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- fascination with the glory of war and the power of the military
- militarism
- building huge armies and navies to outdo rival nations and protect world interests.
- arms race
- an agreement among nations to support/help one another if war broke out
- alliance
- the assembly and movement of troops.
- mobilization
- an understanding between nations
- entente
- alliance during WWI which consisted of: Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
- Central Powers
- alliance during WWI which consisted of: Britain, France, Belgium, Italy (1915), and the U.S. (1917)
- Allied Powers
- a policy of not taking sides
- neutality
- warfare in which the opposing forces attack & from relatively permanent systems of trenches/ ditches protected by barbed wire entanglements
- trench warfare
- info. designed to influence public opinions; controlled spread of biased info. to influence what people think
- propaganda
- Russian Committee or council made up of representatives from the workers, soldiers, and peasants
- Soviets
- the most Radical Russian socialist group led by Viadimir Lenin who over threw the Russian Czar Nicholas II in 1917.
- Bolshevicks
- an agreement to end fighting; cease fire
- armistice
- h. The 4 leaders who created the treaties to end WW1: Pres. Woodrow Wilson (U.S.) Prime Minister David Lloyd George (Britain) Premier Georges Clemenceau ( France), & Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando (Italy)
- the big four
- payments made by losers of a war to the winners for damages or costs of the war
- reparation
- c. a peacekeeping organization created by Pres. Woodrow Wilson to prevent future wars.
- league of nations
- a formal order
- mandate
- forced enrollment into the military (the draft)
- conscription
- system of limiting the amounts of food and materials in use
- rationing
- use of warships to stop people/ goods from entering or leaving an area
- blockade