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The 7 Social Sciences Quiz


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Key word: Economic
Goods and services
Key words: Political Science
Key words: History
The past
Key words: Sociology
Key Words:Religion & Philosophy
Values and beliefs
Key words: Anthropology
Man and his cultures
Key words: Geography
Location, Place, Relationship to the environment, Movement, Region
Early cultures went through 4 stages:
1. Invention of tools
2. Discovery of fire
3. Growth of agriculture
4. Use of writing
The most important social unit in any culture is Â…
Family is the most important social unit in any culture because the family teachers customs and traditions.
Family types
1. Nuclear-mom, dads, kids
2. Extended- several generations
3. Alternative
Social Status can be looked at byÂ…

Typically in the following order:
Religious Leader*
Nobles/ Government Officials/ Military Officials*
Common workers/ Peasants/ Farmers
Values and beliefs
Right vs. Wrong
The 5 themes of geography:
The 5 themes of geography:
1. Location- absolute/relative Where?
2. Place- What is it like? WhatÂ’s there? What are the features? Psychical, man-made features, people
3. Relationship to Environment- (concern since 1970) How people modify/ change the environment
4. Movement- 3 types
A. Temporary- cyclical- work/day
B. Periodic-Summer
C. Permanent- migration
5. Regions- characteristics

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