lost his job, he often takes it out on her. J reports she is leaving her husband because she can understand his feelings but can't allow herself or her children to be placed in harms way. This client can process this new relationship information; however, she refuses to integrate it into her existing cognitive view. This is an example of: (a) assimilation (b) modification (c) accommodation (d) application
In evaluating the appropriateness of social work services from a non-minority social worker to a minority client, the social worker should consider all the following variables EXCEPT: (a) the client's level of comfort with the worker allowing client self-disclosure to occur (b) the social worker's ability to show accurate empathy and genuineness for the client's situation (c) the client's access to his/her own helping networks (d) that race or ethnicity may be a barrier to effective practice with the client
J exhibits repeated muscle twitches that he reports are beyond his control. Also, when he gets excited, he has a very difficult time speaking and often repeats his word over and over again. This can be very frustrating to J's family and school teachers because often times, he curses repeatedly at other teachers, students, family, and friends. The BEST preliminary diagnosis for J is: (a) Tourette's Syndrome (b) Pica (c) PTSD (d) Petite Mal Epilepsy
Random error is assessed by: (a) instrument reliability (b) instrument validity (c) external validity (d) correlation
When addressing a client's resistance, you would probably NOT do which of the following: (a) Use confrontation (b) Address primarily the feelings underlying the resistance (c) Emphasize changing the client's resistant behavior, such as tardiness or intellectualization (d) Conceptualize the issues underlying the resistance as an opportunity to grow - C Discussions about issues related to termination should ideally occur: (a) At the beginning of every session (b) In the last few sessions only (c) Throughout the course of the helping process (d) At the beginning of therapy when goals are set and at the end of therapy
A social worker would be MOST likely to suspect that a client's motivation is low if: (a) the client displays indifference to her problem (b) the client expresses strong emotions (c) the client expresses an unrealistic expectation about what she can accomplish in therapy (d) the client is nervous about beginning therapy
Which of the following is NOT a criterion that would ordinarily lead a social worker to select a particular practice theory or model for his work with a client: (a) the interventions are efficient (b) the interventions are capable of addressing the client's major concerns (c) the theory is abstract and can, therefore, be tailored to match the problem (d) the effects of the interventions are likely to last
When exploring problems with a client, a social worker may use verbal following responses, such as paraphrasing, to indicate the he understands what the client has said. Paraphrasing is primarily used to: (a) demonstrate awareness of the client's feelings (b) demonstrate awareness of cognitive aspects of what a client has said (c) summarize the content of a therapy session (d) help a client make connections she might not otherwise see
A clinical social worker uses the techniques of assertiveness training and positive self-statements with M, a survivor of domestic violence. Each technique was introduced in order and recorded after the clinical sessions. Which of the following designs should the social worker use to compare the effectiveness of each of the techniques to help M reach the behavior change desired? (a) A-B design (b) A-B-A design (c) within series design (d) multiple baseline design across behaviors
A child is having emotional problems with expressive language. The social worker would refer this child to a: (a) child psychologist (b) speech therapist (c) neurologist (d) psychiatrist
A husband and wife who have eleven years of drug recovery present for therapy. They report that they are frequently arguing and can't understand why. the social worker should first: (a) assess for relapse one or both partners (b) inquire about domestic violence (c) work on communication techniques (d) refer for substance abuse counseling
While in their second session, a woman, who is having difficulty controlling her children, asks the worker if she has any children. The BEST response for the worker would be: (a) "I am wondering why you ask?" (b) "No, it is your children we are discussing" (c) Avoid the question and redirect it back as "It sounds like your children are causing you concern" (d) I think it is best to focus on you"
B is a woman who is recently separated from her husband after repeated episodes of physical abuse. Her husband is requesting to visit her and their children. B thinks she would like to reunite with her husband. In therapy with the social worker, B asks the social worker if she would help her to plan for reunification with her husband. The social worker should: (a) help B clarify her reasons for wanting to reunite (b) notify and warn Child Protective Services (c) agree to assist the client with her desires (d) call B's husband and tell him of the possible legal ramifications if he does return
On an intelligence quotient scale, average intelligence is: (a) 55 (b) 70-80 (c) 90-110 (d) 100-120
If a client is consistently aggressive in sessions, the social worker is most likely to do which of the following: (a) determine what he is doing to make the client angry (b) respond authentically by describing how the aggression is affecting him (c) provide assertiveness training (d) model angry behavior so that the client understands the effects of aggression on others
On the first interview, a client comes rushing into the social worker's office stating "I do not have a problem. My wife does and she should be here - not me". The social worker's BEST course of action is to: (a) tell the client that his behavior is indicative of his problem (b) refuse to see the client until he calms down (c) ignore his outburst and introduce yourself (d) assure the client that he will have the opportunity to discuss his situation
In research, the BEST description of a control group is the group that: (a) receives the intended treatment (b) does not receive the intended treatment (c) is used to compare with other control groups (d) is the primary focus of the study
As a social worker, you are about to finish a session with a father and son. As you are preparing to close the session, you notice that the child has a cigarette burn on his arm. The first course of action for the social worker would be: (a) contact Child Protective Services about potential abuse (b) ask the father how the injury occurred (c) wait till the next session to explore the situation (d) ask the child in private how the burn occurred
The view that learning takes place through observation and that new responses are acquired through the process of imitating models is associated with: (a) cognitive behaviorism (b) operant conditioning (c) social learning (d) classical conditioning
During the initial session, a woman who is pregnant with her fifth child states that she wants to relinquish her parental rights by putting the child up for adoption. She and her husband are no longer together, but he agrees with the decision. Currently, she has lost her medical insurance and is in financial crisis. The BEST course of action for the adoption agency social worker is: (a) encourage her to find other family members to take the baby (b) help her choose new parents for the baby (c) help her with options and resources beyond the agency (d) let her know the agency's philosophy
From a psychoanalytic approach, when a client states to the worker "you act just like my mother", this is an example of: (a) counter-transference (b) transference (c) catharsis (d) suppressed guilt
N is an 8 year old child who was the victim of severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Based on this abuse, he has been placed in a therapeutic foster care home. While placed in this new foster home, a 15 year old child has reportedly sexually and emotionally abused N. what is the FIRST thing that the social worker should do to assist N? (a) ask the foster parents to take disciplinary action against the 15 year old (b) remove the child immediately from the home and place him in another foster home (c) visit the home immediately and assess the situation (d) initiate disciplinary action against the 15 year old removing him from the foster home
When referring a client in the community for service, the MOST IMPORTANT information for the social worker to discuss with the client is: (a) the agency's reputation in the human service community (b) appropriateness of the agency to meet the client's needs (c) fees the agency will charge the client for services (d) ease with which the client can reach the agency from home or work
