Mangement 3001
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- one thing depends on the other things; for organizations to be effective, there must be a "goodness of fit" between their structure and the conditions in their external environment
- contingency
- refers to the work an organization does by using electronic linkages
- e-business
- regers to business exchanges or transactions that occur electronically
- e-commerce
- pertain to the availability, production, and distribution of resources in a society
- economic forces
- systematic efforts to find, organize, and make available a company's intellectual capital and to foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing so a company's activites build on what is known
- knowledge management
- one in which everyone is engaged in identifying and solving problems, enabling the organization to experiment, change, and improve continuously, thus increasing its capacity to grow, learn, and achieve its purpose
- learning organization
- the effective and efficient attainment of organization goals through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources
- management
- a goal-directed and deliberately structured social entity
- organization
- the degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal
- organizational effectiveness
- regers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization goal; use of minimal to produce a desired volume of output
- organizational efficiency
- the attainment of organization goals by efficiently and effectively using resources
- performance
- refer to the influence of political and legal institutions on people and organizations
- political forces
- set of expectations for a manager's behavior
- role
- postulates that decisions about organizations and job design should be based on precise, scientic study of individual situations
- scientific management
- aspects of culture that guide and influence relationships among people; what do people value? what do people need? what are people's behavior standards?
- social forces
- concept that focuses on managing the total organization to deliver quality to customers
- total quality management (TQM)
- four significant elements of TQM
- employee involvement, focus on customer, benchmarking, and continuous improvement
- 4 elements of management
- planning, organizing, leading, controlling
- management today emphasizes...
- human touch, flexibility, and employee involvement
- _______ is a major source of business ________
- Change; Risk
- driving forces of organizational change
- telecommunications, diversity of workers, public consciousness, global marketplace, community of stakeholders
- defines goals for future organizational performance; decides tasks and use of resources needed
- planning function
- follows planning; reflects how organization tries to accomplish/execute plan; involves assignment of ____ into ________ and authority and allocation resources across organization
- organizing function
- monitoring employees' activities; determines whether organization is on target; make corrections if necessary
- control function
- new trends of controlling function
- empowerment and trust of employees; new info technology provides control without strict top-down constraints
- management skills
- conceptual, human, technical
- cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationships among its part
- conceptual skills
- ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group memeber
- human skills
- understanding of and proficiency in the performance specific tasks
- technical skills
- responsible for a department that performs a single functional task and has employees with similar training and skills
- functional manager
- responsibile for several departments that perform different functions
- general manager
- manager roles
- informational, decisional, interpersonal
- monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
- informational
- entrepreneur, distrubance handler, resource allocator, negociator
- decisional
- figurehead, leader, liaison
- interpersonal
- management and new workplace need to....
- embrance ambiguity, create organizations that are fast, flex, adaptable, and relationship-oriented, and focuse on leadership, staying connected to employees and customers, team building, and developing a learning organization
- crisis management skill
stay calm
be visible
put people before business
known when to get back to business
tell the truth -
rational, scientific, approach to management; make organizations efficient operating machines
-scientific management
-bureaucratic organizations
-administrative principles - classical perspective
-developed standard method for performing each job
-selected workers with appr. abilities
-trained workers in standard method
-supported workers by planning work and eliminating interruptions
-provided wage incentives - scientific management
-Max Weber
-European employees were loyal to a single ind. rather than to the org. or its mission
-based on rational authority
-continuity - bureaucratic management
-Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follet, Chester I. Barnard
-focus on org. rather than ind.
