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1o Tumor arising from bone in adults
389. Osteosarcoma
Adrenal Medullary Tumor –Adults
390. Pheochromocytoma: 5 P ‘s: inc. Pressure; Pain (Headache); Perspiration; Palpitations; Pallor/Diaphoresis
Adrenal Medullary Tumor –Children
391. Neuroblastoma
Agent of severe viral encephalitis
392. Herpes simplex
Aggressive lung tumor
393. Small cell or oat cell
Associated with gallstones
394. Adenocarinoma
Bacterial Meningitis – adults
395. Strep pneumoniae & in young adults = Neisseria meningitidis
Bacterial Meningitis – elderly
396. Neisseria meningitidis
Bacterial Meningitis –newborns
397. E. coli / Group BStrep.
Bacterial Meningitis – toddlers
398. Hib
Benign epithelial tumor of oral mucosa
399. Papilloma
Benign fallopian tube tumor 400. Adenomatoid
Benign ovarian tumor
401. Mature(Native) Teratoma = benign dermatoid
Benign tumor of soft tissue
402. Lipoma
Benign tumor of the breast<25yoa
403. Fibroadenoma
Benign tumor of the liver
404. Hemangioma
Benign tumor of the vulva
405. Hidroadenoma
Benign uterine tumor
406. Leiomyoma: estrogen sinsitive: changes size during pregnancy & menopause
Bone Tumors
407. Metasteses from Breast & Prostate
Brain Tumor – Child
408. Medulloblastoma (cerebellum)
Brain Tumor –Adult
409. Astrocytoma (including Glioblastoma Multiforme) then: mets, meningioma, Schwannoma
Breast Carcinoma
410. Invasive Duct Carcinoma
Breast Mass
411. Fibrocystic Change: premenopausic women (Carcinoma is the most common in post-menopausal women)
Bug in Acute Endocarditis
412. Staph aureus
Bug in debilitated, hospitalized pneumonia pt
413. Klebsiella
Bug in Epiglottitis
414. Hib
Bug in GI Tract
415. Bacteroides (2nd – E. coli)
Bug in IV drug user bacteremia / pneumonia
416. Staph aureus
Bug in PID
417. N. Gonnorrhoeae
Bug in Subacute Endocarditis
418. Strep Viridans
CA of urinary collecting system
419. Transitional cell CA (assoc. w/ benzidine; ânaphthylamine; analine dyes; long term txt w/ cyclophosphamide)
Cardiac 1ry Tumor - Adults
420. Myxoma: “Ball Valve”
Cardiac 1ry Tumor - Child
421. Rhabdomyoma - associated w/ Tuberous sclerosis
Cardiac Tumor – Adults
422. Metasteses
423. Dilated (Congestive) Cardiomyopathy: Alcohol, BeriBeri, Cocaine use, Coxsackie B, Doxorubicin 424. Systolic Dysfunction
Cause of 2ry HTN
425. Renal Disease
Cause of AddisonÂ’s
426. Autoimmune (2nd – infection)
Cause of breast lumps
427. CA of the breast
Cause of chronic endometriosis
428. TB
Cause of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
429. 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency: NaCl lost & Hypotension (then, 11- NaCl retention & HTN)
Cause of Cushings
430. Exogenous Steroid Therapy (then, 1ry ACTH, Adrenal Adenoma, Ectopic ACTH)
Cause of Death in Alzheimer pts
431. Pneumonia
Cause of Death in Diabetics
432. MI
Cause of Death in premature
433. NRDS = hyaline membrane disease
Cause of Death in SLE pts.
