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Ch25-27 Wanlin


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corporatist State
system in which a country's major economic activities, such as agriculture, trnasportation, manufacturing, and commerce are formed into syndicates that resemlbe corporations
North Africa
location of the first allied offensive against the Axis powers
Atlantic Charter
Aug 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met on a British battleship off the coast of New Foundland and drew up a statement that set the national policies of their two democracies. Its provisions followed the spirit of Woodrow Wilson's fourteen point plan
people who assist their country's enemies.
Kemal Ataturk
Turkish nationalist who founded the modern Turkish state
New Economic Policy
Lenin's 1921 attempt to stimulate the Soviet economy
Dictatorial and totalitarion system of gobernment in which the government maintains rigid control of the people through force
collective farm
large farm on which people work together as a group. During the first five year plan in Russia, the govt turned 90% of the productive farmland into collective farms
City in Lithuania ceded to the Germans. Like Danzig it had a large German population with an active Nazi party.
Long March
More than yearlong journey in which Chinese Communists traveled to northwestern China while pursued by Nationalists
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japanese cities where the first Atomic Bombs were dropped by the U.S. in Aug 1945 and immediately afterwards the Japanese govt unconditionally surrendered and the WWII was finally over
German-Soviet Nonagression Pact
1939, this agreement shocked the world when Germany and the Soviets agreed to partition Poland. It gave Hitler the green light to begin WWII
Leopold Senghor
leader of colonial opposition in Senegal
Mao Zwdong
Leader of Chinese Communist
Five Year Plan
Stalins plan where during 1928 to 1938 the agricultural, insudtrial, and social goods were very high
Statute of Westminster
1931 act of Parliament that recognized Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, and South Africa as completely indenpendnet. The four nations joined with Great Britain as equal partners of loose organization called the British Commonwealth of Nations
Battle of Tsushima
May 1905, the Japanese navy stunned the world with the cmoplete destruction of the Russian Baltic fleet
Spanish Civil War
Spanish conservatives formed the fascist party known as the Falange under the leadership of General Francisco Franco. Called themselves the Nationalist and were opposed by the Loyalists, or Republicans, who favored a republic
Russo-Japanese War
Japan's surprising defeat of Russia in 1905 established it as a new military power to be respected and acknowledged
1939, a majority of Americans believed that Europe's wars were of no concern to the U.S. The leaders of this mvmt were responsible for keeping the U.S. out of the League of Nations at the end of WWI
Site of the U.S's first invasion of Japanese-held territory. Aug 1942, the Japanese attacked the American forces with four savage attacks and were repulsed, with horrendous losses on both sides.
Arthur Balfour
Bristish foreign secretary who supported Zionism
Good Neighbor Policy
begun by Roosevelt in the 1930s that stressed mutual cooperation among the American nations and noninterference by the United States in Latin American affairs
Treaty of Portsmouth
Agreement that ended the Russo-Japan war. Theodore Roosevelt was asked by the Japanese to mediate the conflict and reluctantly he invited representatves from Japan and Russia to negotiations at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Later that year an agreement ended the war and won Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize of 1906
T.S. Elliot
Experiment poet of the 1920's; wrote The Waste Land
Pearl Harbor
THe surprise attack by the Japanese on Dec 7 1941 of the U.S. naval fleet resulted in the entry of the U.S. into the war
general strike
refusal by workers in various industries to work until their demands are met
British, Belgian, and French troops were trapped by German forces at a seaport. Between May 1927 and June 4, 338,000 allied soldiers were transported across the English Channel to England, although all their heavy equipment was lost
Mohandas Gandhi
leader of the Indian National Congress who advocated passive resistance
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Elected President of the U.S. in 1932, immediately embarked upon a program of relief and reform called the New Deal
Yalta Conference
1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Joseph Stalin met in Soviet Union. The Big Three, as these allied leaders were called, decided that after Germany was defeated it would be divded and occupied by Allied troops. The Soviet Union was to enter the war against Japan
Cole Porter
Composer of popular music in the UNited States
communist international, founded by Lenin to spread revolution throughout the world
location for Operation Overlord, the invasion of northwest France. It would be the largest amphibious invasion in history. On Jun 6, 1944 D-Day was the military called it, the long awaited landing began.
Island Hopping
1943 the allies took the offensive in the Pacific. FOrces from Austrailia and New Zealand assisted those from the U.S. Together they waged a long series of battles aimed at driving the Japanses our of the Solomon Islands. Only certain Japanses-held islands were captured; others were bypassed and left without supplies
Germany developed "lightning war," it was conducted with great speed and force. It depended on the superiority in air power and mobile ground troops.