The termination process is MOST COMMONLY associated with: (a) evaluating goals and accomplishments (b) implementing a plan of action (c) setting limits (d) developing a contract
Most models of social work practice hold the following belief as part of their value base. (a) focus on the past is essential to understanding the roots of client self-determination (b) all clients do not have self-determination unless the worker helps to initiate it (c) all individuals have a right to access resources and society has the obligation to provide them (d) social work is an impartial science
S, a 30 year old bookkeeper is seeking treatment for help with the "blues". She states that at certain times she can't control her temper and she verbally lashes out at family and friends. She has also started to complain of headaches that cause her to go home from work. As a social worker, your FIRST course of action will involve: (a) referring S for a complete physical check-up (b) referring S to a support group (c) begin relaxation treatment for probable tension headaches (d) complete a genogram
Which of the choices below BEST describes a double-bind communication? (a) a worker telling an alcoholic to stop drinking (b) a mother telling an invalid child to clean his/her room (c) a parent telling a teenager she can't use the car while asking her to go to the store which is 10 miles away (d) asking a client to do "more of the same"
A clinical social worker wants to hire a book-keeper to file insurance reimbursement. One of the applicants turns out to be a former client. Since therapy was terminated a year ago, the social worker decides to hire the client. This situation is: (a) ethical since termination of therapy was over a year ago (b) ethics is not an issue here. if the applicant is competent, she should be hired (c) this could be unethical because hiring a former client would create the potential for a dual relationship (d) not the hire the applicant would be seen as discrimination
The value of the supervisory session to the social work supervisee is dependent on all the following factors EXCEPT: (a) the supervisor's willingness to disclose areas of weakness in practice skills (b) the supervisee's interpersonal skills in requesting information (c) the supervisor's skill in offering positive feedback (d) the supervisee's ability to identify specific practice competencies
Gestalt therapy emphasizes what two main principles? (a) passivity and speculative questioning (b) positive and negative conditions (c) concepts and insights (d) the here-and-now and awareness
During a play therapy session a child begins to stab his toy doll with a sword. The worker can assume from this: (a) it is probable that the child has been abused (b) the child appears to have violent tendencies (c) more information is needed to determine significance of the child's actions (d) the child is responding freely to play therapy
Which of the following is an example of a constant? (a) males (b) gender consisting of males and females (c) income consisting of low, medium, and high (d) marital status consisting of single and committed individuals
J, a 40 year old male, reports that he is feeling depressed. Which is NOT a behavioral manifestation associated with his depression? (a) decreased productivity and fatigue at work (b) fear or belief in having a serious illness (c) decreased ability to express positive statements about others (d) decrease/ increase in appetite resulting in weight gain or loss
Supervision has generally been related to social work practice primarily as a means of: (a) in-service education (b) measuring worker effectiveness (c) ensuring the delivery of ethical, quality, effective, and efficient social work services (d) social control
J is afraid to leave her home without her "lucky" locket. She received this locket from her father who is now deceased. She believes that if she leaves her home without the locket, she will be harmed or something else life threatening will happen to her. In addition, she believes that the locket can prevent an event of this type from happening. The term that best describes this behavior is: (a) delusional paranoia (b) ideas of reference (c) hallucinations (d) paranoid ideation
When treatment goals are partialized: (a) the client selects one goal as the focus for treatment (b) goals are ranked according to priority and divided into smaller more manageable parts (c) only immediate or urgent goals are dealt with in treatment (d) only one goal is attempted at a time
When establishing rapport with a client, the therapist should do all the following EXCEPT: (a) moderate levels of discussion focused self-disclosure (b) admit that the therapist too has made mistakes (c) respond to the client's verbal and nonverbal cues (d) tell own personal experiences
Which client would be the LEAST appropriate for a referral to group therapy? (a) a shy client who has difficulty expressing him/herself (b) a client who is in an active crisis state (c) a client who has neurotic anxiety (d) a client suffering from a personality disorder
Parents of a 4 year old child are referred for social work intervention by a doctor. The parents can't get the child to separate from them and attend nursery school. The parents complain that they can't seem to get the child to willingly leave their presence without the child throwing a tantrum. The MOST IMPORTANT area for the social worker to address during the assessment phase is: (a) the parents use of rewards and punishments (b) the parents' knowledge of the child's developmental processes (c) ways in which the child is disturbing the parent's relationship (d) the parenting style from which each parent was raised
Compared to a supervisor, a consultant: (a) has no administrative authority over a social worker (b) has greater administrative authority over a social worker (c) has the same administrative authority over a social worker (d) has limited administrative authority over a social worker
The most influential factor in determining the success of treatment by a social worker whose client is of a different racial background from that of the social worker is: (a) social worker's ability to identify with the client (b) client's transference toward the social worker (c) social worker's awareness of self (d) client's ability to communicate openly with the social worker
A closed-ended question can be used to: (a) Elicit surface feelings (b) Help the client express herself within broad parameters (c) Emphasize affect (d) Elicit specific, factual information
In the counseling environment, which of the following is the MOST important: (a) considering the cultural values and ethnicity of the client (b) cultural sameness of therapist and client (c) open discussion of differences between the client and therapist (d) cultural similarity between the therapist and client
A family is seen in treatment, consisting of a father (age 45, a long distance truck driver), a mother (age 43, housewife), a son (age 22, living at home recovering from alcohol and drug problem), and a daughter (age 15, recently failing in school). The mother has made the appointment because the daughter is refusing to try to pass her subjects in school, and the usual methods of discipline and motivation are not working. If a paradoxical approach was to be used to assist this family, it would probably include: (a) suggest that the father be home more to assist the mother (b) ask the son to teach the daughter how to handle the problem (c) ask the mother to work harder to help her daughter and instruct the daughter to avoid the mother's help whenever possible (d) work directly with the father and mother
When counseling a Latino family, the therapist should be most aware of: (a) the view that differentiation from this family is not critical to healthy family functioning (b) never using first names in the therapeutic setting (c) they generally do not follow traditional gender roles (d) touching and emotional family closeness are purely private matters
Which of the following is not associated with paraphilic disorders? (a) fetishism (b) transvestism (c) autoeroticism (d) frotteurism
In a program evaluation, which type of data is concerned primarily with whether or not the program goals are being met? (a) Input (b) Throughput (c) Process (d) Product
Clinical social workers perform self-assessments when providing therapy primarily to: (a) recognize and correct their mistakes (b) monitor their professional strengths and weaknesses (c) monitor and resolve countertransference feelings (d) recognize whether a client's problem is within their scope of practice - B Which of the following is suggestive of substance dependence, but not substance abuse? (a) Continued drug use despite problems due to using (b) Tolerance to the drug's effects (c) Recurrent social problems due to using the drug (d) Psychological problems due to using the drug
