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Russia Midterm


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A form of monasticism that is characterized by religious self-discipline, isolation, and monasticism
Reactionary general under Alexander I who proposed the scheme of military settlements (estates and villages inhabited by enlisted soldiers who farm the land)
A Slavic upper-class of lords
A form of monasticism that is community-oriented and moderately ascetic; fits in with the Russian concept of sobornost
Cyrill and Methodius
Two Christian monks that developed the written language, based on Greek, which transcribes the spoken Slavic language
A group of Russian revolutionaries who in December 1825 led an unsuccessful revolt against Tsar Nicholas I
Meaning "two-faithed", the phenomenon of Russian culture to identify itself as Orthodox Christian while still maintaining animistic tradition and ritual
False Dmitry
Identification of one of many individual pretenders that arose during the Time of Troubles
Boris Godunov
Russian boyar who was elected tsar after death of Ivan's son, Dmitry
Holy Fool
one who appears unintelligent, but has other redeeming qualities. The Holy Fool serves as a symbol of Russia (inexpressive, afraid, yet beautiful). In the movie, the Holy Fool is representative of the role of women to bear witness.
A screen bearing icons that separates the sanctuary of the Eastern Orthodox Church from the nave
Ivan the Terrible
16th century tsar that specialized the military, codified the laws, and established the oprichina and the zemskii sobor
Nikolai Karamzin
Russian writer during the late eighteenth century who gave Russia its first history.
A Turkic people of south-eastern Russia that influenced the early development of Kiev. Known as the "Great Assimilators", the Khazars are primarily known for their cultural and religious toleration
Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church during the mid-17th century who asserted that the church was independent of and superior to the state, and also led a thorough reform of Russian Orthodox texts and rituals
Farming communes that assumed joint responsibility for taxes and military recruitment. The institution of the obshchina, which lasted until the Bolshevik Revolution, fostered attitudes of egalitarianism and collectivism in Russian society and culture
Official Nationality
In opposition to the Slavophile movement, those who supported the privilege of the nobility and believed that autocracy was the most important aspect of society
Old Believers
Russian Orthodox group that refused to accept the liturgical reforms of Patriarch NIkon; followed the old ways and saw themselves as guardians of true Russian faith against Greek incursion
Belief that all slavs share the same destiny and that the leader of that destiny is Russia
Potemkin Villlage
Based on the story that Potemkin, a favorite of Catherine the Great, gave the order for sham villages to be built for the empress' tour of the Crimea. As a metaphor, its significance is that it gives the facade that something has happened when in fact nothing has
Cossack who led a peasant uprising under the reign of Catherine the Great claiming to be Catherine's murdered husband. It was the most revolutionary effort up to that point and called for an end to serfdom, central authority, and lifetime conscription in the army, while still maintaining a tsar
A. Radishchev
Russian commentator under Catherine the Great who supported social activism
Andrei Rublev
Icon painter of medieval Russia; his most famous work is the Old Testament Trinity, which is known for its simplicity and stylistic skill
The separation of the Russian Orthodox Church into the Old Believers and the followers of Nikon
Trend in Russian literature and culture involving the excessive expression of emotions; a reaction against Neo-Classicism.
Meaning "Spirit of the Congregation", it reflects the collectivist notion that is highly valued in Orthodoxy
Stenka Razin
First mythic rebel of Russian culture; in late 15th century led a major rebellion in southeast Russia against officials and authority with a cry for freedom and an end to taxes
Summum Bonum
Meaning "the highest good", it signifies the highest goal according to which priorities and values are established. In Russian culture, it aimed at a vision of God through bodily denial
Superfluous Man
Cultural figure stemming from the Russian intelligensia movement of a man who is educated, yet serves no purpose in society
Table of Ranks
Established by Peter the Great, outlined three parallel hieracrchies in the military, civilian, and judiciall sector of society. In each sector, there are fourteen parallel levels, and one rises based on merit
Third Rome
The belief that Russia is the "Christ of Nations" through their sacrifices and that it must lead and preserve Christianity. Russia becomes the center of Orthodoxy.
Time of Troubles
Tumultuous period of Russian history following the rule of Ivan the Terrible
White and Black Clergy
Division of the clergy in Russian Orthodoxy. The white clergy are lower-ranked and allowed to marry. The black clergy are higher-ranked and not allowed to marry.
Zemskii Sobor
A broad advisory group formed under Ivan the Terrible representing not only the boyar elite, but gentry, Church officials, and townspeople

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