Chemistry- Molecular geometry
undefined, object
copy deck
- Chemical bonds
- strong force of attraction btwn. atoms
- Ionic bonds
- donation of electrons btwn. m+nm
- Compounds
- collection ionic bonds
- Covalent bonds
- shareing of elect. btwn. nm+nm
- molecules
- collection of covalent bonds
- structual formulas
- 2-D representation of bonding of ionic or covlent substances
- Lewis dot struct.
represents ionic/cov. subs.
w/ dashes (bonds) dots (electrons) element symbols - Electronegativity
diff. represents shareing of electrons
- greater diff. more un= shareing
0-0.4= non-polar bond, 0.5-2.0 polar bond region, 2.0-4.0 ionic - polar covalent bonds
unequal shareing electrons ex. HCl 2.1-3.0 =0.9
dipole right - Resonance structures
- same structula formula diff. bonds or loin pairs
- reduced octet
- only need 2,4,6 electrons to be complete H, Bo, B
- expanded octet
Can hold more than 8... 10,12
only elements n=3(3rd per.) Si, P S, As, Kr, Xe -
Vsepr- Valence shell electron
pair repulsion Theory - electrons try to move as far from each other as they can