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- how many ly is the milky way galaxy?
- 75,000-100,000
- how many stars in MW?
- 1.1 Billion
- what is the whitish light that passes through several constellations?
- milky way
- what proved that we are in a galaxy?
- variable stars and clusters
- Name the 4 features of a galaxy
- Nuclear buldge, disk, halo, clusters
- Name the four types of variable stars
- eclipsing, mira, rr lyraes, cepheids
- how to tell eclipsing variable?
- light curve
- how to tell rr lyraes?
- 1/2 to 1 day period- all have same luminsoity- all 100x mv of sun
- how to tell mira?
- long period
- how to tell cepheids?
- 1-60 day period
- What did Henrietta Leavitt work with?
- Cepheids and RR Lyraes
- who created distance yardsticks using cepheids and rr lyraes?
- henrietta leavitt
- where did henrietta leavitt do her work?
- harvard college observatory
- Who discovered that we live in a galaxy?
- Harlow Shapely
- How did shapely use clusters to determine we live in a galaxy?
- used leavitts work of measuring distance using cepheids and rr lyraes, measured distance to clusters, deduced structure of galaxy
- What are two main components of our galaxy?
- Disk and sphere
- stars, open cluster, gas, dust=___
- disk
- where does start formation happen in our galaxy?
- in the disk
- how far is our sun from the center of the galaxy?
- 8.5 kilaparsecs
- what types of stars are in the disk?
- o and b (blue, hot)
- what is the radius of our disk?
- 12.5 kilaparsecs
- 21 cm radiation
- un-ionized H photons at 21 cm radiation-able to travel through dust and measure galaxy
- age of the universe determined by the ____________
- hubble constant
- where are POP II stars located?
- in the halo
- Where are POP I stars located?
- Disk
- Why are POP II starts in the halo?
- halo is older
- why are POP I stars in the disk?
- disk is younger
- What kind of galaxy do we live in?
- sprial barred galaxy (SBb)
- What happens if a star produces elements up to Fe?
- supernova
- What is the first step in the formation of the galaxy?
- cloud of gas and dust-only H and He
- What happens in galexy formation after a cloud of gas and dust with H and He?
- Gravity contracts it
- What happens after gravity contracts a dust and gas cloud?
- 1st stars- POP II's in G.C./halo the remains
- What happens when stars star forming in a galaxy?
- more contractions by gravity- disk forms- POP I stars in disk
- The density wave theory says that the spiral arms of the galaxy are______________
- compression (shock) waves
- how do compression waves make stars?
- spiral arm moves slowly, jams material together, star formation occurs
- How long is the suns orbit around the galaxy?
- 240 million years
- how old is the milky way?
- 5 billion years
- Who introduced the classification of galaxies?
- Edwin Hubble
- name the three types of galaxies
- elliptical, spiral, irregular
- what types of stars are in an elliptical galaxy?
- POP II stars
- is there a lot of star formation in an elliptical galaxy?
- no-little gas and dust
- do do elliptical galaxies have spiral arms?
- no
- what is the formula to measure an elliptical galaxy?
10(a-b)a - spiral galaxies have mostly______ stars in the disk
- POP I O, B
- What type of galaxy has a nuclear buldge and halo with POP II stars?
- Spiral
- What is an SO galaxy?
- Spiral with no arms- not much g&d, disk and halo
- Sa galaxy
- Spiral with tightly wound-large bulge, little gas and dust
- Sb
- Less loosly wound, smaller buldge
- Sc
- loose, small buldge, lots of gas and dust
- barred spiral
- elongated nuclear buldge
- Give an example of an irregular galaxy
- cigar galaxy, large magellanic cloud
- explain an irregular galaxy
- chaotic appearance, no arms or spirals, no smooth elliptical look, gas and dust spread out
- How far is andromeda galaxy?
- 2.9 Mil. LY
- What is the most distant we can see?
- 10 Bil. LY
- Look back time
- how many years ago we are seeing something as. Ex. Andromeda as we see it is actually what it looked like 2.9 Million years ago
- How can we detect distance using Cepheids?
- L or Mv and perios
- how far can we use cepheids to detect ditance?
- 80 Mil. LY
- How can we use planetary nebula to measure distance?
- Look at emission lines shift
- How can we use a supernova to measure distance?
- all are aprox. same Mv- takes us out to 1000 MPC
- How can we use another galaxy to measure distance?
- ave L of galaxy is 16 billion-all have same Mv-look for average galaxy, claculate distance
- What is hubble law?
- apparent velocity of recession versus distance-ends up being straight line
- what is hubble constant?
- 70km/s/mpc
- study of universe as a whole and how it all began
- cosmology
- does the universe have an edge?
- no
- how close can we get to the big bang?
- 10-43
- what is olber's paradox?
- incorrectly determined the universe to be infinetly old-universe is 14 bil. yrs old. therefore, 14bil ly radius of observable portion
- what is the universe?
- everything that exists
- what is observable universe?
- what we can see (14 bil years)
- what are the three assumptions of cosmology?
- Homogeneity, Isotropy, Universality
- assumes that matter is spread out uniformly
- homogeneity
- assumes universe looks the same in every direction
- isotropy
- any observer in any galaxy sees same general makeup of the universe
- universality
- how do we know all galaxies are moving away from each other and explainding?
- red shift
- what does the sky being dark suggest?
- expansion
- what moves galaxies away from each other?
- expansion of space
- what is the redshift evidence ofexplainsion?
- galaxies with red shifts proportional to distance-red shifts are larger for distance ones
- why is there no edge to the universe?
- there is nothing for an edge to expand into-the universe IS everything that exists
- what are the three types of theories of curvature of the universe?
- closed, flat, open
- positive curvature, finite, with no edge, surface of a sphere analogy
- closed universe
- zero curvature, must be infinite because there is no edge
- flat universe
- negative curvature, saddle shaped
- infinite, no edge
- is there a center to the universe?
- no
- What did Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias discover?
- Background radiation-evidence of the big bang
- undected matter that is obviously there
- dark matter
- give an example of probable dark matter
- galaxies with more mass then is visible
- what tells us that dark matter is there?
- gravitational effects
- What is cold dark matter?
- slow moving particles
- what is hot dark matter?
- matter moving at close to speed of light
- what is the value of science?
- understanding new things
- Why do we think time has a beginning?
- time and space are inseperably linked
- What is not meant by the big bang?
- not a dense piece of matter, but pure energy
- What does COBE stand for and what does it do?
- Cosmic Background Explorer-detects background radiation, big bang
- What are some theories ofwhat will eventually happen to the universe?
- big crunch, pulsating universe