Franz Kafka
Surrealistic Czech writer who attempted to merge conscious and unconscious ideas to portray and interpret life in a dreamlike way. After his death in 1924 his works were published. The Trial (1925) and The Castle (1926)
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Persian army officer who seized power in 1925
Earnest Hemmingway
American writer who write in clear, simple prose. His aim apparent in A Farewell to Arms (1929), was to express the stark disillusionment with life so common in the years after World War I
style of painting that emphasizes geometric form, shapes, and designs
Hitler's air force. He tried to use it to bom England into submission, but this strategy failed. The RAF (Royal Air Force) though fewer in number, were more maneuverable than German planes. The RAF also had radar, a new electronic device that gave the British enough early warning so they would not be caught by surprise.
Adolf Hitler
Leader of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Worker's Party), the party did not represent the workers but instead was an extremely nationalistic and violently anticommunist. He was imprisoned in 1923 because he took part in a Munich uprising. He wrote Meing Kampf (My Struggle) which spelled out his goals for the German people. He also became the totalitarian dictator of Germany during the 1930s.
Munich Conferen of the Axis
Sept 1938, Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland be annexed to Germany. The British and French were fearful of German military might and decided to appease Hitler and yield to his demands
Chiang Kaishek
leader of the Nationalist Pary after 1925
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Leader of colonial opposition in Nigerai
Naval battle that was a turning point in the war in the Pacific
El Alamein
Turning point in the war in North Africa. German General Rommel's forces were defeated in October 1942 in Egypt and as a result retreated to Tunisia.
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese uprising against foreginers that ended in failuer after an international military force entered China. It also fostered nationalist sentiment among the Chinese people
Weimar Republic
After Germany surrendered in WWI, Germany was declared a republic in Nov 1918.
Artistic technique that attempts to portray and interpret life as if it takes place in a dream
V-E Day
May 8, 1945, the day of victory in Europe
Portion of Czechoslovakia claimed by Hitler
Sun Yixian (Sun Yatsen)
leader of the Guomindang
Joseph Stalin
Managed to establish himself as the totalitarian dictator of Russia.
July 1943, American and British armies attacked the "soft underbelly of the Axis" when they landed on the island of...
Battle in which the Nazi advanced east through Russia was halted
Rulers who had acquired power during the ears of the Qing dynasty
Frank Lloyd Wright
American architect whose Imperal Hotel survived Tokyo earthquake because of his adaptive construction, he floated the foundation on a cushoin of mud instead of anchoring it rigidly to rock
Leo Trotsky
One of the main contenders to replace Lenin as leader of Communist Party in Russia, he was a talented party organizer, had almost single-handedly created the Red Army that defended the Bolshevik Revolution. Stalin emerged securely as leader. Trotsky went into exile and was later murdered in Mexico, reportedly on Stalin's order
form of architecture based on the prinjciple that a building should be designed for its specific use
Final Solution
Part of Hitler's "New Order" began in 1941 when he ordered the annihilation of the entire Jewish population of Europe. The Germans created a system to locate, capture, and transport and exterminate.
Kellogg-Brand Pact
1928, in Paris, 62 nations signed an agreement which made was "illegal," though it did not specify how to prevent it. IN the 1930's it became clear that such imprecise and unenforceable measures would no longer be adequate
New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt's program to rebuild U.S economy (grants each state money for food, shelter, and clothing for the needy)
Passive Resistance
Form of civil disobedience that calls for citizens to peacefully refuse to cooperate with the govt in order to win concessions from it.
Chinese Nationalist Party
Pablo Picasso
Painter who was one of the creatos of cubinism
Open Door Policy
Policy under which all nations would have equal rights to trade in China
popular front
left-wing coalition govt formed by several French political parties in the late 1930's
Jewish nationalist mvmt that aimed to build a homeland for the Jews in Palestine
Jomo Kenyatta
Leader of colonial opposition in Kenya
Benito Mussolini
Italian dictator who founded Fascism. Created a totalitarian regime with all of power to make decisions in his hands. His famous quote "I am the State."
Because this place had a large German population, Hitler claimed it for Germany. After securing Austria and Czechoslovakia, Hitler intensified his campagin against Poland.
Lend-Lease Act
THe U.S. Congress in early 1941 passed a law which authorized the president to supply war materials to Great Britain on credit. Winston Churchill appealed to the U.S to "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job/"
to put industries, land, or resources under govt control or ownership
V-J Day
September 2, 1945, Representatives of both sides signed the Japanese surrender documents aboard the American battleship Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay

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