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6th grade Science Exam FRA

6th grade Science Exam FRA


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Waves of energy that are released during an earthquake
seismic waves
6 ways rocks and minerals are weathered
water, wind, heat, plants, ice, gravity
The point at which an earthquake begins is the
Hardness of quartz
How do plates move?
Convection currents coming from the mantle moving the crust
The way a mineral shines or does not shine is called what?
What are changes to the earth called that alter the shape of the land?
weathering, done by water and plant growth
Haardness of calcite
What is a result of global cooling from volcanoes?
Beautiful sunsets
MOst tsunamis are caused by ________________on the ocean floor
Has been continuously erupting for many years, shield cone, Hawaii
Two minerals that have a cleavage are:
pyrite and halite
How a mineral shatters unevenly
Who came up with the theory of drifting continents?
Alfred Wegener
Rivers of ice, known as _____________, can dig up & carry away large amounts of rock.
Violent eruption in 1980, composite cone, in Washington State
Mt. St. Helens
Crushed shells
A huge crack that runs through most of CA that separates the North American and Pacific plates
San Andreas fault
Name the rock that is formed: intrusive, cooled slowly, large crystals
What is it called when one plate moves into another plate?
Mountain formed from colled lava, ashes, cinders and rock
Hardness of talc
They identify how old a fossil is by
how deep it is and what layer of earth it is in
Mud or clay
What happens when too much debris & ash from a volcano get up into the atmosphere?
Global cooling
Earthquake waves are recorded by a
Mt. St. Helens is what kind of volcano?
composite cone
Scients believe continents & ocean floor rest on huge blocks of rock. This theory is called what?
plate tectonics
The 10 plates are:
NA plate, SA plate, Nazca plate, Cocos plate, Pacific plate, Australian plate, Eurasian plate, African plate, Arabian plate, Somalian plate, Antartic plate, Scotia plate
Glass has a hardness of what number?
This used to be granite
Hardness of flourite
How heavy or light a mineral is called it ________________?
This used to be shale
Your fingernail has a hardness of what number?
Beneath the crust is the largest part of the earth. What is it called?
The mantle
Erupted in 1943 in cornfield, cinder cone, located in Mexico
What are lichens?
plants that grow on rock
Hot molten rock outside the earth
Which kind of fossil consists of an insect that became stuck in tree resin?
Which kind of fossil formed when minerals changed the hard parts of an organism into stone?
Name the 3 types of faults
normal fault, reverse fault and strike-slip fault
Three types of volcanic cones
shield or lava cone, cinder cone, composite or strato cone
Composite or strato cone is made of
rock, ash, cinder and lava in layers
What is it called when one plate slips past another?
A horizontal igneous formation formed from colled magma
What is is called when one plate moves away from another plate?
How is igneous rock formed?
from intense heat
Paricutin is what kind of volcano?
cinder cone
What are two other ways that some minerals may be identified?
smell, taste
Rocks move along a break called a
Hot molten rock inside the earth
Crumbled shells
Cinder cone is made of
rock, ash, cinders
Names the least deadliest earthquake waves?
P waves
What are the deadliest things an earthquake can cause?
Tsunamis, avalanches, landslides, fires
The opening of a volcano where lava comes out
A verticle igneous formation formed from colled magma
A large circular depression within a volcano's summit is called
a caldera
A solid, inorganic substance found naturally in the earth is called what?
a mineral
When a mass of magma pushes up the earth's surface and cools forming a dome
What is it called when loose bits of rock, sand & soil are carried away?
An orderly arrangement of atoms is called a __________________?
Name the deadliest wave that comes from an earthquake?
L waves
What is the top layer of our earth?
The crust
What comes out of composite cone volcano?
sometimes a sticky lava and sometimes lava, cinders, ash and debris
What comes out of a shield cone volcano?
a liquid lava
Which kind of fossil consists of a hollowed space in the shape of an organism?
Mold fossil
Shield or lava cone is made of
fluid lava
What are two things that are produced whent he pieces of the earth's crust move?
volcanoes and earthquakes
The study of the earth's crust is called what?
Small particles that settle to the bottom of water in layers is called?
A dull, black rock with small crystals
