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muscles of the face


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posterior or backward movement of the jaw......
retrusion of the mandible
muscles of facial expressions, causes what...
a wrinkling of the skin in the form of an expression
name the insertion point of the temporalis muscle
on coronoid process of the mandible
what does the stenocleidomastoid muscle do?
helps you to say yes or no.
name the action of the stylohyoid muscle
action: elevates the hyoid
name the fan-shaped muscle
temporalis muscle
name the action of the omohyoid muscle
depresses the hyoid, there is a superior and inferior belly with a tendon that separates the two
the action of the medial pterygoid......
elevation of the mandible (close jaw)
opening the mouth....
depression of the mandible
what happens if we contract anteriorly?
Pulls the coronary process up; elevation of the mandible
what is the origin and insertion of the anterior belly?
the origin: on the immediate tendon
insertion:medial surface of the mandible
the buccinator muscle does what?
picks food up from buccal vestible and puts back on surface of the teeth, assists in mastication. shortens cheek vertically and horizontally
what is the geniohyloid muscle?
the muscle that lies superior to the mylohyoid muscle
anterior or foward motion of the jaw........
protrusion of the mandible
what is the purpose of the anterior belly?
depresses the mandible
name the two bellys of the digastric muscle
anterior and posterior belly
orbicularis oris does what?
closes or purses the lips (pucker mouth)
left or right movement of the jaw......
lateral excursion
this muscle is not a very strong muscle
the mylohyoid muscle
What happens if we contract posterior?
the coronary process will be pulled back; retrusion
mentalis muscle does what?
raises the chin, protrudes the lower lip, wrinkles the chin
If I move my jaw to the left, left lateral excursion, it is the same as......
left working, right balance and (vice versa)
zygomaticus minor does what?
elevates the upper lip
can fibers work independanty?
name the origin of the mylohyoid muscle
on mylohyoid line in medial surface of the mandible.
head of the muscle refers to what?
the direction of the fibers
name the four pairs of infra hyoid muscles
they work to stabilize the hyoid bone.
sternothyroid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
name the four major muscles of mastication.
Masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid and temporalis muscle
zygomatious major does what?
elevates the corner of the mouth or lip and pulls it laterally
name the action of the posterior belly.
raises the hyoid
name the origin and the insertion of the posterior belly
origin:on mastoid process (non-moveable bone)
insertion:intermediate tendon
the risorius muscle does what?
a longitudinal muscle that widens smile, and pulls commisure in a posterior direction
the platysma muscle does what?
pulls the corner of the mouth down; large muscle of the neck
depressor anguli oris does what?
depresses the angle of the mouth
levator anguli oris does what?
elevates the angle of the mouth (smile)
name the action of the thyrohyoid muscle
depresses the hyoid bone; raises the thyroid cartilage
the insertion point for the medial pterygoid muscle is the...
medial surface of the mandible at the angle
what does the occipitalfrontalis or epicranial muscle do?
wrinkles the forehead
fill in the blank:
muscles to elevate are very _____
while muscles to open are very ________
powerful, weak
name the action of the myohyoid muscle
action: elevates the hyoid, depresses mandible, and elevates the tongue
name the origin and insertion of the thyrohyoid muscle
the origin of the medial pterygoid muscle is the ...
medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
the levator labi superioris muscle does what?
elevates the upper lip
what does the stylopharyngeus muscle do?
elevates and widens pharynx
name the origin and insertion of the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle
origin: scapula (wing bone)
insertion: tendon
what do the minor muscles of mastication do?
helps depression oft he mandible or opening of the mandible. Has two groups suprahyoid and infrahyoid
name the most forceful action of mastication
chewing or elevation of mandible
name the action of the sternohyoid
to depress or stabilize the hyoid bone
orbicularis oculi does what?
surrounds the eyelid; closes eyelid
what does the superior, inferior and middle constrictor muscles do?
they raise pharynx and larynx
name the intrinsic muscles of the tongue
they are labeled according to direction.
superior longitudinal, transverse, vertical, and inferior longitudinal
name the action of the lateral pterygoid muscle...
pulls condyle forward;results in some depression and protrusion of the mandible. Forces mandible forward
name the origin and insertion of the sternohyoid muscle
insertion:all the up on the hyoid bone
what do the superior and inferior logitudinal intrinsic muscles of the tongue do?
