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Hazardous Materials Technician


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The ability of a material to emit radioactive energy.
The maximum concentration to which a healthy adult can be exposed to without risk of injury and higher concentrations should not occur.
Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling
Describes the sensitivity to water without heat or confinement.
Water Reactivity
Methods of protecting oneself from harmful exposures to radiation.
Time, Distance, and Shielding
The degree of ionization of an acid or base in water.
Measure of the rate of decay of a radioactive material
Used to control the rate of a chemical reaction by either speeding it up or slowing it down.
Materials that can ignite if exposed to air
Air Reactivity
Can damage skin tissue and damage internal organs if they enter the body. Full PPE will protect against this type of radiation.
Beta radiation
An OSHA term for the maximum concentration, averaged over 8 hours,to which 95% of healthy adults can be exposed to for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.
Permissable Exposure Limit
Causes skin burns and can severely injure internal organs.
PPE is inadequate in preventing this radiation from harming the body.
Gamma Radiation
A pourable mixture of a solid and a liquid
Measure of the thickness of a liquid and determines how easily it flows
The maximum average concentration, averaged over a 15 minute period, that a healthy adult can safely be exposed to for up to 15 minutes. Exposure should not occur more than 4 times per day with 1 hour between exposures.
Threshold Limit Value-
Short Term Exposure Limit
Materials that decompose spontaneously, polymerize, or otherwise self-react and are considered unstable
A reduction in container wall thickness characterized by removal of container wall metal. Not critical unless it crosses a weld area.
Instrument readings used to determine the degree of hazard and values used to establish exposure limits.
Parts per million/billion
The maximum concentration,averaged over 8 hours, to which a healthy adult can be repeatedly exposed to for up to 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week
Threshold Limit Value-
Time Weighted Average
The weight of water vapor when compared to air
Vapor Density
A mixture in which all of the ingredients are completely dissolved
The tendency or ability of two liquids to form a uniform blend.
Describes a substance's propensity to release energy or undergo change.
(self-react, polymerize, or react violently)
Chemical Reactivity
This may result in a buildup of heat and an increase in pressure that may be more harmful than the material the container was origianlly designed to withstand.
Chemical Interaction
The ability of a substance to form a solution with water.
Water Solubility
This is the maximum level to which a healthy adult can be exposed to for 30 minutes without suffering irreversible health effects
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
The weight of a solid or liquid compared to an equal volume of water
Specific Gravity
The deformation of a container wall caused by a blunt object. Not critical unless accompanined by a crack or gouge
The amount of gas produced by a given volume of liquid at a given temperature
Expansion Ratio
Relates to the process of liquifying gasses and is the minimum temperature at which a gas can be liquified.
Crtical Temperature
The force exerted on the inside of a closed container by the vapor in the space above the liquid in the container.
Vapor Pressure
These have a tendency to break down into thier component parts - sometimes in an explosive manner.
Compound, mixture
Activity, quantity gamma, and absorded dose.
Units of measure for radioactive exposure
The amount of acid or base compared to the amount of water present.
Some materials generate more highly toxice gasses than others do; Therefore, appropriate PPE must be used.
Toxic products of combustion
The effect from a localized source spreads uniformly throughout the surrounding space
Inverse Square Law
Causes death to 50% of a group of test animals exposed to it by any route except inhalation.
Lethal Dose
Causes respiratory distress and copious tearing
A narrow slpit of break (full thickness) of a container. Critical damage.
4 types of pressure container damage.
Undamaged; No product released
Undamaged; Product released
Damaged; No product released
Damaged; Product released
These agents interfere with the bodies central nervous system
Nerve Agents
Causes death to 50% of test animals that inhale it.
Lethal Concentration
Produce disease and are living microorganisms that can mutate and become more deadly.
Biological Agents
These materials contain the "benzene ring" which is formed by six carbon atoms and contains double bonds.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
The minimum temperature at which a material gives off vapors that will ignite but will not continue to burn.
Flash Point
The combining of anything with oxygen or the propensity to yeild oxygen.
Oxidation Potential
These agents are extremely toxic with symptoms of exposure not appearing for minutes, hours, or even days
Vessicants (Blister Agents)
Materials that have at least one multiple bond between two carbon atoms somewhere in the molecule.
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
The caracteristic form of a material at the ambient temperature
Physical State
This indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions in the material being tested.
The temperature at which enough vapors are given off to support continuous burning.
Fire Point
Materials in which the carbon atoms are linked by only single covalent bonds.
Saturated Hydrocarbons
These are often more toxic than naturally occuring organic chemicals. They decompose into smaller, more harmful elements when exposed to high temperatures.
Halogenated Hydrocarbons
The minimum concentration below which a flame will not propagate. Too "lean" to burn.
Lower Explosive Limit
The level of radiation found 1 meter from an intact package of a radioactive material
Transport Index
The National Safety Council's Hazardous Materials database
U.S. Coast Guard database of Hazardous Materials
The maximum vapor to air concentration above which a flame will not propagate.
Too "rich" to burn
Upper Explosive Limit
The numerical measure of a solution's hydrogen ion concentration as related to acidity and alkalinity
The EPA database of petroleum and hazardous materials
The ability of a material to go from solid to gaseous state without becoming a liquid
The minimum temperature that a material must be raised before it will ignite.
Ignition (autoignition) Temperature
The difference between the upper and lower explosive limits.
The Flammable or Explosive Range
Materials made through the sharing or transfer of electrons.
Ionic and Covalent Compounds
May cause the pressure within a container to rise, particularly if they become contaiminated.
Acid, caustic
A chemical reaction in which small molecules combine to form larger molecules.
The maximum temperature that an organix peroxide may be stored safely
Maximum Safe Storage Temperature
This material lacks carbon chains, but may contain a carbon atom
When some portion of the mass of the organic peroxide reaches this temperature, irreversible decomposition will begin
Self-accelerating decomposition temperature
Derived from materials that are living or once were living
Positively charged particle emitting some radioactive material and is not considered dangerous unless ingested
Alpha Radiation
Relates to the process of liquifying gasses and is the pressure that must be applied to bring a gas to it's liquid state.
Critical Pressure
NIOSH hazardous materials database.
The temperature that a liquid turns to a gas.
Boiling Point
The ease with which a liquid or solid can pass into the vapor state.
Added to a product to control the chemical reaction with other products.
The temperature which a solid turns into a liquid.
Melting Point
Influences the hazards present and the measures taken to control an incident involving that product.
Temperature of Product
Deep scratch reducing the thickness of the container wall. Caused by blunt object. Critical if it crosses a weld area.
The temperature at which a liquid turns to a solid.
Freezing Point

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