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Antebellum Vocab


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King Cotton
drove the economy of the south
Antebellum South
south pre-war
DeBow's Review
magazine of "agricultural, commercial, and industrial progress and resource" in the South
"Cavalier" image
The reality about the south
The persons or interest formerly representing slavery politically
Greek Revival-style
Roman architecture
Preston Brooks:
assaulted Charles Sumner
"Southern Belle"
young woman of the American South's antebellum period upper class, known for her hospitality, beauty, and flirtatious.
a petty officer in a navy
Southern paternalism:
prerequisite for the rise of the national welfare state in the United States.
Mississippi Married Women's Property Act of 1839:
guaranteed the right of married women to receive income from their property and.
"Peculiar Institution"
contradiction of legalized slavery
George Fitzhugh
was a social theorist who published radical racial and slavery-based sociological theories
"Sambo" image
Slaves whose lives followed different lines and for whom slavery was a very different experience.
William Harper
he spoke out in favor of slavery
To free from slavery
Gabriel Prosser:
planned a failed slave rebellion
Denmark Vesey
his slave rebellion got leaked
Nat Turner
a rebellion that was the most remarkable instance of black resistance to enslavement
African Methodist Episcopal Church
church founded by Negroes
Hinton Rowan Helper
was a southern critic of slavery
The Impending Crisis
helpers book
Gadsden Purchase
land bought from mexico
"Young America" Movement
cause was to spread American democracy, ostensibly in order to overshadow slavery in the public debate
Fugitive Slave Act
group of laws referred to as the "Compromise of 1850." California= free state; texas = slave
Ostend Manifesto
strongly suggested that the United States should take Cuba by force if Spain refused to sell
Preston Brooks
assault upon Charles Sumner
Thomas R. Dew
said slavery is against Christianity
Dred Scott v. Sanford
declared that all blacks -- slaves as well as free -- were not and could never become citizens of the United
Roger B. Taney
* chief justice who held decision in Dred Scott case
Daniel Webster
lawyer and Federalist party leader. a champion of American nationalism
Henry Clay
"The Great Pacificator," the man who held together the Union.
Stephen Douglas
The little giant. He authored the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders.
Republican Party
consisted of Whigs, Democrats, nativists, free soilers all who wanted to stop slavery in new territories
an educational institution
Lecompton Constitution
James Buchanan urged Congress to admit Kansas as a slave state. Rejected and Kansas became a free state
"Border Ruffians"
individuals on the western border of Missouri, who sought by illegal and violent means to determine the domestic institutions of Kansas Territory
"Bleeding Kansas"
Border Ruffians went to Kansas and terrorized and murdered antislavery settlers
Stephen A. Douglas
a moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty
Lincoln-Douglas debates
argued popular sovereignty, the Lecompton constitution and the Dred Scott decision
A house divided against itself cannot stand
said in Lincoln’s address, which paraphrases a statement by Jesus Christ
Freeport Doctrine
congress couldn’t force a territory to become slave state against its will
John Brown
militant abolitionist. Stole arsenal at Harper’s Ferry and killed slave owners and freed slaves
Crittenden Plan
to prevent slavery by splitting slave/anti states at 30*30’
Confederate States of America
pro-slavery states that left the US government
Pottawatomie Massacre
john brown let a party of six in Kansas that killed 5 pro-slavery men. Made border war a national issue
Jefferson Davis
president of confederacy in 1861
Ft. Sumter, SC
site of opening engagement of civil war
form of government where political power effectively rests with a small, elite segment of society
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
case in which the court held that Federal law is superior to State law
Ulysses S. Grant
leading Union general in the American Civil War.
code duello
set of rules for a one-on-one combat
Treaty of Kanagawa
opened the Japanese ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to United States trade
Lewis Cass
brigadier general of war of 1812
Matthew Perry
Naval officer

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