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Psych Final-Ch.18


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health psychology
researchers study relations between the mind and the body, and how these two components respond to challenges from the environment to produce illness or health
alarm stage
first stage in Seyle's GAS; it consists of the flight or fight response of the sympathetic nervous system & the associated peripheral nervous system reactions
chronic stress
refers to stress that does not end, like an abusive relationship that grinds the individual down until his or her resistance is eroded; can result in serious systemic diseases, decreased immune system functioning, or cardiovascular disease
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
a syndrome that occurs in some individuals after experiencing or witnessing life-threatening events, such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults (rape)
optimistic bias
most people generally underestimate their risks; it may actually lead people in general to ignore or minimize the risks inherent in life or to take more risks than they should
tendency to respond to everyday frustrations with anger & aggression, to become irritable easily, to feel frequent resentment, & to act in a rude, critical, antagonistic, & uncooperative manner; subtrait in the type A behavior pattern
secondary appraisal
(Lazarus), in order for stress to be evoked for a person, 2 cognitive events must occur, this one is when the person concludes that they do not have the resources to cope with the demands of the threatening event
daily hassles
the major sources of stress in most people's lives; minor, but can be chronic & repetitive; can be chronically irritating, though, they do not initiate the same GAS evoked by some major life events
problem-focused coping
refers to thoughts & behaviors that manage or solve the underlying cause of stress
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
(Seyle)-1) when a stressor 1st appears, people experience the alarm stage; 2) if the stressor continues, then stage of resistance; if the stressor remains constant, the person enters 3) the stage of exhaustion
the subjective feeling that is produced by uncontrollable and threatening events
time urgency
subtrait in the type A personality; hate wasting time; always in a hurry & feel under pressure to get the most done in the least amount of time; often do 2 things at once
traumatic stress
a massive instance of acute stress, the effects of which can reverberate within an individual for years or even a lifetime; differs from acute stress mainly in terms of its potential lead to post-traumatic stress disorder
exhaustion stage
3rd stage in Seyle's GAS; the stage where we are most susceptible to illness & disease, as our physiological resources are depleted
predisposition model
suggests that associations may exist between personality and illness because a 3rd variable is causing them both
primary appraisal
(Lazarus), in order for stress to be evoked for a person, 2 cognitive events must occur, this one is when the person perceives that the event is a threat to their personal goals
high-arousal unpleasant subjective feeling that comes when a person is blocked from attaining an important goal
major life events
(Holmes & Rahe), require that people make major adjustments in their lives; death or loss of a spouse, jail, losing a close family member, or being severely injured
refers to telling someone about some private aspect of ourselves
competitive achievement motivation
aka Need for Achievement; a subtrait in the type A behavior pattern
acute stress
results from the sudden onset of demands or events that seem to be beyond the control of the individual; tension headaches, emotional upsets, & feelings of agitation & pressure
emotional inhibition
refers to the suppression of emotional expressions
interactional model
suggests that objective events happen to a person, but that personality factors determine the impact of those events by influencing the person's ability to cope
dispositional optimism
the expectation that in the future good events will be plentiful and bad events will be rare
events that cause stress; extreme, produce opposing tendencies (wanting & not wanting an activity or object), uncontrollable
health behavior model
personality does not directly influence the relation between stress & illness; instead, it affects health indirectly through health-promoting or health-degrading behaviors;
additive effects
the effects of different kinds of stress adding up and accumulating in a person over time
resistance stage
2nd stage in Seyle's GAS; here the body is using its resources at an above average rate, even though the immediate flight response has subsided; stress is being resisted, but the effort is making demands on the person's resources & energy
positive reappraisal
refers to a cognitive process whereby a person focuses on the good in what is happening or has happened to them
(Bandura); refers to the belief that one can behave in ways necessary to achieve some desired outcome; also refers to the confidence one has in one's ability to perform the actions needed to achieve some specific outcome
a white blood cell; direct link between hostility and elevated white blood cell counts
transactional model
personality has 3 potential effects: 1) it can influence coping, as in the interactional model; 2) it can influence how the person appraises or interprets the events; and 3) it can influence exposure to the events themselves
creating positive events
creating a positive time-out from stress; ex. humor
illness behavior model
suggests that personality influences the degree to which a person perceives & pays attention to the bodily sensations, & the degree to which a person will interpret & label those sensations as an illness
hardening or blocking of the arteries; when the arteries that feed the heart muscle itself become blocked, then the subsequent shortage of blood to the heart is called a heart attack
episodic acute stress
refers to repeated episodes of acute stress, such as having to work at more than one job every day, having to spend time with a difficult in-law, or needing to meet a recurring monthly deadline

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