sat vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- pachyderm
- a large thick-skinned mammal
- chauvinism
- unreasoning and boastful devotion to one's country or sex
- platitude
- a commonplace remark delivered as if it were important
- leonine
- authoritative, commanding, like a lion
- latent
- present but hidden, dorment
- pellucid
- transparently clear
- overweening
- ilya
- interdict
- to forbid or stop the activities or entry of
- hellion
- rascal, troublemaker
- deleterious
- harmful, destructive
- sublimate
- to express unacceptable impulses in a constructive form
- vernal
- relating to spring
- liniment
- a medicinal fluid rubbed on the skin to soothe pain or relieve stiffness
- sapient
- intelligent
- hoary
- showing white and gray hair because of old age
- cauterize
- to burn with a specialized instrument, esp to stop bleeding
- bow
- forward part of a ship, prow
- junta
- a group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power
- doldrums
- an area in the ocean of calm winds, a state of boredom or listlessness
- commiserate
- to express sympathy
- sensate
- having physical perception
- pertinacious
- stubbornly maintaining a belief
- cogitate
- to think carefully, to ponder
- peculate
- to steal or misuse
- virago
- noisy, domineering woman, a scold
- obsequy
- funeral ceremony
- vitiate
- to make faulty or impure, to spoil
- obscuant
- one who opposes intellectual advancement or political reform
- florescence
- in the act or condition of blooming, a period of success or achievement
- peccadillo
- minor sin
- exiguous
- scanty, meager, small, slender
- fait accompli
- an accomplished, presumably irreversible, deed
- ornithology
- the study of birds
- obloquy
- strongly disapproving language
- knell
- to ring in a slow, solemn way, omen of death, failure, etc
- lachrymose
- causing tears, weeping or inclined to weep
- offal
- waste parts, esp from slaughtered animals
- provincial
- limited in perspective, unsophisticated
- consanguinity
- blood relationship
- flue
- part of a chimney through which smoke escapes
- comity
- atmosphere of social harmony, oft political
- nonpareil
- having no equals
- waggish
- mischievous, playful
- effluent
- a stream, esp of sewage
- curmudgeon
- an ill-tempered person
- dictum
- an authoritative, often formal, pronouncement
- promulgate
- to make known by official announcement
- salvo
- a simultaneous discharge or release, as of weapons
- eviscerate
- to take out the entrails of, to remove the vital essence
- barrister
- a lawyer who presents and pleads cases in court, esp in Britain
- byline
- line at the head of a newspaper article carrying the author's name
- vituperative
- harshly critical
- procrustean
- showing merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances
- ichthyology
- the study of fish
- insolvent
- unable to pay debts as they become due
- subsume
- to include as part of a larger group
- epoch
- a long period of time, esp marked by important events or change
- gaffe
- clumsy, social error
- cognizant
- fully informed
- depilate
- to remove hair from
- rococo
- elaborate or overdone
- svelte
- slender and graceful i noutline
- ad infinitum
- lasting forever; continuously
- saturnine
- of a gloomy temperament
- arbiter
- a person selected to judge a dispute
- collude
- to plot secretly for a deceitful or illegal purpose
- vim
- energy, enthusiasm
- lassitude
- a feeling of weakness
- purblind
- nearly or partly blind, slow in understanding
- lampoon
- harmful or vicious satire
- larceny
- theft, esp of personal property
- tableau
- striking, dramatic scene or picture
- privation
- a lack of bare necessities
- tabulate
- to count
- mawkish
- overly sentimental
- attenuate
- to make thin, to reduce in force
- allay
- to reduce the intensity of, to calm
- referendum
- direct vote ona low or measure of public policy
- pastiche
- ecletic
- dearth
- scarcity or lack
- phenomenon
- an occurrence that can be perceived by the senses
- smorgasbord
- a varied collection/buffet meal
- gratuitous
- unnecessary or inappropiate
- raiment
- clothing
- ply
- to use diligently, to engage in, to continue supplying
- geriatric
- pertaining to the elderly, esp in a medical sense
- kiosk
- small booth from which tickets or newspapers are sold
- wend
- to go on or proceed
- espionage
- act/practice of spying
- stevedore
- one who works loading and unloading ships
- lucubrate
- to write in a learned fashion
- perfidious
- marked by extreme treachery
- ribald
- coarsely or indecently humorous
- cabal
- a small group of secret plotters
- graft
- a political corruption in which bribes are solicited
- piquant
- agreeably pungent or sharp in taste
- pithy
- relating to the central part of something, economically phrased
- extradite
- to deliver someone to the authority of another government
- inchoate
- at an early stage of development, not well developed
- scuttlebutt
- rumor; gossip
- lacuna
- an empty space or missing portion
- comport
- to conduct or behave oneself, to be compatible or in agreement with
- lycanthrope
- a werewolf
- couch
- to phrase in a particular way
- excreable
- detestable, revolting, deserving to be cursed
- vaunt
- to show off
- convoke
- to call together in a meeting
- dossier
- group of documents
- sentient
- capable of feeling, conscious
- recreant
- showing faithless disloyalty, disloyal coward
- hangar
- structure used to house aircraft
- inveigh
- to protest
- anathema
- someone or something that is hated
- ad hoc
- for a specific purpose and no other; improvised
- traduce
- to humiliate or disgrace by slander
- soiree
- evening party or celebration
- ineffectual
- useless; lacking forcefulness
- ecclesiastical
- relating to the church
- nugutory
- having no importance, invalid
- animadversion
- strong criticism; a critical remark
- boondoggle
- a pointless project, esp one financed with public funds
- pusillanimous
- cowardly
- oblation
- an offering
- prophylactic
- acting to prevent something, esp disease
- mien
- bearing or manner, esp as revealing one's inner state of mind
- offing
- the near future
- adventitious
- added from outside, accidental
- saccharine
- overly or sickeningly sweet