At what age are children generally able to define and understand basic abstract terms? (a) approximately 7 years (b) approximately 9 years (c) approximately 12 years (d) approximately 18 years
R comes to group and appears withdrawn, non-verbal, and aloof. W, another group member is agitated by R and begins to aggressively tell R and the rest of the group, how R's behavior is not acceptable. The social worker should: (a) let the group members attack each other verbally (b) ask the group members to slow down and assess their feelings towards R (c) terminate the group immediately (d) let the group continue to maintain its own balance
Which of the following is LEAST representative of a closed therapy group: (a) there are set meeting times (b) there are only a limited number of individuals allowed to join the group (c) new members may join the group only when old ones leave (d) there are set agenda items
Which disorder does NOT belong in the same category as the others? (a) Malingering (b) Hypochondriacs (c) Conversion Disorder (d) Somatization Disorder
The best way to establish support for the funding of a community development program is to: (a) gain support from community leaders (b) help to establish grass-roots support (c) highlight a similar program that has been viewed as successful (d) create a well formulated plan for intervention
A 19 year old male is progressing well in treatment. His parents, who are paying for his treatment, contact the social worker and say that they want to get information about their son's progress. The social worker should: (a) arrange for a joint session with the parents and client (b) explain to the parents that because of confidentiality she can neither confirm or deny that their son is her client (c) release the information to the parents as requested (d) immediately discuss this with the client
Which of the following is associated with a level 4- moderately high level - empathic response: (a) increasing the client's self-awareness (b) enabling the client to take new action (c) promoting the client's personal growth (d) reflecting the client's here-and-now experience by modulating your voice tone and facial expression
Schizophrenia differs from the organic mental disorders because: (a) schizophrenia is an affective disorder; organic mental disorders are behavioral (b) the origin and cause of schizophrenia is unknown; the etiology of organic mental disorders is known or presumed (c) schizophrenia involves periods of short-term memory loss; organic mental disorders involve disorganization and a break with reality (d) the onset of schizophrenia is early in life; organic mental disorders affect the elderly
Erickson's theory is considered in the same area as Freud's however, Erickson strongly emphasizes the area of: (a) language development (b) social-cultural and developmental crisis (c) intellectual development only (d) social learning theory
When counseling an Asian family that is forced to seek treatment due to court mandate, the social worker should first consider from a cultural perspective: (a) possible resistance to treatment based on a strong cultural value to resolve problems within the family (b) a lower incidence of mental health problems among Asian Americans (c) the open nature of Asian family systems and relationships (d) preference of outside intervention to analyze family difficulties
This IQ range is considered educable: (a) 55-70 (b) 35-55 (c) 20-35 (d) below 20
A social worker practitioner is trying to measure the level of depression in her client. She designs her own measurement instrument. After administering it, however, she becomes concerned that the questions are not interpreted correctly. She fears that the instrument may not accurately be measuring the concept of depression. This social worker reports that she is having a problem with: (a) instrument reliability (b) instrument validity (c) random error (d) a weak correlation
A social worker is preparing to do an assessment using the Person-In-Environment (PIE). In explaining the use of the PIE to another social worker, the worker correctly explains that the PIE was originally modeled after: (a) the DSM-IV Multi-Axis Diagnostic System (b) The Environment Factorial Assessment System (c) Completion of the Person-In-Context Ecomap (d) The completion of a genogram
P, an 18 year old female who is generally of normal weight, reports that she has recently lost 12 pounds. Family members report that she has had a history of episodic eating of large quantities of food and abruptly disappears after meal time is complete. As of late, this behavior has become more common and is concerning her family and friends. The MOST likely diagnosis for this client is: (a) atypical eating disorder (b) uncontrolled dieting (c) anorexia nervosa (d) bulimia
L has a child who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. L. tells the social worker that her child is not ill and will not be returning to the clinic for follow-up. Which of the following defense mechanisms is BEST represented by L's response? (a) rationalization (b) denial (c) intellectualization (d) projective identification
Which of the following tasks MOST appropriately describes the activities of a social worker in the role of community organizer? (a) determining the redistribution of scare resources within a community (b) enacting legislation that strengthens the funding of a community program (c) collecting data on social welfare programs and suggesting strategies for improvement (d) developing and working with groups from a community to improve relationships among the residents.
During the first session with a client who was referred by his lawyer after being arrested for armed robbery, the client stated that he was suffering from depression. The social worker did not assess any symptoms of clinical depression. The BEST preliminary diagnosis for this client is: (a) conduct disorder (b) antisocial personality disorder (c) malingering (d) conversion disorder
How does the psycho-social study differ from the diagnosis? (a) psychosocial study relies on the social worker's theoretical frame of reference. Diagnosis is more objective. (b) diagnosis is an objective classification of the client, while psychosocial study is based on the client's perception of the situation (c) psychosocial study involves the observation and classification of facts while diagnosis is a professional opinion of the facts (d) psychosocial study is drawn primarily from the beginning phase of treatment while diagnosis can't generally be determined until the middle phase
Which of the following is NOT true about social worker self-disclosure: (a) it should only rarely emphasize the social worker's personal experiences (b) ideally, it should begin immediately in the first session to demonstrate that the social worker is a "real person" (c) in some situations, it can be used to increase a client's self-esteem (d) in some situations, it can be used to reinforce desired behaviors
Governmental medical coverage for individuals over age 64 is referred to as: (a) welfare benefits (b) SSI Supplemental Social Security (c) Universal Benefits (d) Medicare
L, a college student, sees a social worker for counseling. In the first session, L states that she needs a medication prescription to help calm her. L informs the social worker that she is having trouble sleeping and concentrating in school. She believes all of her mental and physical health complaints started after the recent separation of her parents. The social worker's FIRST consideration should be to establish: (a) if L has recently had a physical, and what is her general physical health (b) assess L for depression, as many times this can occur when in a new situation (c) assess for history of substance abuse or medication abuse to rule out possible misuse of the medication (d) assess for other symptoms of anxiety or stress
While in therapy with a social worker, a client reveals that she is planning to physically harm another client. This other client is also being treated by the same social worker. What is the BEST ethical course of action for the social worker? (a) first, the social worker should alert her supervisor (b) the social worker can do nothing because she is bound by client confidentiality (c) the social worker should first warn the other client (d) the social worker should first tell the police of her client's intentions to harm another client
