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History Midterm Ch 3

Chapter 3 Vocabulary-History


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Sir Edmund Andros
veteran military officer from an aristocratic English family
Glorious Revolution
William and Mary took over-no blood shed
George Washington
age 22, Fort Necessity-militia attacked
French and Indian War
4th war between GB and France for control of NA (7 yr war)
cash crop
crop grown primarily for sale rather than for the farmers own use
William Pitt
an energetic, self-confident politician from Pennsylvania
an economic system in which nations seek to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade
Great Awakening
resulting religious revival 1730s-1740s
Proclamation Act
banned all settlement west of the Appalachians
Ottawa leader who recognized that the French loss in the French and Indian War was a loss for the Native Americans
Navigation Acts
a series of laws enacted by Parliament, 1651, to tighten England's control of trade to the American Colonies
Ben Franklin
first outstanding Enlightenment figure
John Edwards
NH, Massachusetts-first member of clergy who sought to revive the intensity of original Puritan vision
the legislative body in England
people who were considered the property of others
George Grenville
prime minister 1763-chosen financial expert of King George III, asked Parliament to enforce the Sugar Act
New France
French colony in North America
an 18th century intellectual movement that emphasized use of reason and scientific method as obtaining knowledge
Triangular Trade
transatlantic trading network
Middle Passage
the middle leg of the transatlantic trade triangle
Sugar Act
Halved duty of foreign-made molasses, placed duties on certain imports, strengthened enforcement of law allowing prosecutors to try smuggling cases in a vice-admiralty court
Dominion of New England
the land from southern Maine to NJ (Charles 2nd)
Salutary Neglect
an English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulations in its colonies in return for the colonies continued economic loyalty

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