microbiology final notes
undefined, object
copy deck
- Nematodes
- Roundworms
- 3 types of Nematodes
- Ascaris, Necator, Enterobius
- Ascaris
- Big intestinal parasite
- Necator
- Hookworm blood feeder in small intestine
- Enterobius
- pinworms in the rectum
- Platyhelminths
- flatworms
- 2types of Platyhelminths
- Clonorchis(chinese liver fluke), Taenia (beef and pork tapeworms of humans)
Chinese liver Fluke
caused by what...
pimary host? located?
first and second secondary host?
prevent life cycle by... -
caused by Clonorchis
human liver/bile ducts=primary
Snail=first secondary host
Carp(fish)-second secondary host
prevent life cycle by sanitation and cooking food -
Taenia is what?
primary host>
attachment by what?
Multiple reproductive segments called... -
Beef and Pork tapeworms of humans.
Humanprimary host for both(adults reside in sm.int.)
scolex for attachment
Proglottids are mult. repr. segments -
Amebic Dysentery
caused by...
prevention... -
caused by: Entamoeba histolytica
trans: ingesting food/water contaminated with Entamoeba cysts
S/S abdominal pain, vomit, extreme diarrhea, weight loss
comp: secondary abscesces in the brain or liver can be fatal
prevention: good sanitation, processed/cooked food