Which of the following factors contributes the least to the quality of client services provided by a social worker? (a) consultation (b) self-evaluation (c) continuing education (d) problem-oriented records
J, a 10 year old child has just been told that his grandmother has died. J is likely to believe that: (a) his grandmother has just gone away and will be back shortly (b that a physician can still help his grandmother (c) his grandmother can still come back someday (d) grandmother's death is irreversible and she cannot come back
What is the primary role of a school social worker? (a) to coordinate special ed services (b) to link the school, home, and community (c) to promote students' welfare (d) to deal with student misconduct
Self-disclosure by the therapist is BEST defined in the therapeutic setting as: (a) the worker shares personal information (b) the client shares personal information (c) the worker requests the client to share personal information (d) the client requests worker validation
It would be MOST appropriate to use a warm-up period with a client who is: (a) highly motivated (b) feeling hopeless (c) highly defensive (d) manipulative
Which of the following IS NOT related to the techniques listed below: (a) systematic desensitization (b) shaping (c) behavioral reinforcement (d) family genogram
When a client is suspected to have Tourette's disorder, the social worker's FIRST referral should be to: (a) a psychotherapist (b) a neurologist (c) a pathologist (d) a long-term treatment program
Group therapy would be the preferred treatment modality over individual therapy for all of the following clients, except: (a) a college freshman who feels isolated and unable to make new friends (b) a middle-aged man who is in a state of crisis over a recent job loss (c) an elderly woman who has never been in therapy and wants to get involved in counseling slowly (d) a high school honors student who is failing his math classes
L is diagnosed with the condition autistic disorder. Of the symptoms listed below, which are MOST characteristic of this disorder? (a) delusions and hallucinations (b) abnormal social play (c) hearing and visual deficits (d) dysfunctional parenting styles
A boy of 5 suddenly begins to wet his bed at night after having been toilet trained for the last 2 years. In the initial interview the worker is told that the parents recently separated and are planning divorce. From a diagnostic perspective, this child MOST probably suffers from: (a) primary enuresis (b) secondary enuresis (c) primary encopresis (d) functional encopresis
The social worker takes the LEAST active role in treatment in which of the following perspectives: (a) Ego-psychology (b) Client-centered (c) Behavioral (d) Task-centered
A mother brings in her 3 year old son because he is stuttering. After completion of the assessment the worker correctly tells the mother: (a) this can be a normal problem that can occur at this age (b) that her child has probably developed this in regard to increased emotional stress (c) this condition is generally more common in girls than boys (d) an immediate referral for a physical exam is required
A breach of ethical conduct may exist when a social worker: (a) uses a client's first name (b) exchanges information about local restaurants in the area (c) exchanges social worker sessions for yard work to be completed by the client (d) discusses what happened at a local sporting event
In developing an ad for group therapy sessions, a social worker in private practice can include all of the following EXCEPT: (a) recommendations from former clients (b) professional qualifications (c) academic degrees (d) policy on accepting 3rd party payments
The most significant development that is associated with children at age 2 is: (a) motor development (b) language development (c) stranger anxiety (d) abstract thought
A family is seen in treatment, consisting of a father (age 45, a long distance truck driver), a mother (age 43, housewife), a son (age 22, living at home recovering from alcohol and drug problem), and a daughter (age 15, recently failing in school). The mother has made the appointment because the daughter is refusing to try to pass her subjects in school, and the usual methods of discipline and motivation are not working. From a family systems perspective, the son's drug and alcohol addiction problem is related to: (a) the mother's over-concern for the children (b) providing a crucial role model for the daughter (c) another way in which the family system maintains homeostasis (d) is the actual problem that needs to be addressed
When addressing mental health conditions, use of the DSM-IV is MOST helpful in the area of: (a) assessment interpretation (b) treatment origins (c) medication recommendations (d) treatment planning
A mother has been found to have neglected her child. Child Protective Services have decided that it is in the best interest to remove the child from the mother's care. A family friend volunteers to take the child. Upon interview, it is established that this family friend has had charges pending against her for child maltreatment in the past. The social worker should FIRST: (a) place the child in an emergency foster care group home (b) immediately assess the placement situation for current problems (c) ask the child's mother which placement option she prefers (d) initiate paperwork for another more permanent foster placement
A child with a tested IQ of 45 is being taught to dress himself. The social worker tells the child to button each button one step at a time and rewards the child each step of the way. Eventually, the child is able to dress himself. After completion of this intensive program, the child remains unable to prepare himself to dress for cold or rainy weather. For example, he might leave the facility without a coat when it is snowing outside. From the choices listed below, which statement BEST describes the performance of this child: (a) the child is not paying attention to his surroundings and a new behavior modification program needs to be implemented (b) the level of retardation present in this child should be explored further as he may be unable to complete this higher level task, and therefore, he may remain at a concrete trainable level of performance (c) the child needs a more intensive training program to educate him to take into account the weather (d) the facility staff needs to work harder to encourage this child to prepare for completion of his own needs and safety issues
A social work researcher wants to gather a representative sample to measure a current treatment approach that is being utilized with abused women. From the choices below, which BEST represents the definition of a random sample? (a) it is a sample that is gathered at the researcher's convenience and generally involves intact groups (b) it is a sample that is deliberately manipulated so that each subject has the same chance of being selected as any other (c) it is an intact group that is assigned to a test control group (d) it must involve the use of a control group
According to the theory underlying Gestalt therapy, introjection involves: (a) Viewing other people's emotions as one's own (b) Failing to develop a healthy social interest (c) Blaming yourself for the problems of others (d) Interpreting the values of the larger society as one's own
A client is receiving treatment at an in-patient rehabilitation facility for an alcohol problem and is given the medication antabuse. When the client takes his first drink, he reacts by vomiting and states that he will never drink again. In this example, the medication is a: (a) positive reinforcer (b) negative reinforcer (c) negative stimulus (d) positive development
In divorce, children are often affected by the separation of the noncustodial parent. In treatment, at what age should the worker be concerned about the possibility of the child believing the parents separated because they no longer love the child, or because of something the child did wrong? (a) generally children under the age of 3 (b) generally between the ages of 3-8 (c) generally between the ages of 9-12 (d) all age children up to adolescence
The best way to introduce an anxious child to the playroom is to: (a) have the parent stay with the child initially and then leave the room once the child becomes absorbed in a play activity (b) encourage the child to freely explore the playroom (c) avoid pressing the child to engage in play activity (d) allow the child to watch another client enjoying the playroom
Which of the following factors is not used in diagnosis, using the DSM-IV framework? (a) physical disorders (b) psychosocial stressors (c) clinical syndromes (d) lowest level of functioning in the last year