Are volcanoes formed by hot spots near each other or far away from each other?
They are near each other
Hardness of gypsum
In order for crystals to form, there must be enough
time and space
Where did the astroid theory come from?
A big crater was found in Mexico full of iridium, which is rare on earth, but common in asteroids. The debris from the asteroid went into the atmosphere and caused an ice age, killing plants and herbivores, causing death.
A scientist that studies rocks and fossils
Vibration of Earth caused by sudden release of energy stored in the crust
Where was "The Big One"
San Francisco
What comes out of a cinder cone volcano?
cinders, ash and a sticky lava
Igneous rocks are formed from what?
magma and lava
5 potential disasters of volcanoes
lava flow, tidal wave, mud slide, land slide, deadly gases
Scientists believe the earth used to be one large continent, but over time broke apart into 7 continents. What do they call this process of breaking apart?
continental drift
Rocks & pebbles
The strength of an earthquake is called its
What is a type of rock found in layers made from particles cemented together?
What are three types of luster we have studied?
metalic, earthy, glassy
Name the rock that is formed: extrusive, cooled quickly, small crystals
A penny had a hardness of what number?
What are 2 types of cleavage we have studied?
cubis and basal
Name two types of igneous rocks?
Intrusive & Extrusive
The five types of fossils
mold, cast, intact, imprint, petrified
The main shock of an earthquake may be followed by an
Erupted in prehistoric time, composite cone, described as "Volcano within a Volcano", Oregon
Crater Lake
A type of rock changed by heat and pressure?
How can engineers make houses stronger?
Rubber pillars that can withstand extreme shaking
Decayed plants and animals
Steel has a hardness of what number?
What was the Richter Scale reading of "The Big One"
When a volcano erupts violently, sometimes it forms what?
a caldera
Hardness of galena
The word igneous means what?
What is the lithosphere?
layer of solid rock
How many earthquakes have occurred in CA in the last 250 years?
Identify halite by color
A type of rock made from hardened magma or lava is called what?
This used to be sandstone
Color streak of flourite
What is it called when hot molten rock from inside the earth escapes and erupts?
Identify galena by color
black silver
The Richter scale measures the ___________________of an earthquake
4 factors that can affect how much damage an earthquake does
population, time of day, kind of rock and soil in the area, kind of buildings in the area
Name the 2nd deadliest earthquake waves?
S waves
5 Effects of earthquakes
avalanches, shaking, tsunamis, rescue work to remove trapped victims, fires
The inner core of the earth may have temperatures reaching how high?
5500 degrees celsius
This used to be limeston
Name the rock that is formed: extrusive, cooled when lave had air and gas bubbles
scoria and pumice
How many earthquakes have occurred in the connected United States in the last 250 years?
What are the two separate parts of the core?
The outer core and the inner core
Color streak of pyrite
Identify sulfur by color
lime yellow
Most destructive seismic waves are
L waves
What is the hardest mineral of all?
Which kind of fossil formed when minerals slowly moved into the space left when an organism decayed?
cast fossil
How easily a mineral can be scratched is called what?
A super continent that existed over 200 million years ago
color streak of galena
Kiluaea is what kind of volcano?
shield cone
If a rock cools slowly, what size are its crystals?
This type of igneous rock is formed outside the earth from lava
About how old is the earth
4.5 billion years old
What cities did Mr. Vesuvius destroy?
Pompeii and Herculaneum
Where is the point directly above the focus?
the epicenter
Erupted 1991, composite cone, located in the "Ring of Fire" in the Phillipines
When you go deeper in the earth, does the temperature rise or fall?
A huge mass of magma that cools under the earth's surface to form rock
The underground point of origin of an earthquake where the rocks break and move
Name the rock that is formed: extrusive, cooled very quickly, no crystals
A solid, inorganic substance found naturally in the earth made of two or more minerals is called what?
a rock
What are 3 requirements of a mineral?
solid, inorganic, found naturally from earth
This type of igneous rock is formed inside the earth from magma
3 good things we get from volcanoes?
more rocks, fertile soil, more land
Where does an earthquake begin?

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