-delineated the mangement functions of planning, org., commanding, coordinating, and controlling - admnistrative principles
division of labor
unity of commmand
unity of direction
scalar chain - Henri Fayol
importance of common goals for reducing conflit
leadership-importnace of people vs. engineering techniques - Mary Parker Follet
Informal Organization
Acceptance Theory of Authority - Chester Barnard
- emphasized understanding human behavior, needs, and attitudes in the workplace
- humanistic perspective
- Theory X and Y
- Douglas McGregor
dislike work-will avoid it
must be coerced, controlled, etc
perfer direction - Theory X assumptions
do not dislike work
self direction and control
seek responsibility
imagination, creativity
intellectual potentional - Theory Y
emerged after WWII
applied mathamatics, stats, and other techniques - management science perspective
- recent historical trends
- systems theory, TQM, contingency theory
- a results oriented culture that values competitiveness, personal initiative and achievement
- achievement culture
- characterized by values that support the company's ability to interpret and translate signals from the env. into new behavior responses
- adaptability culture
- culture that values and rewards a methodical, rational, orderly way of doing things
- consistency culture
- general environment
- sociocultural, economic, technological, legal/political, international
- task environment
- customers, competitors, suppliers, labor markets
- levels of corporate culture
- visible, invisible
- artifacts, such as dress, office layout, symbols, slogans
- visible corporate culture
- expressed values, underlying assumptions and deep beliefs
- invisible corporate culture
- 4 types of corporate culture
- consistency, involvement, adaptability, achievement
- a culture that places high value on meeting the needs of employees and values cooperation and equity
- involvement culture
- articulates a vision for the org. in which employees can believe
- over communicate
- heeds the day-to-day activites that reinforce cultural vision
- lead by example
- 4 stages of globalization
- domestic stage, international stage, multinational stage, global stage
- market potential is limited to the home country; prod. and marketing facilities located at home
- domestic stage
- exports increase; company usually adopts a multi-domestic approach
- international stage
- marketing and produciton facilities located in many countries; more than 1/3 of sales outside home country
- multinational stage
- making sales and acquiring resources in whatever country offers the best deal; ownership, control, and top management tend to be dispersed
- global stage
- some principles of international business relations
- show respect, liste, do not think your way is best, know or take someone who knows the culture, avoid clique building, eliminate stereotypes
- key factors in international environment
- economic, legal-political, socioculture
- dimensions of social value systems
-power distance
-uncertainty avoidance
-individualism and collectivism
-long term vs short term orientaiton-time - GLOBE Project Value Dimensions
- assertiveness, future orientation, gender differnciation, etc.
-signed by 23 nations
-tariff concessions, countries agree to limit level of tarriffs on imports from other members - GATT (General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade)
-formed to improve economic and social conditions
-25 nation alliance
-monetary revolution - European Union (EU)
-merged U.S., Canada, and Mexico with more than 421 million consumers
-breaks down tariffs and trade restrictions on most agriculture and manufactured products - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- the code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right and wrong
- ethics
- three domains of human action
certified law
free choice - arises in a situation concerning right or wrong when values are in conflict; right and wrong cannot be clearly identified
- ethical dilemma
- 4 considerations in ethical decision making
-utilitarian approach
-individualism approach
-moral-rights approach
-justice approach - moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest #
- utilitarian approach
- acts are moral when they promote the invidual's best long-term interests
- individualism approach
- asserts human beings have fundamental rights and liberties
- moral rights approach
- moral decisions must be based on standards of equity, fairness, and impartiality
- justice approach
- 3 types of justice
-compensatory - requires that diff. treatment of people not be based on arbitrary characteristics
- distributive
- requires that rules be administered fairly
- procedural
- argues that individuals should be compensated for the cost of their injuries by the party responsible
- compensatory
- 3 levels of personal moral development
-postconventional - management's obligation to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the org.
- social responsibility
- satisfy legal requirements regarding environmental conservation
- legal approach
- respond to customers
- market approach
- address multiple stakeholder concerns
- stakeholder approach
- actively conserve the environment
- activist approach
- total corporate responsibility
-economic responsibility
-legal responsibility
-ethical responsibility
-discretionary responsibility - a choice made from available alternatives
- decision
- the process of identifying problems and opportunities and then resolving them
- decision making
- decisions made in response to a situation that has occured often enough to enable decision rules to be developed and applied in the future
- programmed decisions
- decisions made in response to a unique situation, are poorly defined and largely unstructured, and have imp. consequences for the org.