A husband and wife who are both in their early 80s live in a suburban community on the outskirts of a large metropolitan city. The couple's son calls a social worker stating that he is concerned that his parents are at risk. He believes that the home is not sanitary, and neither parent is able to properly prepare meals, etc. the son states that the couple refuses to leave their home and will not consider a more protective/ supportive environment. The BEST response for the social worker is: (a) call Adult Protective Services and report the case (b) Tell the son to call Adult Protective Services and report the case (c) Immediately report the case as we are mandated to do this in our code of ethics (d) Offer to visit the couple and assess the situation to help determine what is needed
Which of the following areas is guided LEAST by programmed decisions on the part of the agency administrator? (a) personnel hiring (b) billing clients for services (c) job performance expectations (d) preparing the agency budget
An immigrant from Cuba arrives in your office to see you. She is obviously distraught. She speaks very little English and you in turn speak very little Spanish. The best way to know whether she understands what you are saying is: (a) have her summarize in her own words what has been said in the session (b) tell her to freely ask questions as she needs (c) summarize freely what is said for her, as she may need additional help in understanding therapeutic content (d) immediately give her a referral to a bilingual therapist who can communicate more effectively with her
A Native American Indian woman has decided that she wishes to give up her child for adoption. She feels that she can no longer handle the child and that she herself needs drug rehabilitation. She was a member of a Native American tribe but is no longer living near her reservation, nor does she want contact with them or her family. the FIRST action for the social worker to take in this case is: (a) help the woman find immediate placement for the child (b) present the case to the Native American tribal government for action (c) find a concerned friend or family to take the child (d) get the client into inpatient treatment for her substance abuse problem and arrange temporary placement with the child with a local agency
A supervisor hears a supervisee telling a client in the lobby that they must arrive for appointments on time or they will no longer be treated. The supervisor should FIRST: (a) ignore it and allow the conversation to continue (b) immediately confront the supervisee and let them know this is inappropriate (c) do nothing as this may be a legitimate exchange (d) later in the day discuss your concerns with the supervisee
Of the following, which would MOST LIKELY be used to treat depression? (a) Prolixin (b) Acetaminophen (c) Imipramine (d) Dopamine
While in the first counseling session, the client breaks down in tears and tells the therapist he has AIDS. The therapist might initially do all the following EXCEPT: (a) listen quietly and let he client talk about his feelings (b) respond with crisis intervention techniques if warranted (c) help him adjust to this inevitable death (d) initiate help in problem-solving and decision making
P is a 12 year old male child who suffers from Autistic Disorder. While talking about managing the child with the mother, the mother reveals that the child often exhibits abnormal social play and when he feels threatened, he will hit his head against the wall. The social worker CORRECTLY tells the mother the following: (a) this behavior may be reflective of a dysfunctional family pattern of learned behavior (b) this child needs immediate hospitalization to control these outbursts (c) the parents should not try to stop the child when he is hitting his head because it might cause the behavior to increase (d) unfortunately, these behaviors can be common signs and symptoms of the condition that will need to be addressed through behavior modification techniques
M enters a crisis center telling the social worker that she wants to kill herself because she is flunking several college courses. During the initial interview, M appears lucid, has a supportive family, no history of previous attempts, and states that she does not have a plan to commit suicide. The social worker still has concern for the young woman's safety, so the worker should FIRST: (a) hospitalize her immediately (b) try to establish a "no suicide" contract (c) notify the proper authorities (d) start counseling process on how to address this problem
Which of the following is the best description of empathy? (a) Accepting and supporting a client's messages (b) Rephrasing a client's messages (c) Interpreting a client's messages (d) Understanding a client's messages
Which of the following budgetary techniques is considered an alternative to cash accounting, in which each purchase (or other expense) is considered a debt, even though the actual monies have not been spent (i.e. a bill has not been received)? Similarly, payments owed are regarded as assets even when payment has not been received: (a) cost sharing (b) joint budgeting (c) accrual accounting (d) sunk costs
In a normal bell shaped distribution, the measures of central tendency, the mean, median, and the mode are located at: (a) the end of the distribution (b) the middle of the distribution (c) not in the same distribution (d) equally dispersed throughout the distribution
We have all heard the term "opposites attract". From a social learning perspective, how would a worker interpret this: (a) this is true (b) this is generally false (c) this is true only for same sex attraction (d) this is false only for same sex attraction
Which of the following would be LEAST appropriate when setting therapeutic goals with a client: (a) asking the client whether she is ready to set goals (b) describing the risks associated with the goals (c) setting a time frame for achieving the goals (d) encouraging the client to select only goals that will produce overt behavioral change
Which of the following is an example of triangulation? (a) the child becomes the parent (b) a couple, where one of the partners is having an affair (c) when one parent tries to secure the allegiance of the child to his/her views against the other parent (d) a relationship where the parents join together
A social worker is working with a gay male who is experiencing increased pressure in regard to his sexual orientation. The social worker correctly tells the client that the most stressful time for a gay male is: (a) the period of time where he begins experimenting with individuals of the same sex (b) the period of time prior to coming out and acknowledging that he has sexual preferences that are different from most heterosexual individuals (c) after a gay individual acknowledges his sexual preference and is exposed to societal scrutiny (d) after completion of a transgender operation
A social worker that is covering a hot line receives a call from someone who may be at risk for suicide. The worker's FIRST objective should be to: (a) establish rapport (b) have the call traced (c) assess the immediate risk of suicide (d) get the address or phone number of the client
The following is the BEST example of a null hypothesis: (a) Group A will score higher than group B (b) Group A will score lower than group B (c) There will be no difference between group A and B (d) Group A will finish before Group B
If a social service program is evaluated on achieving its objectives and whether outcomes are due to the program's intervention, this is an example of: (a) a formative evaluation (b) a productivity evaluation (c) an outcome evaluation (d) MBO - Management by Objectives
A firm, fixed idea that is not amenable to rational explanation and is held despite evidence to the contrary is BEST defined as a: (a) delusion (b) illusion (c) hallucination (d) denial
When a majority race therapist is assigned a minority race therapist, the therapist should immediately be aware that: (a) cultural differences could exist (b) a referral will be needed (c) intensive study of the minority culture is warranted (d) an open discussion about differences between client and therapist should be planned
All of the following are true to the concept of generalizability EXCEPT: (a) the researcher can relate the information gathered in one study to other similar studies (b) this is desirable in research (c) maximum controls should be implemented to increase the power of generalizability (d) generalizability is not essential to scientific research
During the last session of treatment, a male client asks a female social worker to join him for lunch as a token of "thanks" for her help. The social worker's MOST ethical course of action is to: (a) accept the invitation but pay for her own meal (b) accept the invitation (c) reject the invitation (d) reject the invitation but agree to meet at another time