434. Lupus Nephropathy Type IV (Diffuse Proliferative) = Renal Disease
Cause of Dementia
435. AlzheimerÂ’s , 2nd most common is. Multi-Infarcts
Cause of Dwarfism
437. Achondroplasia
Cause of Food poisoning
438. Staph aureus
Cause of Hematosalpynga
439. Ectopic pregnancy
Cause of Hypoparathyroidism
440. Throidectomy
Cause of Hypothyroidism
441. Corrective surgery I31 treatment
Cause of Kidney infections
442. E. coli
Cause of Liver disease in US
443. Alcohol consumption
Cause of Malignancy in children
444. Acute leukemia
Cause of Mental retardation
445. DownÂ’s, 2nd most common is. Fragile X
Cause of NaCl loss and Hypotension
447. 21 hydroxylase deficiency
Cause of PID
448. N. ghonorrhea
Cause of Portal cirrhosis
449. Alcohol
Cause of Preventable Blindness
450. Chlamydia (serotypes A,B,Ba,C)
Cause of Pulmonary HTN
451. COPD
Cause of Secondary Hypertension
452. Renal disease
Cause of SIADH
453. Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
Cause of UT Obstruction in men
454. BPHyperplasia
Cause Pernicious Anemia
455. Chronic atrophic gastritis = no production of intrinsic factor
Chromosomal Disorder
456. DownÂ’s
Common Tumor of the Appendix
457. Carcinoid tumor: flushing; diarrhea; bronchospasm; RHeart valvular lesions 458. Txt: Methysergide (5HT antagonist)
Congenital Cardiac Anomaly
459. VSD (membranous > muscular)
Congenital Early Cyanosis
460. Tetralogy of Fallot =right to left shunt
Coronary Artery Thrombosis
461. LAD artery: MI
Demyelinating Disease
462. Multiple Sclerosis: (Charcot Triad = nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech) 463. Periventricular plaques w/ dec. Oligodenrocytes 464. inc. IgG in CSF, Optic Neuritis, MLF Syndorme = Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia, bladder incontinence
Dental Tumor
465. Odontoma
Dietary Deficiency
466. Iron
Disease of the Breast
467. Fibrocystic disease
Disseminated Opportunistic Infection in AIDS
468. CMV ( Pneumocystis carinii is most common overall)
Esophageal Cancer
469. SCCA
Fallopian Tube Malignancy
470. AdenoCA
Fatal Genetic Defect in Caucasians
471. Cystic Fibrosis (chromosome 7q)
Female Tumor
472. Leimyoma
Form of Amyloidosis
473. Immunologic (Bence Jones protein in multiple myeloma is also called the Amyloid Light Chain)
Form of Tularemia
474. Ulceroglandular
Germ Cell Tumor of Testes
475. Seminoma (analogous to dysgerminoma of ovaries)
Gynecological Malignancy
476. Endometrial Carcinoma
Gynecological Finding
477. Endometrial CA
Heart Murmur
478. Mitral Valve Prolapse
Heart Valve in Bacterial Endocarditis
479. Mitral
Heart Valve in Bacterial Endocarditis in IV drug users
480. Tricuspid
Heart Valve involved in Rheumatic Fever
481. Mitral then Aortic
Hereditary Bleeding Disorder
482. Von WillebrandÂ’s Disease
Hormone secreted in Pituitary Adenoma
483. Prolactin
Inherited disease of the Kidney
484. Adult polycystic kidney disease: associated w/ polycystic liver, Berry aneurysms, Mitral prolapse 485. APD1 - chromosome 16
Intracranial tumor in adults
486. Glioblastoma mulitforme
Islet Tumor
487. Insulinoma = â cell tumor
Liver 1ry Tumor
488. Hepatoma
Liver Disease
489. Alcoholic Liver Disease
Location of Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas
490. Head (99%)
Location of Adult Brain Tumors
491. Above Tentorium
Location of Childhood Brain Tumors
492. Below Tentorium
Lung Tumor, malignant or benign
493. Malignant
Lung Tumor, primary or secondary
494. Secondary
Lysosomal Storage Disease
495. GaucherÂ’s
Malignancy in Women
496. Lung (2nd breast)
Malignancy of the Larynx
497. Glottic CA (squamous cell)
Malignancy of the Small Intestine
498. Adenocarcinoma
Malignancy Vulva
499. Squamous cell CA
Malignant Eye Tumor in Kids
500. Retinoblastoma
Malignant Tumor of the Liver
501. Hepatocellular CA
Motor Neuron Disease
502. ALS
Muscular Dystrophy
503. DuchenneÂ’s: Dystrophin deletion. Presents <5yoa weakness at pelvic girdles w/ upward progression
Nasal Tumor
504. Squamous cell CA
Neoplasm – Child
505. Leukemia Neoplasm – Child (2nd mostcommon) is. Medulloblastoma of brain (cerebellum)
Neoplasm of the West
507. Adeno CA of the rectum and/or colon
Neoplastic Polyp
508. Tubular adenoma
Nephrotic Syndrome in Adults
509. Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
510. Minimal Change (Lipoid Nephrosis) Disease (responds well to steroid txt)
Non HodgkinÂ’s Lymphoma
511. Follicular small clear cell
Number of Deaths per year in Women
512. Lung CA
Skin tumor
513. Basal cell CA
Opportunistic infection in AIDS
