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oral histo and embryo


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von Korff's fibers
characteristic of mantle dentin, fan-shaped, thich coarse bundles of collagen fibers in between odontoblasts
circumpulpal dentin
smaller fibrils of collagen, typical of the bulk of dentin, present in mantle dentin
terminal branches of odontoblasts
numerous, small, located near the DEJ
collateral branches of odontoblasts
larger and leave the odontoblstic process at a right angle almost anywhere along its length
interglobular dentin
hypocalcified region
globular dentin
normally calcified region
aprismatic enamel matrix
first enamel layer
tome's process
as ameloblsts retreat, short blunt process, and when the cell retreats, it retreats its process as well, leaving a depression in the enamel matrix, rod space
reduced enamel epi
protects the newly formed enamel but participates in the formation of early dentogingival jxn
primary enamel cuticle
acellular noncalcified produced by postameloblasts
as hertwig's epithelial root sheath elongates,
its apical rim is folded in a medial direction. this folded rim = epithelial diaphragm
epi diaphragm
stabilized at the region where it develops so that it cannot move in a coronal or in an apical direction
as root is being formed,
the entire developing tooth is moving surfaceward toward the oral cavity
hyaline layer of Hopewell-Smith
internal layer of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath elaborates a thin, enameloid-like substance on the surface of the newly formed dentin believed to facilitate the adherence of cementum to dentin
rest cells of Malassez
partial degeneration pieces of hertwig's epi root sheath
ectomesenchymal cells from dental sac (follicle) pass through rests of Malassez differentiate into cementoblasts, manufacture cementum matrix
enamel pearls
in regions where ectomesenchymal cells do not penetrate between the inner layer of hertwig's epi root sheath and the radicular dentin, enamel pearls may develop. these are produced by cells of the epi root sheath which in unknown manner differentiate into functioning ameloblasts
primary dentin
dentin formed prior to the completion of root formation
secondary dentin
similar to circumpulpal dentin, dentin that is formed subsequent to root completion, but not in response to trauma, slower rate than primary dentin and also unequal fashion, more on roof and floor of the pulp chamber
tertiary dentin (reparative)
the more intense the trauma, the more irregular the tertiary dentin
dead tracts
if noxious stimulus severe, odontoblasts will die, hollow dentinal tubules, microbial agents access route to pulp, the pulp reacts quickly to such dead tracts by rapidly forming tertiary dentin
sclerotic dentin
more in radicular (apical half of the root) dentin, hypercalcified and transparent dentin, occurs subsequent to trauma
contour lines of Owen
metabolic disturbances during dev, additional regions of hypocalcifications in dentin, wide arcs of ring perpendicular to the dentinal tubules
daily imbrication lines of von Ebner
fine lines indicative of daily deposition of dentin, perpendicular to dentinal tubules
neonatal line
exaggerated striae of Retzius, display fewer enamel crystals
granular layer of Tomes
in radicular dentin near CDJ, result of tortuous curvatures of the terminal portions of the dentinal tubules
dentin most sensitive at
DEJ and pulp
morphology of enamel rods
wide head and narrow tail, one ameloblast make head, three make tail
striae of Retzius
developmental disturbances in enamel, analogous to the lines of Owen in dentin, numerous rod segments
at the tooth surface, where striae of Retzius overlap one another as shingles on a roof, they form shallow parallel grooves that encircle the tooth
DEJ is
scalloped so that convexity of the enamel fits the concavity of the dentin
enamel spindle
terminal ends of the odontoblastic processes that were trapped in enamel during tooth development
enamel tufts
at DEJ, look like tufts of grass, hypomineralized groups of enamel rods, ameloblasts fail to resorb much of the enamel matrix
enamel lamellae
hypomineralized regions of enamel that extend from DEJ to the enamel surface, thin leaf-shaped regions
intramembranous bone formation
relies on a preexisting sheet of loosely arranged collagenous membrane
immature or woven bone
newly formed bone whose collagen fibers are irregularly arranged
endochondral bone formation
relies on the presence of cartilage model
periosteal bud
consists of blood vessels, osteoprogenitor cells, stem cells, and mesenchymal cells
primary center of ossification
in endochondral bone formation, diaphysis
sharpey's fibers
anchor periosteum to bone
alveolar bone proper
the part of the alveolus which immediately surrounds the root of the tooth that is into which fibers of the periodontal ligament are embedded, is compact bone, aka cribriform plate, lamina dura, bundle bone
supporting alveolar bone
remainder of the alveolar bone which supports the alveolar bone proper
alveolar bone proper synonyms
cribriform plate, lamina dura, bundle bone
cortical plates of mandible are
thicker than that of maxilla
cementum considered part of
cementum is
avascular and does not possess a nerve supply
resting lines
parallel lines of cementum, successive layers of cementum
acellular cementum
primary cementum, coronal 1/2 of root
cellular cementum
secondary cementum, house cementoblasts, apical region
result from calcifications around the rest cells of Malassez, hypercementosis
neural crest
masticatory mucosa
hard palate, gingivae, dorsum of tongue
subepithelial connective tissue subdivided into
lamina propria and submucosa
deeper, denser layer
lamina propria
looser, superficial layer
stratum basale (stratum germinativum),
deepest cell layer of the epidermis of thick skin, in direct contact with the basal lamina, mitiotic divisions,numerous hemidesmosomes, gap jxns, desmosomes
stratum spinosum
above stratum basale, numerous short blunt processes (intercellular bridges)= prickle cells, numerous desmosomes, may produce membrane coating granules (lamelated granules, odland bodies) which are released into extracellular spaces and coat the external surfaces of the cell membs to decrease permeability of the epithelium
merckel cells
aka clear cells in stratum basale, tactile receptors, mechanoreceptors which react to pressure
alveolar mucosa
overlies the cortical plate of the alveolar process, non-kera, vascular even though paillary layer almost absent
collagen fibers of the gingiva undergo a turnover that is much more rapid than elsewhere in the body except
sulcular epi
epi that lines the free gingiva in the sulcus, non-kera, no epi ridges
jxnal epi
located on enamel surface only, non-kera, epi ridges absent, hemidesmosomes attach jxn epi to tooth surface
koplik's spots
measeles, yellow spots on a red surface on the buccal mucosa in the vicinity of max molars
common viral lesion of the parotid gland
most frequent location of a sialolith
duct of the submandibular gland
salt and sweet
CN VII supplying the fungiform papillae
bitter and sour
CN IX innervating the circumvallate and foliate papillae
CN X epiglottis and root of the tongue
guiding cusps
noncentric cusps, shearing cusps
supporting cusps
centric cusps

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