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Chapter 18


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Presidential Election of 1864
This election was a fight between the two new parties resulting from the Republican Party. The Union party nominated Lincoln, who wanted to keep war, and the Democrats nominated George McClellan who said he would stop war immediately. Obviously Lincoln won, but he won barely
"The Alabama"
This ship was a gift from England to the South. This was the reason Lincoln threatened to declare war on England if they kept helping the South in the war
William Sherman & the "March to the Sea", 1864 & Why? & the quote "War is Hell"?
He took 100,000 men and went from West to Eastern Sea through the South waging total war. He burned everything and committed horrible acts to civilians in an attempt to kill the Southern spirit
The importance of the Russian Navy during the Civil War
The Russian navy, although it never fought, was a major help to the North during the Civil War. This kept England out of the war, because they believed that if England declared war on America that Russia would help them and therefore England never declared war. Same with France.
Grant as Commander of Potomac Army
After Grant won several major battles in the Western Theater; Lincoln took notice of him and promoted him to the head general. People complained that Lincoln was promoting an alcoholic but Lincoln still promoted him
The Wilderness Campaign
Grant led this to capture Richmond. In the battles, he used war of Attrition, where he just sent people after people to battle the South. Grant captured Richmond here but both sides sustained heavy damages
Daniel Webster and the Seventh of March Speech
To pass the Compromise of 1850, he did this to beg the country to accept that the compromise was the only way to keep unity.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin
An abolitionist, she published this novel to give the reality of how slaves were treated. In it, they were beaten and had ears cut off. South was angry and the north gained 100,000 new abolitionists.
The Burning of Lawrence
This free-soil city in Kansas was attacked and burned by pro-Southerners.
Lincoln's Dilemna, in regards to fortifying Fort Sumter
If he lets it go then he's giving the South tacid (don't noe how to spell that word) recognition as an independent country. If he fortifies it then S. would think it was an act of war and he would get credit for starting the war.
Weaknesses in the Confederacy's confederation
They had similar problems as the Articles of the Confederation, in that the federal government was weaker than the state government. They also had no capital because all 3 forms of their capital became useless.
Monitor(N) vs. the Merrimack(S)
This was the battle between two of the most important ironclad ships of the Civil War. One belonged to the North and the other to the South. This naval battle ended in a tie, and both ships sustained heavy damages but neither was sunk.
Irony of Robert E. Lee
Lee helps to US here, but would later go on to lead the Confederate Army.
The Impending Crisis of the South, by Hinton Helper
This novel was written to show how the non-slaveholders in the south suffered because they couldn't get jobs.
Financing the War
General Pope & the 2nd Battle of Bull Run
He took over after the first firing of McClellan. He was a good general overall but was bad at organizing his troops. He lost at this battle and was fired shortly after
The Union Party
this was the first party from the split of the Republican Party. They consisted of Lincoln supporters and war democrats, which were democrats in Border States who wanted war.
The Black Warrior Incident
American boat is seized by the Spanish government and the South hoped this would cause saber rattling.
Battle of Cold Harbor
This is another major battle that Grant won. Grant sustained heavy losses but still won the battle. Although Grant won, he sustained heavier damages than Lee. This was the 2nd last major battle before the end of the civil war
Financial Crash of 1857 and the causes
Crisis that only affected the North. South cotton economy did great still and made South over-confident that their economy was depression proof. Causes-Too much gold from CA=price of gold crash=inflated currency
Blue vs. Gray, Union vs. the Confederacy, Blue Bellies vs. the Johnny Rebs
N.= Union="boys in blue", "bluebellies", Yankees vs S.= Confederacy= "boys in Gray", "Johnny Rebs", "Sucesh Trash "???
Immigrants and race riots
Immigrants who came into the North were often forced into the army by Lincoln's men waiting on the harbors. However, the Irish, who pretty much hated anyone that wasn't Irish, was not happy about this and blamed the blacks for being forced to fight, so the Irish went around killing free blacks in the North
The "southern threat " during this election
SC threaten to secede from the nation if the Lincoln was elected but we had heard this threat before in Tariff of Abominations and During Crisis of 1850 N. think that SC was just "crying wolf"=blow off the threat
John C. Calhoun
He hated the compromise and spoke of secession. He was a South Carolinian
Assassination of Lincoln, April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth = the true death of the South
Lincoln was assassinated by him a few weeks after the end of the Civil War, while watching a play. He was a famous Shakespearian actor, who was from Maryland. He thought that killing Lincoln would allow the South to win a second civil war, but in fact when he killed Lincoln, he killed South's chance of quick rebuilding.
