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SS - Geograhy Quiz


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Nickname for lines of latitude
6 essential elements of Geography
World in spatial terms, places & regions; uses of geography; physical systems; human systems; environment & society
the process of wearing away or moving weathered material on earth's surface
Latitude run from east to west but the measure the globe from ?
North to South
a smaller river (or stream) that flows into a larger river (or stream) . Ex tributatries of the Amazon River
political formation is?
boundary lines & governmental structure
Area of high, flat land; apprx 300- 3,000 feet
when writing out the absolute location of a place use what rule?
Latitude first and longitude second
the opposite direction a river is flowing
Uses of geography
interpret the events of the past; explain the events of the present; plan for the events of the future
narrow piece of land that connects two larger pieces of land. Ex Central America
0 degrees Latitude
the equator
transportation is?
the movement of goods & people
relative location
where something is in relation to other places; It answers these questions- What direction is it from here? How far is it from here?
technology that uses satellites to hep people find the location of a place
The world in spatial terms
explains something's location
body of water that cuts into a shoreline but is generally smaller and shallower than a gulf
communication is?
the movement of ideas & information
braod, flat-topped landform with steep sides; smaller than a plateau
latitude and longitude lines measure distance in?
population distribution
migration & why people settle where they do
human systems
how people shape the world
areas that share common characteristics
the direction a river is flowing
environment & society
the environment change people (Katirna) ; and people change the environment (oil spill- Exxon Valdez)
mouth of a river
place where a river (or stream) empites into a larger body of water
Using what as dividing lines can we split the world into four hemispheres
equator and prime meridian
Source of a river
place where a river or stream begins
large body of water that cuts into a shoreline. ex- Gulf of Mexico
absolute location
the exact location of a place; measured by latitude & longitude
Tools of Geography
Artifacts, fossils, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
perserved remains of impressions of dead organisms
longitude lines
run from north to south
Height of land above sea level
Name the concepts of human systems
Communication; political formation; transportation; population distribution
natural process that breaks up surface material into smaller pieces
Lines on longitude run from north to south but measure the globe from
east to west
land with very little precipitation (generally less that 10" per year) and sparse vegetation. Deserts can be hot (Sahara) or cold (antarctica)
Name some examples of forces that shape the earth's surface
plate tectonics; natural disasters; glaciers; winds& ocean currents; climate zones
narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water
0 degrees longitude
the prime meridian
special computer software that helps displays map informatin from many different sources. Ex Google earth
the prime meridan runs through where?
Greenwich, England
Latitude lines
rune from east to west
Object made by people long ago
nickname for lines of longitude
section of water separting two land masses that lie close to each other (generally not as narrow as a straight)
The changes in elevation over a given area of land. Typically shown on a contour map
Physical Systems
forces that shape the earth's surface
Places & regions
the features of a patricular area (what a place is like - NOT where it is
Name the two spatial terms
Absolute location and relative location

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