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prenatal development 2


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weighs 2 1/2 pounds to 3 pounds
which month
female egg cell
weighs average 7 to 7 1/2 pounds
pinhead/grain of sand
the size of the blastocyst/zygote when it attaches itself to the uterine wall
acquiring antibodies
The baby acquires antibodies from the mother for protection from illness during the first few weeks.
fetal position
when the baby take a head down,curled up position because of lack of room in the uterus
decreased movement
when the baby slows down due to lack of room and to rest up for the "big day"
occurs at 21 days
lanugo appears
a fine downey like hair on the fetus
swallowing, thumbsucking, hiccupping
what month does these actions begin
the delivery of the baby
vernix caseosa
a white, greasy substance that is found on babies at birth
the release of the uterine lining when implantation has not occurred during the reproductive cycle
the fertilized egg up to 5 days after conception
the developing baby from 8 weeks of pregnancy to birth
lanugo disappears
which month?
weighs 1 1/2 pounds to 2 pounds
which month
the second stage of pregnancy occuring from implantation until the 8th or 9th week of pregnancy
kicking and movement the mother feels from the baby
When the ovum is release from one of the ovaries
male reproductive cell
when the sperm penetrates the ovum to create a blastocyst
when the blastocyst(could also be referred to as the zygote) attaches itself the the wall of the uterus
when the baby moves lower into the pelvic region
weighs 5 to 6 pounds
which month
amniotic fluid
develops during the period of the embryo; serves as a cushion for the baby from bumps or falls the mother might have
umbilical cord
develops during the period of the embryo; carries nourishment and oxygen to the developing baby

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