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Functions of Salamander Organs


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Receives waste from the kidneys and fluids from the reproductive organs and transfers them out to the external environment
Cloacal opening
common chamber and outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open.
in these structures, oxgen and CO2 are echanged between the fluid environment and the blood in the circulatory system
Delivers food from the mouth to the stomach
gall bladder
stores and concentrates bile secreated by the liver and delivers it to the duodenum through the common bile duct
responsible for pumping blood throughout the body
functions in the excretion of hydrophyllic substnaces such as ions, water, and other nitrogenous wastes
large intestine
digests bacteria, reabsorbs water, and forms feces, and narrows to form the cloaca
-Metabolizes carbs and fats and produces bile -In the duodenum, bile functions in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of fats -Disposes of old red and white blood cells by engulfing them in a process called phagocytosis -Detoxify poisons and toxins
Adds oxygen and removes CO2
the mesentry is a double membrane that attaches the slimentary canal to the body wall -Contains numerous blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves that supply the alimentary canal with its necessary components
mesonephric duct
carries urine from the kidney to the cloaca; in males, it also carries to the cloaca
major gland in digestive system; secretes pancreatic juices
pericardia; cavity
the body cavity that contains the heart
a thin membrane that covers the walls and contents of the pleuroperitoneal cavity
pleuroperitoneal cavity
the body cavity that contains the alimentary canal, digestive system, and associated organs
pyloric sphincter/pylorus
regulates the passage of food from the stomach to the entrance of the small intestine
small intestine
site of nutrient absorption & digestion; first part is the duodenum
engulfs/digests foreign/dead cells (removes useful components such as iron before breaking down red blood cells)
transverse septum
separates the pericardial cavity and the pleuroperitoneal cavity
urinary bladder
waste in the form of urea and ammonia is stored in the urinary bladder until it is released into the external environment thru the opening of the cloaca
ostium of the oviduct/ostium tubae
not sure
sex glands in the female that produce eggs
produces sperm and the hormone testosterone
cloacal gland
produces secretion that forms gelatinous envelopes around clumps of spermatozoa to form a spematophore
transmission the ova from the ovary to the uterus and providing the necessary environment for fertilization and for initial development of the conceptus

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