The overall emphasis of clinical case management is on: (a) linking clients to resources (b) ongoing contact with service providers (c) multidimensional assessment (d) the person in the environment
S, a 30 year old divorced male, tells his social worker that he is going to commit suicide. He clearly outlines a concrete plan to complete this. The FIRST thing the social worker should do is: (a) complete a no-suicide contract (b) initiate hospitalization (c) complete an assessment/ evaluation (d) maintain client confidentiality
A client (4 year old male child) is brought in for treatment by his mother (age 24) and father (age 30). The child appears to be having temper outbursts and is enuretic during the day, wetting himself while he is playing with other kids or watching TV. When asked why he does not go to the bathroom, the child has no reply. The parents state that the child's behavior is causing them to argue over the proper way to handle the situation and other several seemingly unrelated issues. The worker warns the parents that as they implement the behavioral treatment plan outlined, the child may react differently just because he knows he is being watched. This is an example of: (a) the "Rosenthal Effect" (b) experimenter expectancy (c) reactivity (d) stimulus generalization
A boy of 5 suddenly begins to wet his bed at night after having been toilet trained for the last 2 years. In the initial interview the worker is told that the parents recently separated and are planning divorce. Since this probably is a reaction related to stress the best recommendation the worker can make to the parents is: (a) get a relative or friend to give the child additional care (b) give the child extra attention and support (c) ignore the bed wetting behavior (d) explain to the child that he is probably having a reaction to his parents divorce
M is constantly jumping up and down in his classroom seat. In addition, unprovoked he repeatedly pulls hair, starts fights and often kicks, punches, or bites the other kids. These behaviors are becoming so problematic his teacher has asked that he be immediately placed on the medication Cylert, and if not that he be permanently removed from her class. The social worker is concerned that medication alone may not be enough to stop this behavior and she wants to tell the teacher of her concerns. Using the multi-axis diagnostic system, what preliminary diagnosis would be MOST appropriate in this situation? (a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Disorder (b) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Conduct Disorder (c) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disability (d) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Enuresis
A young woman who is experiencing hallucinations is suffering from schizophrenia. Generally the FIRST recommended course of treatment for this client would be: (a) family therapy (b) psychoanalysis (c) pharmacological treatment (d) Rogers client-centered therapy
The age at which an infant can differentiate between a live person and a mannequin is approximately: (a) 1 month of age (b) 3 months of age (c) 6 months (d) 12 months
Which of the following characteristics is NOT a prominent symptom in the diagnosis of schizophrenia? (a) bizarre and often fragmented delusions (b) loose associations (c) auditory hallucinations (d) depersonalization
The class of Dissociative Disorders characterized by sudden, unexpected travel with the assumption of a new identity and an inability to remember one's own previous identity is: (a) Depersonalization (b) Conversion Disorder (c) Amnesia (d) Dissociative or Psychogenic Fugue
A client (4 year old male child) is brought in for treatment by his mother (age 24) and father (age 30). The child appears to be having temper outbursts and is enuretic during the day, wetting himself while he is playing with other kids or watching TV. When asked why he does not go to the bathroom, the child has no reply. The parents state that the child's behavior is causing them to argue over the proper way to handle the situation and other several seemingly unrelated issues. A social worker instructs the parent to ignore the social implications of the child's behavior and focus only on the physical consequences of the behavior (i.e. cleaning child up, etc.). The parent is told not to discuss the child's behavior, only deal with the consequence resulting in the probable extinction of this behavior. What form of therapy is this most representative of? (a) psychoanalysis (b) behavioral therapy (c) Rational Emotive Therapy (d) task-centered therapy
Which of the following is considered to be a contraindication for group therapy: (a) the client has low self-esteem (b) the client is shy (c) the client tends to be argumentative (d) the client is motivated to change
Which of the following is considered a completely unacceptable form of advertising? (a) personal information about the social worker (b) profession information about the social worker (c) classified ad (d) a yellow pages ad
When conducting supervision for social work licensure, the requirement for acceptable supervisory sessions should contain: (a) supervision sessions that are practice oriented and well documented are required (b) group supervision without practice application is acceptable (c) teaching without practice application is acceptable (d) direct case presentations only
SOAP charting arranges client records according to four components, including: (a) subjective information, objective information, assessments, and prognosis (b) systems evaluation, objectives of treatment, actions, and prognosis (c) subjective information, objective information, actions, and progress (d) subjective information, objective information, assessments, and plan
A hospital social worker interviews a couple whose 5 month old infant has recently been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. In the interview, the parents appear reluctant to touch the child. Based on this observation, the social worker should: (a) provide the couple with written information on the disease (b) explore the parent's reactions and feelings in regard to the illness (c) immediately refer the couple to a support group (d) consider temporary placement for the child
A 30 year old male is recommended to you by his family physician after receiving a normal physical exam. The man states that he is concerned that he will have to face an impending divorce as his wife is planning to move out of their home. Further, he tells the social worker that he is feeling sad, lost, and alone. What is the MOST likely diagnosis for this client? (a) Dysthymia (b) V Code for Marital Problem (c) Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood (d) Brief Reactive Psychosis
A social worker that works primarily with the elderly refers a child to another social worker in her office. In exchange, the referring social worker is given a 10% finders fee. This referral process is considered: (a) accepted ethical behavior (b) unacceptable ethical behavior (c) acceptable if limited to 10% of fee (d) acceptable if agreeable by both social workers
Of those listed below, the MOST important reason for goals to be set in therapy is: (a) it can help the worker estimate what type and extent of helping services will be needed (b) it can help in the establishment of roles (c) it provides the content for the initial interview (d) it is a general guideline for future intervention
Which of the following drugs is a stimulant? (a) alcohol (b) barbiturates (c) heroin (d) caffeine
The children of a 73 year old woman tell a social worker that their mother is growing increasingly forgetful. The social worker should first: (a) tell the children this is common in aging (b) request a psychiatric evaluation (c) admit the woman to a rehab center (d) offer to conduct family therapy
In the hospital, a team of professionals work together to address the needs of the client that they are serving. Members of the team include a physician, a nurse, and a social worker. All professionals on this team share many of their duties and responsibilities for client care and service provision. For example, often times the nurse does counseling in regard to family issues, and the social worker monitors medication compliance. The team that BEST describes the type of team work these professionals engage in is: (a) multidisciplinary team work (b) quality assurance team work (c) inter-disciplinary team work (d) cooperative team work
It is MOST appropriate to provide a client with direct advice when she: (a) Requests it (b) Is resistant to making a decision on her own (c) She is too overwhelmed to choose her own direction (d) She needs information about alternatives
