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Delo History 2


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American President during World War 1.
Creator of 14 Points Plan and League of Nations.
Woodrow Wilson
British luxury cruiseship that was being used to carry ammunitions from America to Britain. It was sank by the Germans
The Lusitania
Coordinated economy to help with war efforts by establishing quotas and price fixing. Board punished corporations that were non-cooperative.
War Industries Board (WIB)
This legislation required males aged 20-30 to register for armed forces. In 1918, the ages were extended to 18-45
The Selective Service Act
The name of the American armed forces that were sent to Europe in World War I.
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
Federal agency created by Woodrow Wilson. Composed of representatives from workers and employers to arbitrate labor disputes during war.
National War Labor Board (NWLB)
An independent agency of the government created to influence public perception on the war and generate enthusiasm
Committee of Public Information (CPI)
Supreme Court decision that upheld the Espionage Act and stated that the First Amendment right of freedom of speech was not valid during war time against the draft.
Schneck vs. United States
Woodrow Wilson proposed plan that proposed increased free trade, de-colonizing and reducing imperial rule, and most importantly created the League of Nations
The 14 Points Plan
Assembly where all countries are represented, and a council of 8 select countries arbitrated issues. Established World Court.
The League of Nations
Signed in 1919, this forced Germany to limit their army to 100,000 soldiers, eliminate submarines and air force, and owe 33 billion dollar debt
Treaty of Versailles
This senate leader stated was at the forefront of the congressional charge against United States membership in the League of Nations
Henry Cabot Lodge
Founder of United Negro Improvement Association, he advocated that blacks return back to their cultural roots in Africa.
Marcus Garvey
This favors the interests of established inhabitants of a nation over immigrants
These acts limited the amount of immigrants allowed into America to 3%
Immigration Acts
A period from 1920 to 1933 where the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol was made illegal.
Controversial trial that convicted two Italian immigrants of murder.
Sacco-Vanzetti case
Founder of Ford Motor Company and use of the assembly line to mass produce automobiles.
Henry Ford
Controversial trial that challenged the Butler Act, a Tennessee law that prevented teaching Evolution in schools
The Scopes Trial
This man ran for president against FDR and was opposed to his New Deal
Alfred Smith
1921 conference that focused on stopping the arms race, and banned the production of battleships and aircraft carriers for 10 years.
The Washington Conference
Banned/condemned war, suggested diplomacy as solving political disputes. Suggested arbitration by League of Nations
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Legislation that formally prohibited alcohol. Vetoed by Woodrow Wilson but overridden by the House
Volstead Act (18th Amendment)

Endorsed INDIVIDUALISM, and that hard work was directly tied to success. Government would not be involved in economy even in crisis because economy was cyclical.
American System
Increase of taxation on imports by President Herbert Hoover of 40%. Tactical error because other countries raise their tariffs, sending America into more debt.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Marked by Black Thursday, this sent the American economy and the country as a a whole into a tailspin.
Stock Market Crash 1929
Severe dust storms that caused major agricultural damage to Great Plains
Dust Bowl
Assemblage of over 40,000 marchers (including WWI veterans and their families) who protested in Washington DC in 1932.
Bonus Army
Series of economic programs enacted by FDR in response to the Great Depression.
New Deal
A group of close advisors to a candidate or incumbent selected for their expertise in a particular field
Brain Trust
Period immediately after the election of FDR where many legislations where passed including the New Deal
The Hundred Days
Legislation that restricted agricultural production in New Deal era by paying farmers to reduce crop area
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Legislation that helped factories improve efficiency by giving them subsidies. Established price ceilings/floors and working conditions
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
Legislation that granted pensions to retired workers over 65 years old
Social Security Act
Established banking holiday and created the FDIC which protected deposits
Banking Act
Legislation that placed 9 million unemployed workers into mainly manual labor jobs building infrastructure (Schools, Roads, Dams)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Federally owned corporation that provided flood control, electricity, and economic development in an area especially ravaged by Great Depression
Tennessee Valley Authority
This man proposed a wealth redistribution measure in the form of a net asset tax. Also in favor of programs similar to those of New Deal in order to stimulate economy
Huey Long
Founded by Samuel Gompers, this was one of the first labor unions, but unlike the Knights of Labor was not all inclusive.
American Federation of Labor
Labor Union that merged with AFL and supported the New Deal from Roosevelt. Unlike the AFL, they allowed admittance by African- Americans
Committee of Industrial Organization
British economist who advocated government intervention in the economic sector, both by political and fiscal means to mitigate adverse economic cycles
John Maynard Keynes
This piece of legislation helped allow Adolf Hitler to legally establish his dictatorship
Enabling Act
War over Manchuria and Korea, that helped Japan emerge as major power
Russo-Japanese War
The policy by European democracies created in order to avoid another world war after the devastation of WWI
Fueled by a desire to be isolationist, this legislation was passed by the United States in order to remove themselves from the turmoil of Europe and Asia
Neutrality Acts
legislation allowed for American aid to Britain without violation the Neutrality Acts; but only involved that sale of goods and the transport must be done on British ships
Cash and Carry
Japanese attack on American naval base that is attributed to getting America involved in WW2... that however is not true
Pearl Harbor
Board that was established to regulate the production and allocation of materials during WW2
War Production Board
Administration that was created to stabilize prices and protect consumer interests
Office of Price Administration
forced relocation of Japanese-Americans after the Pearl Harbor attacks into interment camps
Japanese Internment
cultural icon that represented the American women who worked factory jobs during WW2
Rosie the Riveter
Divisions of the armed forces that were made solely of women

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