shortens, thickens and curls the tongue
name the origin and insertion for the sternothyroid
origin: sternum
insertion:thyroid cartilage
name the muscles of the pharynx?
they are voluntary muscles that initiates the swallowing process and moves food along: superior, inferior, middle constrictors and stylopharyngeus
what do the transverse tongue muscles do?
runs left to right; make tongue long and narrow
the lateral pterygoid lies where?
within the infratemporal fossa, deep to the temporalis muscle
name the origin of the temporalis muscle
inferior (which is on parietal bone) temporal line; lies in temporal fossa
name the origin and insertion for the stylohyoid muscle
origin: styloid process
insertion: hyoid bone
what do vertical muscles do?
top to bottom and makes tongue long and narrow
name the four pairs of suprahyoid muscles
digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid, geniohyoid
name the broad, thick rectangular muscle on each side of the face, anterior to the parotid salivary glands
the masseter muscle
name the omohyoid superior belly origin and insertion
origin: tendon that separates the two bellys
insertion:hyoid bone
the origin of the superficial head of the masseter muscle is
anterior 2/3 of inferior border of the zygomatic arch
depressor labii inferioris
depresses lower lip, exposes incisors
name the origin to the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle
lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
the masseter muscle has two heads....
superficial head (closest to the skin area)
deep head (more medial)
name the muscles of the soft palate
they are volunary muscles that are involved in speaking and swallowing
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
flares the nostrils
name the origin of the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle
greater wing of the sphenoid, closest to its interior border
what does the tensor veli palatine do?
tenses ans lowers the soft palate
foramen cecum?
small depression at the apex of the tongue; whats left over of thyrogland duct
palatopharyngeus (posterior tonsillar pillar)?
moves palate posteriorly and inferiorly and posterior pharyngeal wall
the origin of the deep head of the masseter muscle is...
posterior 1/3 medial surface of the zygomatic arch
what do the muscles of the uvula do?
raises uvula to pharyngeal wall
name the action of the stenothyroid muscle
depresses and pulls thyroid cartilage
name the insertion point for the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle
anterior surface of the neck of the condyle
the insertion for the superficial head of the masseter muscle is
angle of the mandible, lateral surface
name the insertion point for the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle
neck of the condyle and parts of the capsule of TMJ.
the insertion for the deep head of the masseter muscle is the.....
ramus of mandible, lateral surface
name the action of the masseter muscle
elevation of the mandible, closing the mandible. The only thing a masseter can do is elevation. When the muscle contracts, the mandible elevates
what does the mylohyoid muscle do?
forms the floor of the mouth
hyoid muscles do what?
assist in the action of mastication and swallowing
If I contract my right lateral pterygoid what results?
left lateral excursion (will pull jaw to the left)
name the two important parts of a muscle.
origin-least moveable
insertion-most moveable
what are lingual tonsils?
lateral border of tongue at posterior 1/3, foliate papillae
name the extrinsic muscles
genioglossus, styloglossus, hypoglossus
what does the genioglossus muscle do?
protrudes tongue and depresses portions
what are filiform lingual papillae?
very small hair-like projections; most numerous
what are fungiform papillae?
small larger dots, anterior 2/3; loos like a mushroom under a microscope
what does the styloglossus muscle do?
retracts the tongue
wht does the hypoglossus muscle do?
depresses the tongue
what does the palatoglossus muscle do?
depresses the soft palate, elevates arches in the tongue
what are circumvallae papillae?
largest papillae on the tongue
what does the levator veli palatini do?
raises the soft palate to pharyngeal wall
thyroid glands?
develops on the dorsal surface of the tongue, posterior 1/3
what does the body of the tongue consist of?
it is composed of two muscle groups; intrinsic, located totally within the tongue and extrinsic, originates outside of the tongue
name the insertion and action of the mylohyoid muscle
insertion: hyoid bone
action: depresses the tongue or elevates the hyoid bone. By doing this, it helps lift the tongue
closing the mouth is referred to as......
elevation or closure of the mandible
name the origin and insertion point of the geniohyoid
origin: genial tubercles on the medial surface of mandible in midline
insertion: body of the hyoid bone
name the insertion point of the temporalis muscle
on coronoid process of the mandible

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