General Halleck
He was the head general of the Western Theater. He was good at finding good generals, and he was the one who discovered U.S. Grant.
Burning of Atlanta and Charleston = psychological warfare
Sherman burned the towns of Atlanta and Charleston to break the spirits of the South. He wanted them to feel the horrors of war and give up on fighting. This is when they wage war on everything in an attempt to break the spirits of the enemy
Battles of Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain
These battles, won by Grant, allowed the North to attack the South from the West. This was a major victory because the North no longer had to go through the Shenandoah Valley to capture Richmond
John C. Fremont
"free men, free soil, and ------" Republican nominee who lost because people thought he was dishonest.
Popular sovereignty vote in Kansas, 1855
They elected 2 governors, 2 constitutions, and 4 senators, split into two groups.
Birth of new Republican Party and irony of its name
The Peninsular Campaign
1862 - This was the campaign headed by General McClellan, who tried to capture Richmond. He got within 5 miles of Richmond and then lost to Robert E. Lee while waiting for reinforcements
Presidential election of 1860
between Lincoln, Douglas, Breckinridge, and Bell. People in this election refused to compromise and voted with their heart instead of their brain.
Congressmen Brooks
He was a the man who stood up and beat Sumner with his cane
Costs of the War
There were several. South lost its men and its leaders in the war. The total cost of the war was 15 billion dollars (worth MUCH more today). And overall there were 600,000 American dead and 400,000 American injured.
Franklin Pierce and "harmony"
President who supported Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Law, wanted Cuba, and supported Kansas-Nebraska Act
Plight of the Border States, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri Virginia (W part)-
look at email
Alexander Stevens
VP of CSA and former governor of ??
Battle of Fort Sumter
April 12, 1862, Lincoln's resupply ship w/ no weapons almost get here, but S. under Beauregard open fire here reduce it to a pile of ash. Treated this like a carnival. After this Lincoln declare South to be in state of rebliion.
Europe feeling about the impending civil war
Love the fact that "the GREAT democracy" was in a civil war. 1st they support the South= like the aristocracy, but after Emancipation Proclamation Europe want N. to win
Greenbacks(union) and Confederate Dollars(confederacy)
One was the new money of the Union. This was not backed very much by gold, therefore was worth less. The other was the new Southern money, and was not backed AT ALL by gold. This caused a massive inflation in the South
The Trent Affair
This affair involved a ship carrying Southern Ambassadors going to England to try and work out an alliance. Union ships opened fire and captured everyone on board, including some Englishmen. England was outraged at this and threatened war but never declared war
Stephen Douglas's plans for Chicago
He wanted to get name-face recognition for a future election so he wanted to make Chicago the hub of America.
Lincoln's 75,000 recruits and the blunders
Lincoln gets 75,000 raw recruits that think war would be a party and are trained for only 2 weeks. Lincoln thought that war would be over in 2 months. Both N + S will run out of volunteers.
Transcontinental Railroad
We could either build it through Chicago or the South which had less mountains. America wants a northern railroad but there was a law saying that railroads can only go through at least a territory.
1863 Irish-Black riot in New York City
This was when the angry Irish, at being drafted into the army, went around New York City killing all the free black people, blaming them for their misfortune
1859-discovery of oil
it was found by Edwin Drake in 1859. This led to the industrial revolution after the civil war
Morrill Tariff Act
This was an increase in Tariffs because Lincoln needed money to fund the war.
Battle of Shiloh
U.S. Grant was the one who headed this battle. He won the battle for the North, and opened up a path to attack the deep south
Western vs. Eastern Theater
The Western Theater consisted of battles west of the Appalachian Mountains. These battles happened almost everyday but were often small skirmishes not full fledged battles. These battles were fought for the control of the Mississippi River. Eastern Theater consisted of battles fought in the Shenandoah Valley. These battles were infrequent but usually HUGE. These battles were fought in attempts to control the other side's capital.
Napoleon III, Maximilian & Mexico
During the American Civil War, France violated the Monroe Doctrine by taking over Mexico and setting Maximilian, an Australian, as the dictator.
Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth
1840's This started with Tubman ("Black Moses"). It helped slaves escape to the free north. Sojourner Truth was a former slave who became an abolitionist and womens right activist .