- nonprogrammed decisions
- all the information the decision maker needs is fully available
- certainty
- the goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear; alternatives are difficult to define; info about outcomes is unavailable
- ambiguity
- managers know which goals they wish to achieve, but info about alternatives and future events is incomplete
- uncertainty
- a decision has clear goals and good info available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance
- risk
- 3 decision making models
political - based on the assumption that managers should make logical decisions that will be in the organizations best economic interests; goals that are known and agreed upon; certainty; criteria for evaluating are known
- classical model
- describes how managers make decisions in situations characterized by nonprogrammed decisions, uncertainty, and ambiguity
- administrative model
- 2 concepts to shape administrative model
-bounded rationality
-satisficing - the concept that people have the time and cognitive ability to process a limited amount of info on which to base decisions
- bounded rationality
- to choose the first solution alternative that satisifies minimal decision criteria regardless of whether better solutions are presumed to exist
- satisficing
- resembles real environment make decisons; disagreement/conflict over problems and solutions are normal; make nonprogrammed decisions
- political model
- 6 steps of managerial decision making process
1) recognitions of decision
2) Diagnosis and analyis of causes
3) Development of alternatives
4) Selection of desired alternative
5)implementation of chosen alternative
6) evaluation and feedback - a model designed to help managers gauge the amount of subordinate participation in decision making
- vroom-jago model
- raw facts and figures that by themselves may be useless
- data
- data converted into a meaningful and useful context for specific users
- information
- operations information systems
-office automation systems
-transaction processsing systems
-process control systems - combine modern hardware and software such as word processors to handle the tasks of publishing and distributing info
- office automation system
- records and processes data resulting from business operations
- transaction processing system
- special sensing devices monitor and record physical phenomena such as temp and pressure changes
- process control system
- a computer based system that provides info and support to effective managerial decision making
- management information system
- the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals
- organizing
- set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and departments; formal reporting relationships; design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across depts
- orgnization structure
-tasks are subdivided into ind. jobs
-work can be performed more efficiently
-employees become bored and isolated - work specialization
unbroken line of authority that links all persons in an organization an dshows who reports to whom
-associated with unity of command and scalar principle - chain of command
- number of employees reporting to a supervisor; traditional view=7 per manager; today=30 or more
- span of management
- used in an organization; determines whether the structure is tall or flat
- span of control
- narrow span, more hierarchial levels
- tall structure
- wide span, fewer hierarchial levels
- flat structure
- decision authority is located near the top of org.
- centralization
- authority is pushed downward to lower organizational levels
- decentralization
- 5 approaches to structural design
- vertical, divisional, matrix, team, network
- team consists of employees from various functional depts
- cross-functional teams
- teams solve ongoing problems; come from all functional areas
- permanent teams
- firm subcontracts most of its major functions to seperate companies and coordinates their activites from a small headquarters organization
- virtual network structure
- temporary team or committee formed to solve a specific short-term problem
- task force
- participants from several departments who meet to solve ongoing problems
- team
- a person responsible for coordinating the activities of several depts
- project manager
- contingency factors that influence organization structure
interdependence - Woodward's Manufacturing Technologyq
small batch unit production
large batch and mass production
continuous process production - a type of technology that involes the produciton of goods in batches of one or few products designed to customer specification
- small batch unit production
- type of technology characterized by the production of a large volume of products with the same specifications
- large batch and mass production
- a type of techonology involving mechanization of the entire work flow and nonstop production
- continuous process production
- the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization
- organizational change
- two types of planned change
incremental change
transformational change - based on efforts to improve basic work and organizational processes
- incremental change
- involves redesign and renewel of the total organization
- transformational change
- Change sequence of events
