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History of Journalsim


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Nelly Bly
Real name is Elizabeth Cochrane. Worked for the New York World. Traveled around the world in 72 days, went undercover in an insane asylum, basically did crazy stunts.
In Support of Papers...
Give long-term answers. Explain TV breaking news.
Computer Assisted Reporting
Uses databases to change news sources ex: school files, city files ect.
The New York Morning Herald
Founded 1835 by James Gordon Bennette. Similar news 1st attitude to that of the Sun.
Penny Press
Sold for only pennies. Contained lots of news. Acheived mass working-class audience. (audience made up industrial revolution)
Misc. Info About Yellow Journalism
Yellow papers attracted huge audiences. Competition for readers, advertisers, and each other's most talented writers was FIERCE!!
Journalism Today
Fewer Papers: few towns have more than 1 paper, Fewer Readers: especially young readers, More big corprate owners taking over papers instead of famalies
Ida Tarbell
investigated big business with a series on standard oil
Jane Grey Swisshelm
1st woman to cover Congress
Federal Communications Corperation. Make airwaves public domain.
New York Sun
Founded 1833 by Benjamin Day. Had lots of news such as police beat, tragedies & natural disasters.Toned down opinions
TV by the Decade
1940s: 1st newscast. 1960s: 60 million TVs in USA. 1990s: 90 million TVs in USA.
The New York Times
Founded 1851 by Henry Raymond. Set standard for fairness and accuracy in reporting! Motto: (By Adolph Ochs)
Most Notable Yellow Journalists
William Randolph Hearst (New York Journal) Joseph Pulitzer (New York World)
Yellow Journalism
Unethical, irresponsible brand of journalism involving: hoaxes, altered photographs, "screaming headlines," frauds, and endless self promotion.
1920 Radio Station KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts presedential returns (1st news on radio!) Radion growth soon grows out of control!
Origin of Yellow Journalism
Yellow Kidd, a cartoon character in the Sunday editions of the World during the late 1890s.
Mid 1890s
Major cities had 8 or 9 newspapers
Effect of the Telegraph
1861 reporters at Civil War battle sights used telegraph to communicate news. Wrote simply and matter of factly.
How Has TV Changed News?
Use of color pictures, makes a more emotional connection, makes news travel faster.
1st Persian Gulf (Gov't & Press)
Blocked all news, no news allowed, no reporters unless express permission, news seemed fake
Radio Today
5,000 AM & 5,000 FM stations nationwide
New York Tribune
Founded 1841 by social reformer Horace Greenly. Weekly edition had 200,000 subscribers
Iraq (Gov't & Press)
Covered by embeds, reporters trained by Army
Minority Media
1905 Robert Abbot publishes Chicago Defender. Media in hot persuit of minority journalists.
Vietnam (Gov't & Press)
Negative news, dipicted dying & sadness, innocent victims dying, horrors & failures, made war un-popular, garnered protests & marches
Information Age
Billions of people around the world are electronically linked
Hated Yellow Journalism. Crusaded for social justices & exposed wrong-doings such as child labor laws.
2,600 daily newspapers in the USA
WWI & WWII (Gov't & Press)
Friendly relationship, only censored news allowed, thus only positive news, made war effort look heroic
Corneila Walter
Editor of Boston Transcript 1840s.
Internet by the Decades
1960s- internet invented by Army, 1990s- popularity blossomed!

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