Grant at Battle of Vicksburg
This was the last remaining hope for the South for the control of the Mississippi. Grant laid siege to it and finally took it on July 4th, the same day as Gettysburg. This was arguably the single most important battle of the Civil War because it led to the cannibalization of the southern society
Lecompton Constitution
document that stated that people were not allowed to vote for or against the constitution as a whole but for the constitution either with slavery or with no slavery. Even if they voted for no slavery, it still had laws to protect present slave holders.
Lincoln's search for a general and Robert E. Lee
Lincoln searched 3 ½ years for a good general and finally settled on Grant. Went through 7 crappy generals. Lee was a great general for the South and was offered the generalship for the North by L. (unofficially)
Supreme Court Power enabling them to pull up past court decisions and make further ruling with them.
Southern Democrats-John Beckinridge
He wants to extend slavery, add constitutional amendment for slavery, and take Cuba
John Marshall/John Sutter and the 49'ers
1849 John Sutter found gold on his land and the gold rush took place. 100,000 east coasters rushed.
Lincoln the minority president
40% of popular vote-he got the West, Abolitionists, and factory workers (Not one Southern Vote) (Results show that America refused to compromise)
King Cotton Theory
At war start N. would blockade S. ports closing cotton exports. BR + FR textile factories would starve from lack of cotton and be forced to ally themselves with the South. Then, they could defeat the North.
James Buchanan
Nominated by Democrats for having few enemies with Kansas-Nebraska debate. Elected as the fifteenth President of the United States (1857-1861), ranked as one of the worst Presidents, held that secession was illegal, but that going to war to stop it was also illegal. Mixed views on slavery, but policy was consistent as a slavery sympathizer. Biggest mistakes were supporting the Lecompton Constitution and creating financial panic.
The Copperheads
This was a group of businessmen that wanted to see Lincoln fail and not become reelected. They thought war was bad for profit and wanted to end the war to start making profit. Became a thorn in Lincoln's ass
Lincoln's troublesome cabinet
?? All vote to not fortify Fort Sumter.
British ships to the South and Lincoln's threat to England
At the beginning of the war, British built ships for the South to help them, such as the C.S.A. Alabama, which consisted of English crew but Southern officers. Lincoln then threatened to England that if they kept helping the South openly, that the Union would also declare war on England
Lincoln Douglas Debates of 1858
In Illinois Douglas was running for re-election for Senate and Lincoln challenged him for the seat. Lincoln challenge Douglas with a series of debates, Douglas accepts. (Both wanted to set themselves up for presidency). Lincoln have many advantages he was a great orator and was clearly against slavery. Douglas having a coalition party had to be careful around slavery to try and keep his party together. Douglas win Senate spot, but costed him presidency. Visa-Versa for Lincoln. Lincoln gain huge name-face recognition from this.
The Union Blockade and the Cannibalization of the Southern society
S. would have to take everything of value and melt it down or sell it
Edmund Ruffin
"fertilizer king", he fired 1st shot at Fort Sumter (Later killed himself with same gun when S lost = 1st and last shots of war)
The Bleeding of Kansas, 1855-56
After John Brown massacred the pro-slaveryites, Kansas broke out violently into a small civil war and it foreshadowed the potential destruction that lay ahead.
Pierre Beauregard vs. Robert Anderson
One was leader of the S. army that attacked Fort Sumter. Other man was the Northerner who occupied Fort Sumter.
Southern capitol-Richmond
S. capital moved from Montgomery, Alabama to here. Most fighting in Shenandoah Valley over trying to capture each others capitals.
Kansas' dual capitols=Shawnee Mission(slavery supporters) and Topeka(free soilers)
The slavery supporters set up their capitol at ------- and the free-soilers had theirs at -------.
George Meade and the Fishhook Defense
He was Hooker's replacement, and he was the commander at the battle of Gettysburg. He used this, which was a method of defense that prevented being outflanked. He surrounded the hill with men. He was fired for not chasing Lee
Northern Democrats-Douglas
Douglas = popular sovereignty, support fugitive slave law, compromiser (could have kept country together)
The Southern Dream of European Intervention, the pluses and minuses
Commodore Matthew Perry and Japan
He was sent here because this country had silk and it opened up trade with us. China had gold but both countries hated each other and we become the middle man and make money.
Free blacks in the Union army/ The Mass. 54th Reg
At the beginning of the war, the blacks were not allowed to join the Union army because white people did not trust them. Fredrick Douglass organized the Mass. 54th Reg., which was made up of only black soldiers, but their officers were all white. This group suffered the most casualty of all regiments in American history
Lincoln's "House Divided Speech"
Says no country can stand united with House divided over slavery, Basically says he can fix it.