- environmental forces and internal forces=>need for change=>initiate change=>implement change
- based on external and internal forces; performance gap
- need for change
a disparity between exisiting and desired performance levels
-current procedures are not up to standard
-new idea or technology could improve current performance - performance gap
- 2 elements of initiating change
creativity - a person who sees the need for and champions productive change within the organization
- idea champion
- promoting corporate innovation
-new venture teams
-idea incubator - facilitating of new ideas
-creative culture
-idea champions
-new venture teams
-idea incubators - 4 reason for resistance to change
-self interest
-lack of understanding and trust
-different assessments and goals - the fear of personal loss is perhaps the biggest obstacle to organizational change
- self interest
- do not understand the intended purpose of a change, or distrust the intentions
- lack of understanding and trust
- lack of info about future events
- uncertainty
- people who will be affected by innovation may assess the situation differently
- different assessments and goals
- TYPES of organizational change
products -
-related to organization's production process
-designed to enhance efficiency
-generally "bottom-up" - technology change
- tools for changing people and culture tools
-training and dev. programs
-organizational development - the application of behavioral science techinques to improve an organization's health and effectiveness through its ability to cope with environmental changes, improve internal relationships, and increase learning and problem-solving capabilities
- organizational development
- organizational development can help managers address:
-organizational decline/revitalizatoin
-conflict management - diagnosis stage; participants are made aware of problems in order to increase their willingness to change their behavior
- unfreezing
- intervention stage; individuals experiment with new workplace behavior
- changing
- reinforcement stage; individuals acquire a desired new skill or attitude and are rewarded for it by the organization
- re-freezing
- activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization
- human resource management
- strategic role of HRM
-all managers are HR managers
-employees are viewed as assets
-HRM is a matching process - how is HRM changing?
-focusing on building human capital
-use of information technology - the ecnomic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees
- human capital
- How to attract an effective workplace
-HR planning
-choose recruiting sources
-select the candidate
-welcome the new employee - How to develop an effective workplace
-on the job training
-orientation training
-self-directed/programmed instruction
-classroom training
computer based training - the process of observing and evaluating an employee's performance, recording the assessment,and providing feedback to the employee
- performance appraisal
- How to maintain an effective workforce
-compensation considerations
-terminations - Compensation Considerations
-wage and salary systems
-compensation equity
-pay for performance - the belief that one's own group or subculture is inherently superior to other groups or cultures
- ethnocentrism
- a culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs
- mono-culture
- the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal
- ethnorelativism
- means that an organization accommodates several subcultures
- pluralism
- 5 types of sexual harassment
-solicitation with promise of reward
-coercion with threat of punishment
-sexual crimes and misdemenors - an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of individuals, behavior, and performance in organizations
- organizational behavior
- work behavior that goes beyond job requirements and contributes as needed to the organization's success
- organizational citizenship
- a cognitive and affective evaluation that predisposes a person to act in a certain way
- attitude
- 3 components of attitude
-behavioral - includes the beliefs, opinons, and info the person has about the object of the attitude
- cognitive component
- the person's emotions or feelings about the object of the attitude
- affective component
- the person's intention to behave toward the object of the attitude in a certain way
- behavioral component
- 2 high performance work attitudes
-job satisfaction
-organizational commitment - the cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment
- perception
- the perception process
- observing info via the senses=>screening the ingo and selecting what to process=>organizing the selected data into patterns fro interpreting and response
- primacy and recency
- perceptual selectivity
- sterotyping and halo effect
- perceptual distortions
- says the characteristics of the person led to the behavior
- internal attributions
- says something about the situation caused the person's behavior
- external attributions
- 3 factors that determine whether the attribution will be external or internal
-consistency - whether the behavior is unusual for that person
- distinctiveness
- whether other people tend to respond to similar situations in the same way
- consensus
