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Latin America test 1


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Defination: Geography
The study of both the physical and cultural phenomena that characterize the earth's surface.
The term we use today to the all emcomposing nature of geographic inquiry
Spatial Perspective
The geographer integrates and synthesizes diverse physica, social, political, and economic conditions in order to analzye all or part of the earth.
Fenneman's classic definition of a region
An area that allows the largest possible number of gneral statements before details and exceptions are taken up.
What are the three countries that brought Roman culture to Latin America?
Spain, Portgual, and to a lesser degree France
What is highly diverse and gragmented area that can be devidd into three units?
Middle America
What forms the heart of the nation of Brazil and covers over one third of it's territory?
The Brazilian Highlands
What is the Serra Do Mar?
A mountain range in Brazil that is near Rio De Janeiro
Why were settlers first attrated to the Brazilian highlands?
Because it was a mining state that had gold and diamonds.
The Sao Francisco River and it's tributaries have deep cut valleys, forming a severely eroded backland known as what?
The Sertao
What has helped form the agricultural heartland of Brazil?
The Parana Plateau
What water falls is almost 4 miles wide, and is on the Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay border?
The Iguacu Falls These falls have limited the navigational value of the waterways, which have been dammed at numerous sites for the devilopment of hydroelectric power plants and irrigated agriculture.
What Plateau is covered by desimentary Strata, and is also the 3rd section of the Brazilian Highlands?
The Mato Grosso Plateau
What is the highest water falls in the world, and where is it located?
Angel Falls, andit's in Venezuela
What plateau is by the "land of fire"
Patagonian Plateau
The northernmost Central Lowlnd is the
Llamos which is in present day Venezuela and Columbia.
Over 1,100 tributaries drain an area holding a third of the worl'd remaining tropical rain forests. Approximately 20 percent of the freshwater descharge of the entire earth
The Amazon Plain, and river
The river is so large that it has an island is in it's mouth
The amazon river
HOw far does the Amazon river go inward?
About 4,000 miles
What is Llanos de Mojos
It is the southern limit of the Azon drainage basin is found in norther Bolivia where the Beni and Mamore river dreain a large lowland region
What is the Chiquitos Plateau
It is a modernately elevated region of low, undulating sedimentary hills situated virtually at the geographical center of South America.
The third great interior lowlad is the Gran Chaco
Like the Llanos, the Chaco is believed to have formed originally as a shallow Atlantic inlet between the Brazilian Highlands to the east and the younger, more tectonically active Andean chains to the west.
What is subjected to a tremendous seaslonal fluctuation in volume, t consists in its upper course of a maze of twisting, winding channels draining a great inland swamp known as What?
The Gran Pantanal
What is the Pampa?
It is a piedmont alluvial plain on which thick layers of fine-grained, wind-borne soil particles, called loess, have been deposted.
The pampas have rich topsoil deposits almost 300 meters deep
The third major structural zone of Latin America is the Western Alpine system.
What is the ring of fire?
is a series of geolocically young nd extemely active mountain ranges whose ongoing development is a by product of the collision and subduction of segments of the earth's crust.
These plates, are shifting laterally in response to the seafloor spreading, which is driven by the circulation of huge conective cells of moten rock, or magma, deep within the earth
New mountain ranges are likely to orm along the contact zone between the plates as the crustal materials are compressed, folded, and faulted.
What are the most active areas in south america for earth quakes?
Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
When is an earth quake the worse?
When it hits at night because people are in their beds sleeping.
Where do the Andes Begin?
In Tierra del Fuego
What is the heart of Chile?
The central Valley.
What are the Altiplano
The largest of the great Andean intermontane plateaus.
Where has most of Bolivia's wealth come from?
It has come from silver, tin mines situated at very high elevations on the windswept, treeless slopes of the Cordillera Oriental.
What is Callejon Andino
The highlands narrow considerably and are soon redicued to two parallel volcanic ranges that are separated only a narrow trough, or intermontane valley.
The Cordillera de Merida is also known as what?
The Sierra Nevada.
What is the Maracaibo Basin known for?
Being Oil-rich
What is the Central American Volcanic Axis?
It parallels the pacificcoastal plains from western Panama northward to Chiapas state in Southern Mexico
What Platueau itself has a huge tilted block that slopes northward from 2,100 to 2,400 meters along it's southern margin?
The western and eastern Sierra Madre.
What is the Mesa del Norte?
The arid northern reaches of the Plateau, are smaller, north-south trending blick ranges.
What part of the Plateau is the Mesa Cnetral?
The southern portion of the central plateau.
The Mesa Central supports several of Mexico's major cities as well as traditional rural zones characterized by scattered peasant villagesset among abandoned remnants of pre-revolution haciendas.
The Western Sierra Madre is a range that appreasrs as barren series of low mountains rising some 600 to 900 meters above the high arid plain.
What is the Yucatan Peninsula
The northern peninsula is one of the flattest regions in Latin America, and features that appear from a distance to be ow, rounded hills turn out, as often as not, to be ancient overgrown Mayan Pyramids.
What is the Outer Arc?
Are the islands of Anguilla, St. Martin. St. Barthelemy, barbuda, Antiua, Marie Galante, and eastern Guadeloupe
What are the inner Arc islands?
They are periodic eruptions and earthquakes characteristic of vlcanically active regions.

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