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Science 6 Weeks Term Test

this is the review for the science 6 weeks term test...DONT FORGET TO STUDY THE PARTS OF A MICROSCOPE AND A CELL!


undefined, object
copy deck
it has uracil in the place of thymine
What is different about the bases of RNA?
birth, growth, reproduction, and death
What are the steps of an organisms life span?
Where does most Cellular Respiration occur?
other living cells
Today, where do all new living things come from?
inside the nucleus
Where are chromosomes found?
the result of an abundance of water inside a cell that has a rigid cell wall
What is turgor pressure?
How many cells are present at the end of meiosis?
What is the most common energy source?
aerobic respiration
sugar + oxygen ----> carbon dioxide + water + energy
a twisted ladder
What does the DNA model look like
the cells of plants, bacteria, and algae
What organisms have cell walls?
walls of dead plant cells
What were the boxlike structures that Robert Hooke first named cells?
the chromosomes align by their centromeres across the middle of the spindle
asexual reproduction
Is mitosis a form of asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?
when sister chromatids reach the end of the spindle and the nucleus reforms
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Who ground his own lenses to look at tiny organisms?
Genes are copied during this phase
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids
What 4 molecules did we discuss in Chapter 3?
the cytoplasm divides and forms daughter cells
a substance that affects the rate of a reaction but is not changed in the reaction
What is a catalyst?
fully formed and reproduce after their own kind
According to the Scripture, how did God create all living creatures?
during this phase the sister chromatids move to opposite ends of the spindle
anaerobic respiration
sugar ----> carbon dioxide + alcohol + energy or lactic acid
Nuclear membrane disappears; chromosomes coil; sister chromatids still attached before separated
carbon dioxide + water + light energy ----> sugar + oxygen
mitosis and cytokinesis
What are the two stages of cell division?
active transport
In what type of transport is the cell's own energy used?
all cells come from preexisting cells, all living things are made of cells and of the product of cells, and the functions of living things are performed by the cells they are made of
What does the cell theory state?
cellular boundaries, the cytoplasm, and the genetic material
What are the 3 basic parts of a cell?
sexual reproduction
Is meiosis a form of asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?
movement, response, growth, and reproduction
What are 4 life processes that require energy?

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