514. PCP
Ovarian Malignancy
515. Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
Ovarian Tumor
516. Hamartoma
Pancreatic Tumor
517. Adeno (usually in the head)
Patient with ALL / CLL / AML / CML
518. ALL – Child / CLL – Adult over 60 / AML - Adult over 60 / CML – Adult 35-50
Patient with GoodpastureÂ’s
519. Young male
Patient with ReiterÂ’s
520. Male
Pituitary Tumor
521. Prolactinoma (2nd – Somatotropic “Acidophilic” Adenoma)
Place for Primary Squamous Cell CA of esophagus
522. Mid 1/3
Place for Peptic Ulcer Disease
523. Lesser curvuture in antrum – associated w/ blood group O
Primary Benign Salivary Tumor
524. Pleomorphic Adenoma (Mixed) – 90% localized to the parotid
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
525. Adenomas (followed by: hyperplasia, then carcinoma)
Primary Malignancy of Bone
526. Osteosarcoma
Primary Malignancy of Small Intestine
527. Lymphoma
Pt. with HodgkinÂ’s
528. Young Male (except Nodular Sclerosis type – Female)
Pt. with Minimal Change Disease
529. Young Child
Renal Malignancy
530. Renal cell CA
Renal Malignancy of Early Childhood
531. Wilm’s tumor (neohroblastoma) – chromosome 11p
Salivary Tumor
532. Pleomorphic adenoma
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
533. Hypocalcemia of Chronic Renal Failure
Sexually Transmitted Disease
534. Chlamydia (sero types D-K)
Site of Diverticula
535. Sigmoid Colon
Site of Embolic Occlusion
536. Middle cerebral aa: contralateral paralysis; aphasias; motor & sensory loss
Site of Metastasis
537. Regional Lymph Nodes
Site of Metastasis (2nd most common)
538. Liver
Sites of Atherosclerosis
539. Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid
Skin CA of Fair Skinned People
540. Malignant melanoma
Skin Cancer
541. Basal Cell Carcinoma
Small Intestine Congenital Anomaly
542. MeckelÂ’s diverticulum
Stomach Cancer
543. Adeno – associated w/ blood group A
Testicular Tumor
544. Seminoma = malignant painless testes growth
Thyroid Anomaly
545. Thryoglossal duct cyst
Thyroid CA
546. Papillary CA
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
547. Lower esophagus joins trachea / upper esophagus – blind pouch – polyhydramnios association
Tumor in men <20
548. Germ cell tumor
Tumor of Infancy
549. Benign vascular tumor = port wine stain = Hemangioma
Tumor of the Stomach >50 years of age
550. CA of stomach (adeno CA)
Type of HodgkinÂ’s
551. Mixed Cellularity (versus: lymphocytic predominance, lymphocytic depletion, nodular sclerosis)
Type of Non-HodgkinÂ’s
552. Follicular, small cleaved
Type of Portal Cirrhosis
553. Micronodular
Type of Soft Tissue Tumor of Childhood
554. Rhabdomyosarcoma
Vasculitis (of medium & small arteries)
555. Temporal Arteritis (branch of Carotid Artery)
Viral Encephalitis
556. HSV
Worm Infection in US
557. Pinworm (2nd – Ascaris)
Worst Prognosis in Thyroid Cas
558. Follicular CA
Cause of Lobar Pneumonia
559. Strep. Pneumoniae
Cause of Death b/t 24-44 yoa
560. AIDS
Cause of Pneumonia in Cystic Fibrosis
561. Pseudomonas
Cause of Osteomyelitis in IV Drug Users
562. Pseudomonas
Cause of Infection in Burn Pts
563. Pseudomonas
Mental Problem in Males
564. Specific phobia
Intelligence Test
565. Stanford Binet (ages 6 & under) 566. WIPSI (ages 4-6) 567. WISK-R (for ages 6-17) 568. WAIS-R (for > 17 yoa)
569. Pedophilia
Metabolite seen w/ Pheochromocytoma
570. VMA: vanillylmandelic acid (NE metabolite)
Severe Shigella
571. Dysenteriae
Bug in Otitis Media & Sinusitis in Kids
572. Strep. Pneumoniae
Cause of a Solitary Brain Abscess
573. A. Israelli
Cause of Bacterial Diarrhea in U.S.
574. Campylobacter jejuni
Shigella Type
575. S. Sonnei
Cause of Non-Ghonococcal Urethritis
576. Chlamydia trichomonas
577. Strep. Pneumoniae
Urethritis 5
78. N. ghonorrhea
Cause of Glomerulonephritis
579. IgA Nephropathy = BergerÂ’s Disease
Cause of Viral Pneumonia
580. RSV – infants 581. Parainfluenza – kids 582. Influenza virus – adults 583. Adeno virus – military recruits
Complication of COPD
584. Pulmonary infections
Cause of Death w/ SLE
585. Renal failure
Atrial Septal Defect
586. Ostium Secundum Type
Warm Antibody
587. Most common form of immune hemolytic anemia 588. IgG auto antibodies to RBC 589. See spherocytosis; (+) CoombsÂ’ test; complication to CLL
590. IgA Deficiency
Congenital GIT Anomaly
591. MeckelÂ’s Diverticulum: persistence of vitelline duct/yolk sac stalk
Cause of Congenital Malformation
592. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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