According to the teachings of Gestalt therapy, Perls views unexpressed guilt as: (a) the normal state of affairs (b) repressed thought (c) unfinished business (d) maintaining homeostasis
Case managers are PRIMARILY responsible for: (a) assessing a client's needs (b) coordinating all of the activities performed on a client's behalf (c) identifying and engaging clients (d) linking a client to resources
When a client, due to a mental disorder, can't be empowered to improve her situation, her social worker should: (a) not pursue the advocacy intervention (b) delay the advocacy intervention for the time being (c) pursue the advocacy intervention with the understanding that the client will have no say as to the nature of the intervention (d) pursue the advocacy intervention, respecting the client's right to self-determination to the greatest extent possible
An additive empathic response: (a) is almost identical to what the client said but reflects understanding (b) is interpretive (c) should be used primarily at the beginning of treatment (d) usually emphasizes content over affect
In brief treatment the main therapeutic emphasis is placed on: (a) effort and support (b) rapport and follow-up (c) time and effectiveness (d) goals and objectives
L is brought to therapy by a relative. L claims that she is afraid to leave home and when she tries to leave the house her heart begins to beat rapidly and cold sweats develop. The BEST preliminary diagnosis for this client is: (a) bipolar disorder (b) generalized anxiety disorder (c) panic disorder with agoraphobia (d) obsessive compulsive disorder
You are working with a low-income family that has 2 young kids. The kids often miss school because of illness. When asked about this, it appears that the mother and father also have repeated health problems. The family doesn't have health insurance. Upon investigation, it becomes evident that the family lives next door to an experimental farm that is owned by a state agricultural university. The social worker's first step should be to: (a) find out what the university is growing in the field (b) help arrange for the entire family to have a medical check-up (c) encourage the family to relocate (d) contact the state health department
Generally, it is most appropriate to evaluate a client's progress in treatment: (a) at the end of each treatment phase (b) every two to three sessions (c) only during the final stage of treatment (d) at the end of every session
In Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) the underlying premise is: (a) dysfunctional behaviors are a result of irrational thoughts and beliefs (b) dysfunctional behaviors are a result of incongruence between thought and action (c) functional behaviors have underlying unknown conflicts (d) functional behaviors can mask dysfunctional ones
When evaluating client satisfaction with a particular agency service, you are using what type of model or approach: (a) Systems Evaluation Model (b) Outcome Model (c) Process Model (d) a Case Study Approach
J, a 28 year old male client, discloses to his social worker in the second interview that he has had a sexual relationship with his previous social worker. He states that he is no longer in therapy with her but that he still sees her on occasion in a nonprofessional sense. The current social worker's BEST ethical course of action is: (a) report the other social worker to the governing board of social workers (b) do nothing in terms of reporting it, and respect client confidentiality (c) explain the options available to your client if he chooses to report it (d) give the client the number of the licensing board and ask him to call
The goal of ____ consultation is to improve the consultee's performance in delivering services to a particular group of clients: (a) consultee-centered administrative (b) client-centered (c) program-centered administrative (d) consultee-centered
While working with a 20 year old client, you discover that she was sexually abused for the last five years by her uncle. As a social worker, you are ethically bound to: (a) report the case of sexual abuse because it first occurred when she was a minor (b) report the case of sexual abuse because it is currently going on (c) not to report the case of sexual abuse because she is not a minor (d) urge the client to confront the abuser so it won't happen to someone else
Which of the following is the definition of a delusion? (a) a false belief held despite evidence to the contrary (b) a sensory perception that occurs without stimuli (c) a belief that is generally followed by a hallucination (d) a sensory perception followed by a hallucination
A mother states that her baby daughter constantly eats dirt and other things off the floor when crawling about. she states that she knows the baby is not hungry because it also happens after the baby has been fed. The baby's symptoms are MOST suggestive of which diagnosis: (a) Rumination Disorder (b) Atypical Eating Disorder (c) Childhood Schizophrenia (d) Pica
Which of the following actions is considered a violation of ethical practice? (a) receiving a fee for the referral of a client to another practitioner (b) informing the client in advance of fees for service (c) engaging in private practice while maintaining agency employment (d) establishing rates for professional services commensurate with that of other professionals
Parents of a 6 year old boy bring their child to a social worker. During the initial session, they describe the child's behavior stating that he startles easily, cries excessively when he has to leave them, and does not want to go to school. He also spends a great deal of his play time building and later knocking down houses that he has made from blocks. He refers to these homes as representative of his home. From the choices below, which provides the best preliminary DIAGNOSIS for understanding the child's behavior? (a) separation anxiety disorder (b) PTSD (c) child abuse (d) anxiety disorder
A social worker who primarily works in his own private practice has been appointed as a board member in a neighbor community health center that provides counseling services. All of the following roles are appropriate as a board member EXCEPT: (a) serving as chairperson of an assigned board committee (b) reviewing and helping to interpret data about agency utilization (c) helping to establish job descriptions for agency personnel (d) serving as a referral source for difficult clients within the agency
A social work supervisor who practices as a generalist is correctly described as: (a) a social work expert in all areas of social work (b) a practitioner who practices across specialization lines of the fields of practice, population groups, and problems (c) a practitioner who is considered interested in all forms of medical social work practice (d) a practitioner who specializes in family therapy but practices all types of social work practice
In evaluating the appropriateness of social work services from a majority social worker to a minority client, the social worker should consider all of the following EXCEPT: (a) comfort level of the client with self-disclosure to the social worker (b) decision that race is a barrier to effective practice with the client (c) social worker's ability to convey credibility in offering services to the client (d) client's access to natural helping networks as an adjunct to social work intervention
A social worker has been contacted to evaluate a 4 year old boy. His teacher claims that he is bullying the other children and often makes menacing or sexual gestures toward the other children. The social worker is most likely to suspect: (a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (b) possible sexual abuse (c) parental neglect (d) conduct disorder
The social work supervisor, in reviewing a supervisee's recorded case file, makes this comment about the case recording method being used: "This type of case recording stresses the individual social worker's interpretation and tends to be very long and not uniformed in its presentation, which is probably why it is rarely used today". What recording method was used? (a) diagnostic summary recording (b) problem oriented recording (c) SOAP note (d) current process recording
Parents of a 4 year old child are referred for social work intervention by a doctor. The parents can't get the child to separate from them and attend nursery school. The parents complain that they can't seem to get the child to willingly leave their presence without the child throwing a tantrum. From a psycho-social perspective a worker would probably: (a) focus on the individual client and what is reported (b) not take a history at all (c) focus only on the presenting problem (d) take a complete history, including information from family, employer, etc.