Why England did not help the Southern so as to gain their cotton
Although England needed cotton, they needed the food grown by the North even more than the cotton. They also had a lot of cotton saved up in storage, which lasted them about a year and a half, and after that they started buying cotton from India. And after the Emancipation Proclamation, they could no longer support the South because of slavery. Also they were threatened by the presence of Russian navy in San Francisco and New York harbors
Southern (Confederacy's constitution)
Almost like US constitution but only 1 6 yr term for the president, Slavery always legal, States have huge power like in the Article of Confederation, also made succession legal.
Battle of Appomattox Court House and the Surrendered on April 9, 1865
This was the last battle of the Civil War, and North won and Lee surrendered here. Grant and Lincoln gave favorable terms to the South, allowing Southern soldiers a horse and a gun to return to their homes.
The Ostend Manifest Plot
South sent diplomats to Cuba to do this, to offer Spain $25 million for Cuba or else they'd take it by force. Pierce denied he knew anything and the plan died so Southern politicians look bad and Northerners distrust them.
Edwin Stanton (Sec. of War=the radical republican spy?)
Edward Stanton??
David Farragut & Gunboat strategy and Battle of New Orleans
He was a officer in the U.S. navy who developed the gunboat strategy. He went down the Mississippi bombarding the south on both sides of the river. He also took New Orleans.
Habeas Corpus
Constitutional law claiming that someone can only be held for 24 hours w/o being charges with something.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the north and the south in 1861-
N strengths= All banks in North, Population 10:1 compared to South, get 100,000 immigrants a yr during war, 24 states total, All of US Navy= blockade S. coast, lots of railroads
The Kansas Nebraska Act
It would create 2 new territories to allow the government to build a railroad. It split Nebraska into the territories of Nebraska and Kansas and allowed for popular sovereignty there
General Pickett's charge up Cemetery Hill
Pickett took 40,000 men and charged up a mile long hill. It was an open hill, with a fence in the middle, and Confederates were slaughtered left and right in the charge. This is considered the most heroic but stupid charge in history.
Presidential Election of 1852
Democrats elect Pierce, a northern Democrat who liked slavery. Whigs nominate Winfield Scott, a war hero who liked slavery and loved the Fugitive Slave Law. Pierce wins and Whig party dies
Clayton Bulwar Treaty
Both U.S. and England wanted to build a Panama Canal. This said that if either of us built it, we'd get the builder's permission to use it and would share the profits.
Conscription, the Draft, bounties, bounty jumpers and replacements
Conscription is the term for the draft back in Lincoln's day. The bounties were a money offer for the people that enlisted for the war. Bounty jumpers were people who went from town to town to collect the bounty for enlisting. The penalty for being caught doing this was execution. Replacements were people who were paid to replace the rich people in the North
Dred Scott Supreme Court Case
Dred and his family moved from Missouri to Wisconsin, where slavery didn't exist, for a few years. Then, they moved back to Missouri, but some abolitionists from Chicago heard of Dred in Wisconsin and sued Missouri on his behalf. Court rule that they would throw out this case because slaves aren't allowed to use court system.
Lincoln's attitude toward the secessionists
Lincoln thinks that secessionists are terrible ??
McClellan and the Army of the Potomac
He was Lincoln's first head general, and he was a great organizer and trainer of the troops. However his overly cautious attitude cost him from capturing Richmond, because he waited for reinforcements before striking. He was fired to be replaced by General Pope before being promoted to head general again. He was later fired for not chasing after Robert E. Lee. He also ran for president against Lincoln in the election of 1864. The army of the Potomac was the nickname given to the Northern Soldiers
South's lack of railroads
led to the starving of southern soldiers during the Civil War because food could not be transported to them. Southern soldiers had to march to battle which gave them more fatigue (not that it helped the North very much)
Hannibal Hamlin
He was the first V.P. of Lincoln but was later replaced by Andrew Johnson, because he was a better ticket balancer
Veto of the Homestead Act
The Union's 4-fold strategy to win the war -
Brown, the Martyr
Because he was captured and not killed he became a huge abolitionist martyr. People loved him.