- whether the person being observed has a history of behaving in the same way
- consistency
- Big Five Personality Factors
-Emotional Stability
-Openness to Experience - EQ Basic Components
-relationship awareness
-social awareness - what poeople tend to attribute to the cause of their stress or failture
- locus of control
- locus of control: people are easier to motivate; believe their own actions influence what happens to them; feel in control of their fate
- Internal
- locus of control: believe events in their life happen because of luck, or chance; may feel helpless to change things; less in volved in jobs
- external
- to be concerned with power, status, and toughness; obey recognized authority; stick to conventional values
- Authoritarianism
- characterized by the acquisition of power and teh manipulation of other people for purely personal gain
- machiavellianism
- Problem-solving styles-MBTI
feeling - experiential learning cycle
concrete experience
reflective observation
abstract conceptualizatoin
active experimentation - concrete and reflective; good at ideas, people, culture and art
- Diverger
- abstract conceptualization and reflective; good at reasoning, less concerned with people
- assimulator
- abstract and active; good at practical application of ideas, good with technical tasks
- converger
- concrete and active; good at implementing decisions, good with people
- accomodator
- people gain 12% of what they know from hearing; people with preference to learn by ear
- auditory learners
- people gain 76% of they know from reading; people with this preference
- visual learners
- people gain 13% of what they know from the senses; people with this preference
- hands-on or kinesthetic learners
- 4 causes of work stress
-demands with job taks
-physical demands
-role demands
-interpersonal demands - the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals
- leadership
- ________takes care of where you are
- manager
- ______takes you to a new place
- leader
- leadership behaviors
people-oriented - contingency approaches to leadership
-Fiedler's Contingency Theory
-Hersey and Blandhard's Situation Theory
-Path-Goal Theory - leadership grid
1-9 x 1-9
x=concern for production
y=concern for people - 3 elements of leadership situations in Fiedler's Contingency Thoery
-leader member relations
-task structure
-position power - refers to group atmostphere and members' attitude toward and acceptance of the leader
- leader member relations
- refers to the extent to which tasks performed by the group are defined, involve specific procedures, and have clear, explicit goals
- task structure
- the extent to which the leader has formal authority over subordinates
- position power
- a contingency approach to leadership that links the leader's behavior style with the task readiness of subordinates
- Situational Theory
- levels of readiness
very high-delegating -
contingency approach, the leader's responsibility is to increase subordinates' motivation to attain personal organizational goals through:
-clarifying the paths to rewards
-increasing the rewards that the subordinate values and desires - Path-Goal Theory
- Path-Goal Classification of Leader Behaviors
-achievement oriented - 2 important situation contingencies (Path-Goal)
-the personal characteristics of group members
-the work environment -
-the ability to inspire
-motivate people to do more
-tend to be less predictable
-create atmosphere of change
-visionary - charismatic leader
-clarify the role and task requirements
-initate structure
-provide appropriate rewards - transactional leader
- 3 forms of power
-coercive - power coming from a management position
- legitimate power
- stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people
- reward power
- the authority to punish or recommend punishment
- coercive
- forms of personal power
-referent - leader's special knowledge or skill regarding the taks performed by followers
- expert power
- personality characteristics that command subordinates' identification, respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate the leader
- referent
- servant and level 5 leaders have ______ in common
- humility
- 3 steps in fair process
-expectation clarity - refers to the forces either internal or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action
- motivation
- high employee motivation goes hand in hand with ____________
- high performance
- Model of Motivation
- Need=>Change=>Rewards=>Feedback=>
- types of rewards
-extrinsic - satisfactions a person receives in the process of performing a particular action
- intrinsic
- reward given by another person
- extrinsic
- 4 Content Theories of Motivation
-Hierarchy of Needs Theory
-ERG Theory
-Two-Factor Theory
-Acquired Needs Theory - 5 steps of Hierachy of Needs (bottom-top)
-physiological needs
-safety needs
-belongingness needs
-esteem needs
-self-actualizatoin needs - ERG Theory (bottom-top)
-existence needs
-relatedness needs
-growth needs - Two-Factor Theory (bottom-top)
-Hygiene factors(influence level of dissatisfaction)
-Motivators(influence level of satisfaction) - Acquired Needs Theory (bottom-top)
-Need for Achievment
-Need for Affiliation
-Need for Power - explain how employees select behaviors with which to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful
- process theories