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- ocean trech
- a deep liner relatively narrow depression in sea floor formed by the subduction og oceani plates
- alfred wegner
- he found the theroy of plate tectonics
- theary of plate tectonics
- movement of discreet lithospheric segments in relation of each other
- rift valley
- steep sided valley formed on the earths surface created by tectonic rifting
- mantle
- a layer of the earth inbetween the crust and the core
- divergent boundary
- is a liner feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving from each other
- transform boundary
- occur when tectonic lates slide and grind against each other along a tranformfault
- continental crust
- is a layer of the earth that underlines the continents think part of crust that forms large land masses
- mid ocean ridge
- an underwater mountain range that develops between the margins of two of the lithospheric plates formed by rifting
- convection current
- transpher of heat coming from movment of mass going to a cooler fluid
- convergent boundary
- is an actively deforming reigon where 2 or more plates or fragments of lithosphere move towards on another
- plates
- on top of the mantle of our earth they move together and cause volcanoes in the ocean and pull apart continents
- pangea
- landmass that existed about 300 to 200 million years ago all the continents were together
- oceanic crust
- it is the more dense crust because the ocean holds h2o and h2o has been pushing it down
- core
- the uranium containing heat of a nuclear reactor where energy is released
- subduction
- area on the earth where two tectonic plates meet and move towards on another on sliding underneath