Great Southern generals
Lee= genius commander of S. army, Stonewall Jackson= genius Defensive commander, Jeb Stuart = Calvary Commander
Battle of Gettysburg - July 1-4, 1863 & Why R.E. Lee ran this gamble into the North
Robert E. Lee took 60,000 of his best soldiers to attack D.C., breaking his rule of a defensive war. There are many theories as to why he decided to attack the North. 1 - he wanted to go out with a bang because he was certain of Southern loss. 2 - He wanted to get an alliance with England and France by winning a big battle 3 - He wanted to win a big battle to replace Lincoln in the new election. The Northern general was George Meade, Hooker's replacement. Jeb Stuart, the Southern Calvary general, was off conducting his own business during this battle, so Lee fought "blinded" This battle was famous for Pickett's Charge, which had 40,000 Confederates running up a mile long hill, Cemetery Hill, in an attempt to take over the hill, but it failed. The South lost the battle, and it is often described as the turning point of the war.
War goals, tactics strategies, a defensive for the South and a war of conquest for the north-
North: take Richomond, take Mississippi River, blockade southern coastline, keep border states South: take D.C., keep control of Mississippi River, and fight defensive war and let north get fatigued
Two names for every battle= rivers vs. cities
North named all their battles after the nearest City while the South named every battle after the nearest River. So every battle had two names which ever army won usually they would get to pick the name. (Some exceptions)
Reg. + Copperhead Democrats
this was the 2nd party from the split and they nominated McClellan as president. They consisted of the Copperheads and Northerners who were tired of the war.
American Party (Know Nothings) and Millard Fillmore
He was nominated for this party. He was an ex-president. Their platform was only to attack immigrants and they attacked Buchanan's sexuality.
The "canning of Charles Sumner"
It happened when an abolitionist delivered "The Crime Against Kansas," were he condemned proslavery men as evil. He insulted the South. He got beaten later by Brooks, a South Carolinian, and he took 3 years to fully recover.
Justice Tanney
a Southern Visionary that was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He realized that no matter which way he ruled on the Dred Scott Case he was screwed. (ex. Damned if u do, Damned if u don't) Vote for Scott then he would cancel out Fugitive Slave Law + encourage runaways. If he vote against Scott then he legalizes slavery everywhere.
The eleven southern states
TX, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, FL, Louisiana, SC, NC, VA
Buchanan's inactivity (serious blunder)
He let all the Southern forts go w/o a fight and prolonged a possibly extremely quick war by giving South Weapons.
presidential election of 1848
Democrats nominate Louis Cass who likes popular sovereignty. He hopes that the western states take a long time until they can become a state and vote for/against slavery so this will stop civil war because slavery will have died out. Cass is compromiser. Whigs nominate Zachary Taylor, a war hero, who never spoke about slavery. Free Soilers nominate Martin Van Buren. His party's platform was to allow the people moving out west to get more free land and internal improvements. South voted Taylor, abolitionists voted Van Buren, and some North voted Cass. Van Buren voters helped Taylor win.
59th candidate=no extension of slavery, build trans-continental railroad, internal improvements, and free homestead
The 36 30 Line
As a part of the Missouri Compromise, this line was drawn in the Louisiana Territory, which divided the North and South
Fugitive Slave Law
1843 South made this saying that escaped slaves had to be rounded up by northerners and sent back. South's logic was that slaves were property.
April 12, 1861
time in which Battle of Fort Sumter was fough
South's lack of capitol(land + slaves =worthless)-
look at email
Presidential election of 1856
Democrats nominate Buchanan who had no known stand on slavery. Republicans nominate John C. Fremont who didn't want to let slavery extend. Know-Nothings nominate Millard Fillmore. They only want to attack immigrants. Buchanan wins as a compromiser.
Battle of Antietam (Sept 17 1862) & why no freedom of slaves in the border
This was the fight between Robert E. Lee and George McClellan when they bumped into each other accidentally in Maryland. This is considered the bloodiest battle in American history as 50,000 Americans died on a span of 3 days. The battle resulted in a tie and both sides retreating. McClellan was fired for not chasing Lee when he still had much more forces than Lee. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after this battle, which freed all slaves in the treasonous states. In fact, this proclamation freed no slaves because the border state slaves weren't affected and the South ignored this proclamation
Personal Liberty Laws and civil disobedience/Thoreau
Some states passed this which said that their law enforcers will not be allowed to enforce Fugitive Slave Law. This is civil disobedience. Thoreau, Emerson, and Transcendentalists backed this law.
