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Biology Lab


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used to chew food once fully developed
hard palate (roof of mouth)
used to separate oral cavity from nasal passage
soft palate
forms the oropharynx (throat)
taste, propels food into pharynx
flat that covers the trachea preventing food from entering
thymus gland
part of the lymphatic system, immunity
thyroid gland
secretes hormones important in metabolism
theyroid cartilage
protection of the trachea
muscular tube that propels food from mouth to stomach
right atrium
top chamber of the heart, receives DEOXYGENATED blood from superior vena cava
left atrium
top chamber of the heart, receives OXYGENATED blood from lungs
right ventricle
bottom chamber of the heart, receives DEOXYGENATED blood from the right atrium
left ventricle
bottom chamber of the heart, receives OXYGENATED blood from the left atrium
superior vena cava
returns DEOXYGENATED blood from head to right atrium
inferior vena cava
returns DEOXYGENATED blood from lower body to right atrium
receives OXYGENATED blood from left ventricle and distributes to the body
pericardial sac
protects the heart
thin, flat muscular sheet, aids in breathing, serparates the thoraic and abdominal cavities
rib cage
protects heart, lungs, and blood vessels of the thoraic cavity
produces bile, and glycogen/diposes wastes
gall bladder
stores bile used for fat digestion
produces gastric juices, digests protein
produces the hormone insulin and digestive enzymes
removes old red blood cells, immunity
small intestine
digestion and absorption of food
absorption of water, vitamins, and minerals/produces feces
regulates electrolytes and water balance, produces urine
muscular tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
urinary bladder
storage of urine
transports urine from bladder to the outside of the body
tricuspid valve
valve that separates the right atrium and right ventricle; prevents back flow of blood
bicuspid valve
valve that separates the left atrium and left ventricle; prevents back flow of blood
papillary muscle
opens and closes the tricuspid and bicuspid valves
pulmonary artery
carries DEOXYGENATED blood from right ventricle to the lungs
pulmonary vein
carries OXYGENATED blood from the lungs to the left atrium
olfactory nerve
spinal nerve responsible for the sense of smell
optic chiasma
spinal nerve responsible for the sense of sight
conscious thought, sensationi, memory, intellect, and complex movement
coordinates movements of the body, balance
medulla oblongata
controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and swallowing
coordinates sensory information
controls the pituitary gland, regulates body temperature
pineal gland
regulates sleep patterns
pituitary gland
produces hormones that influence the activity of other glands and organs
tough, fibrous sheath that covers and protects the kidney
outer layer of the kidney where filtrate is formed
medulla and renal pyramids
middle layer of the kidne that houses the renal pyramids where filtrate is refined and concentrated into urine
renal pelvis
hollow cavity where newly formed urine is collected before it exits the kidney
renal artery
muscular vessel that carries OXYGENATED, UNFILTERED blood to the kidney
renal vein
vessel that carries DEOXYGENATED, FILTERED blood away from the kidney

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