When trying to distinguish between delirium and dementia, which characteristic would be the MOST helpful? (a) decreased memory (b) clouded consciousness or sensorium (c) hallucinations (d) general depression
The technique known as "reframing" involves: (a) relabeling a behavior by putting it in a new, usually more pathological context, so that the client is more motivated to accept help (b) asking a client to relabel her behavior in order to determine what she hopes to accomplish in treatment (c) relabeling a behavior by putting it in a new, usually more positive, light so it can be understood in a different way and the client is more open to change (d) pointing out specific incentives so that the client appreciates how treatment can improve her situation and is more open to change
A client who is working with a social worker has recently been forced to change jobs and must move to another city approximately 100 miles away. The social worker and the client appear to have made great progress and really enjoy working together. They have completed 5 out of the estimated 10 sessions planned. The client states that s/he would prefer not to change social workers but fears the drive will make the current sessions impossible. The social worker should FIRST: (a) encourage the client to finish sessions no matter what the travel, since progress has been made (b) gain permission from the client to suggest another worker in the new area that appears the most compatible to what is in progress (c) the client must find his/her own worker and the current social worker will be happy to discuss current progress with the new worker chosen (d) the social worker should ask permission to open the clinic on weekends to accommodate the client for the next 5 sessions
If an attorney requests the record of a client and the social worker has received a verbal okay to release the record from the client, the social worker should: (a) release the record as requested (b) wait until the record is subpoenaed to court (c) get the client's consent in writing (d) assert professional privilege and refuse to release the record as you believe it might be harmful to your client's case
Which of the following describes the purpose of Public Law 94-142 (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)? (a) to eliminate bias in public schools (b) to guarantee Individual Education Plans (IEP) for all students who need them (c) to ensure mainstreaming of disabled students into classrooms with non-disabled students (d) to ensure placement of disabled students in the least restrictive educational environment
P, a 6 year old child, frequently worries about his parents' whereabouts, is afraid of the dark, cries easily, and often complains that his stomach hurts making him unable to complete certain tasks. This child is MOST likely exhibiting: (a) conduct disorder (b) an oppositional disorder (c) symptoms of abuse or neglect (d) separation anxiety disorder
The accepted definition of "accurate empathy" is: (a) the ability to understand the way the client views things and to communicate this understanding to the client (b) unconditional positive regard (c) to feel as the client does (d) to define what the client is feeling
An appropriate instrument used to evaluate Axis V in the DSM-IV classification is: (a) the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (b) the Beck's Depression Inventory (c) Global Assessment of Functioning (d) a mental status exam
At the beginning of treatment, it would be most effective for a social worker to self-disclose: (a) as often as possible (b) only about non-personal topics (c) only in response to a direct question by the client (d) at a moderate level
Which of the following best explains the primary reason why the Hawthorne studies are considered important to understanding administrative and organizational theory and behavior? (a) it showed that people are motivated by incentives (b) it stressed the importance of individuals in organizations and how individual perceptions can affect organization output (c) it showed that controlled experiments are essential to outcome determination (d) it looked at task completion times with incentives provided
If a supervisor believes a supervisee's case is being handled poorly, the supervisor should FIRST: (a) discuss it immediately with the client (b) discuss it immediately with the supervisee (c) report it to the ethics committee (d) set up an appointment with the client involved
Which response best describes the cognitive learning theories? (a) stress the importance of thought in the learning process (b) stress the importance of behaviors and consequences (c) stress the importance of observational learning (d) stress the importance of imitation and role modeling
A family is seen in treatment, consisting of a father (age 45, a long distance truck driver), a mother (age 43, housewife), a son (age 22, living at home recovering from alcohol and drug problem), and a daughter (age 15, recently failing in school). The mother has made the appointment because the daughter is refusing to try to pass her subjects in school, and the usual methods of discipline and motivation are not working. Early in therapy, the worker asks the family to complete a family sculpting exercise, the primary reason for this is: (a) reduce isolation of the family members (b) help the father see he is absent in decision making (c) break up poor relations between mother and daughter (d) increase family awareness of communication styles/patterns
A director of a social work agency might use all the following problem-solving tasks to address changing agency policy EXCEPT: (a) defining the problem (b) evaluating the probable impact of planned changes (c) receiving input from those familiar with the policy (d) implementation of the agency plan
A young boy (age 14) states in session that he has witnessed a crime. He is frightened because some older boys beat up another boy after selling him drugs in his neighborhood. He feels he should tell the police but is afraid to do so. The social worker's best ethical course of action is to: (a) encourage the boy to contact the police (b) inform the boy that confidentiality must be broken and report it (c) contact the boy's parents and tell them what happened (d) explore the situation further, helping the boy to discuss available options
When addressing termination of the client in a planned short-term treatment context, it should FIRST be discussed with the client: (a) in the beginning of treatment (b) in the middle of treatment (c) at the end of treatment (d) generally, not discussed until termination
A boy of 5 suddenly begins to wet his bed at night after having been toilet trained for the last 2 years. In the initial interview the worker is told that the parents recently separated and are planning divorce. The social worker should first: (a) do a complete assessment and refer the boy for a physical exam (b) tell the parents that this appears to be an emotional problem caused by stress (c) arrange for a psychological battery of tests to rule out psychopathology (d) console the family and advise them that this could be handled in 2-5 sessions
A social worker can MOST effectively organize the work of a task group by: (a) rotating the facilitator role among the members (b) providing relevant written materials to participants prior to the meeting (c) agreeing to a consensus form of decision-making (d) soliciting agenda items from all participants prior to the meeting
According to psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that operates on the pleasure principle is: (a) id (b) ego (c) super-ego (d) mediator
Which of the following statements provides the BEST explanation of the meaning of a standard deviation? (a) The standard deviation is the square of the variance (b) The standard deviation is the square root of the variance (c) The variance is the square root of the standard deviation (d) The variance and standard deviation are not related
A client (4 year old male child) is brought in for treatment by his mother (age 24) and father (age 30). The child appears to be having temper outbursts and is enuretic during the day, wetting himself while he is playing with other kids or watching TV. When asked why he does not go to the bathroom, the child has no reply. The parents state that the child's behavior is causing them to argue over the proper way to handle the situation and other several seemingly unrelated issues. In the past, when the child has an accident the parents have immediately spanked him. From a behavioral perspective this is an example of: (a) chaining response (b) negative reinforcement (c) unconditioned reinforcement (d) punishment
In a multi-disciplinary organization, the best way for a supervisor to obtain desired outcomes is to: (a) review salaries after establishing criteria for doing so (b) meet with individual employees to establish rapport (c) establish a motivational incentive system (d) clearly establish goals and organizational objectives
A family is seen in treatment, consisting of a father (age 45, a long distance truck driver), a mother (age 43, housewife), a son (age 22, living at home recovering from alcohol and drug problem), and a daughter (age 15, recently failing in school). The mother has made the appointment because the daughter is refusing to try to pass her subjects in school, and the usual methods of discipline and motivation are not working. In this family, the daughter is initially identified as: (a) scapegoat (b) object of family projection (c) identified patient (d) individual of concern
A social worker on a home visit meets with N, a 75 year old female. N reports that she has no family or friends to assist in her care. She also reports that she feels helpless to defend herself and believes that neighborhood kids are stealing her belongings from her yard. Her home is cluttered, but she seems capable of finding things and noting where they were left. She appears somewhat malnourished although she has food in the fridge. The neighbors have complained and have repeatedly called the police reporting that the woman is terrorizing the neighborhood kids by screaming at them from her yard. Based on this current information, what is the BEST plan for the social worker to address this situation: (a) arrange for home care (b) call Adult Protective Services (c) help the woman to develop a plan to live alone (d) do a complete assessment of the woman's competency to complete her own ADLs and live alone
A mother questions the social worker about the behavior of her 18 month old child. Recently, her child has begun to act disobediently. The child is difficult to manage and often throws tantrums when the mother will not let the toddler do what he pleases. The best way to deal with the situation is: (a) refer the child to a psychiatrist (b) help the parent to learn parenting skills to address the child's behavior (c) have the parent and child come in for joint therapy (d) explore the parent's knowledge of developmental issues

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