Freeport Doctrine
After Lincoln had asked Douglas about Kansas. Douglas says this which basically said nothing about Kansas, and just kinda avoided the subject. Douglas = negative name-face recognition; Lincoln = positive name-face recognition
Clement Vallandigham
He was the leader of the copperheads, and Lincoln had to declare him a persona non grata because he was such a pain in his ass. He fled to Canada to escape persecution
Crittendon Amendments
was a compromise to try to save the nation. Said that 36 30 line stretched all the way to CA and slavery would be federally protected S. of this line. Died because pres. Refused to support.
Single Issue political parties
Free Soilers were this. They only cared about one thing, to end slavery.
popular sovereignty
the belief that you settle slavery issues in the western lands by letting the people vote for themselves
John Brown's Raid, 1859
Led by fanatic abolitionist planned a slave revolt, with his cult in Mass., in the South by supply slaves with weapons. (Plan has some huge flaws like most slaves couldn't even get to him at Harpers Ferry, and this freaked out South, they thought all abolitionists would try this). Was captured by the Marines under Robert E. Lee. They should have killed him, he becomes a huge martyr he didn't talk during his trial but then in his last words he slammed the South for slavery and all the North that got rich off of Southern slaves, who weren't abolitionists, were just as bad.
The Mexican Cession
The land that was won from Mexico. Texas to the northern border of California.
Birth of the Republican Party
Abolitionists have no party so they make their own party that was abolitionist but wasn't like the free-soilers. They believed in gradualism and in limited compensation. Lincoln is a member. South overreacted and thought it was lunatic fringe.
Jefferson Davis
Elected president of the Confederacy, former senator of US (bad choice had some personality and leadership problems)
Stephen A. Douglas
Senator from Illinois, author of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Freeport Doctrine, argues in favor of popular sovereignty.
The Gadsden Purchase
We purchased this land from Mexico so that we could now by ready to build a railroad
Lincoln the "dictator"
He did away with Habeas Corpus
Henry Clay
He wanted to relax the south so he passed the Compromise of 1850 which forestalled the Civil War by instating the Fugitive Slave Act , banning slave trade in DC, admitting California as a free state, splitting up the Texas territory, and instating popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession
The race for Kansas and New England Emigrant Aid
Southern politicians pay people to move into Missouri to make it a slave state. North (New England Immigrant Aid Company) pays families to move into Kansas.
John Brown at Pottawatomie Creek
May 1856 This extreme abolitionist from Ohio led his men to this area where he slaughtered pro-slaveryites brutally.
Tariff of 1857
Industrial Revolution
This happened after the Civil War, where there were many changes in the American factory systems and technology
U.S. Grant in the Western Theater
He won several major battles, including the Battle of Vicksburg, Battle of Shiloh, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. He gave America control of the Mississippi River, a path to the Deep South and the ability to attack the South from the West
Harper's Ferry Virginia
Place John Brown Raided to get weapons and try to start a slave rebellion
Andrew Johnson
He was Lincoln's second V.P. because he was a better ticket balancer, since he was from the Border States. He took over as president when Lincoln was assassinated
Battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861 + picnic lunches
This was the first major battle of the Eastern Theater. North outnumbered the South 60,000 to 40,000 but South won the battle. This battle was advertised in the newspaper and families brought picnic lunches to eat while watching the battle. The North had a humiliating defeat, as the factory workers started running away to D.C.
General Burnside & the Battle of Fredericksburg
He replaced McClellan after he was fired for the 2nd time. He was the general during this battle, the first urban battle. The South ended up winning the battle and he was fired
General Hooker & the Battle of Chancellorsville (May 1863) & the death of Jackson
He replaced General Burnside after he was fired. He was famous for bringing prostitutes to the battle, and they became known as his regiment. At this battle, he fought against Jackson and Lee. He lost the battle and was fired shortly after. However at this battle, the South lost one of its great generals, Stonewall Jackson. He was killed by his own army, as he was shot in the dark because he forgot a password
Constitutional Union Party-John Bell
combo of ex-Whigs and Know-Nothings-= John Bell from NY= no immigration and just avoid slavery = "I stand on the constitution
William Seward and "higher law"
Senator and Secretary of State who believed in a "higher law" above the constitution and was staunchly anti-slavery. He was a northern abolitionist who hated the Compromise of 1850.
Gradualism with limited compensation
Lincoln believed in these concepts- gradualism= let slaves go over a 50 yr period, Limited compensation- South would be paid a portion of money for each slave from federal government
War of Attrition
This is a tactic where the bodies are used as bullets. The general sends tons of people charging in hope that few will live and kill the enemy

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