- Acute stress disorder
- lasts only for a month, due to only one specific event
Inattentive to doing tasks
hyperactivity - impulsivity symptoms
- agitation
- move limbs in a ritualistic sequence
- agoraphobia
fear of being alone or away from home & security
- alogia
you lack speech, your monotone or mute
- anhedonia
you have no feelings or pleasures
anti social
lying, con artists, feel no guilt
- anxiety
long lasting and intense dread
anxious fearful disorderes
- dependent, avoidant, obseessive compulsive
- autism
no attachment no eye contact no smile/cry hate being held
rock themselves
- avoidant
afraid of rejection and criticism
- avolition
- lose motivation for taking care of yourself
Axis I
clinical syndromes
- Axis II
personality disorders, retardation
Axis III
- mental conditionsmedical
Axis IV
- Psychosocial/Enviromental problems
Axis V
Global assesment function scale
0=inadequate info
biological cause of anxiety disorder
we're evolutionary predispositioned for anxiety disorders
too little gaba = higher arousal
too much norepinephrine = panic attacks
too littled seratonin = OCD
- biological cause of schizophrenia
- ventricles in the brain are enlarged esp int he thalamus and prefrontal cortex
biological causes of mood disorders
twins have high correlation in depression
little seratonin
high cortisol
bipolar disorder (manic depressive)
mania! elated, emotional, high vs. depression (opposite rxns)
might have delusions, make bad decisions in mania
- body dysmorphic
preoccupied/exagerrate your bodily appearance
- borderline
intensly afraid of abandonment
will never leave relationships
- catatonic schizophrenia
negative symptoms
disordered movement
conduct disorders
agression to people and animal, weapons, destruction of property, theft, cons, violation of rules
conversion disorder
freud's hysteria
no feelings--> glove anethesia
blind/deaf buyt no cause for it
usually preceeded by a stressor
- delusions
reference (common events apply to you)
granduer (youre more powerful than in reality)
persecution (feel others are out to get you)
thought broadcasting (others can hear thoughts = mumbling)
thought blocking/withdrawal (someone i
- dependent
helpless, dont wanna be alone
submissive, clingy, indecisive
diathesis - stress approach to mood disorders
- some people are predisposed to get stressed out
- diathesis stress approach for schizophrenia
- about predispositions over thresholds
diathesis-stress model
predispositional stress: early learning, genetics make us predispositioned to develop a disorder in the face of stressors
- disorganized shizophrenic
hallucinations, abolition,
both neg & pos symptoms
dissociative amnesia
same as d. fugue, but you don't leave home and get a new idenity
- dissociative disorders
your present awareness is separated from your previous thoughts
sudden, usually temporary
split conciousness
- dissociative fugue
lost memory and you create a new identity and leave home
usually due to stress and trauma
dissociative identiy disorder DID
person has multiple identities independent of each other
- dramatic erratic disorders
- narcisstic, borderline, antisocial
- dysthymia
milder form of depression
GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)
free floating anxiety
always anxious, trouble sleeping, always worrying about something bad that will happen
- hallucinations
false preceptions (auditory, smell, sight, touch) to any external stimuli
hearing voices and seeing things
humanist approach
- disorders due to our actualizing tendency towards growth was blocked. we can't express our feelings or our parents were unsupportive
humanist cause of mood disorders
- person has a lack of purpose or meaning in living (FRANK)
humanistic cause of anxiety disorder
- anxiety between your actual and ideal self
you're preoccupied with a fear of havig this disease.
you report hella symptoms and you convince yourself you already have it!!
- illogical thought/language
neologism : making words taht dont exist
loose association: illogically connected thoughts
clang: double meaning of words sounds
word salad: chaotic thought that's extreme
learned helplessness
depression from your idea that you can't control life/stressors anymore
major depressive disorder
- extremes that can last up to 6 weeks, loss of interest in activities, exagerrated pessimism
- narcisstic
exagerrating your importance and achievements
- negative attributional style
stable internal: depression is permanent
stable external: you always blame the enviro
unstable internal: you have ctrl
unstable external: your surprised!
negative cognitive set
a distorted pattern of thinking about yourself , a situation, your future
you focus only on bad things
negative symptoms of shizophrenia
alogia, avolition, anhedonia
deficient in behavior
take away good
neo-freudian cause of anxiety disorder
ego ideal; want unconditional approval!
inadequate self-concept
"never good enough"
- neurobiological biopsychosocial model
- disorder due to anatomy of our body,brain,genetics
- norm violation
- violation of cultural norm that defines abnormal behavior
obsessive compulsive
preoccupied with being orderly, neat
- unwanted, upsetting thought causes ritualisic, repetitive behavior to avoid an unwanted outcome
odd eccentric disorders
- paranoia,schizoid,shizotypical
pain disorder
- complaining about a localized and severe specific pain w/o any physcial cause of it
panic disorder
panic w/o any cause or threat
- paranoid
unjustified suspictions and distrust of others
- paranoid schizophrenic
later in life,
positive symptoms
grandeur and persecution
personal distress
- impairs functio/health. is maladaptive & causes you harm. defines abnorm behavior
pervasive developmental disorder
your not responsive to the outside world. you're in your own little world
positive symptoms of schizophrenia
delusions, hallucinations, illogical thinking/speech, agitation
women depressed after child's birth
obsessive of harming baby or herself
psychodynamic cause of anxiety disorder
- symbols cause anxiety; conflict between the ID and punishment. fear that the superego won't ctrl the ID
psychodynamic cause of mood disorders
we had insecure attachments w parents
psychodynamic theryapy approach
goal to give patients insight into the source of their problem
to bring into conciousness
break through their defense mechanisms
- psychological biopsychosocial model
- disorder due to psychological processes
flashbackswhile your in an activity that come without any warning; vivid memories
- residual schizophrenia
taking medicine to lessen it
ruminative style
worsens depression vs. distracting style to be less depressed
wintertime sadness..
- schizotypical
odd beliefs. STRANGE
separation anxiety disorder
youre really distressed and scared of being lost or losing others
- shizoid
speak inflat expressions; no emotion
- shizophrenia
split mind
ex. giggle while you're sad
sociaicultura/learning approach
- cultural factors contribute to abnormal behaviors. going against what's labeled correct
social cognitive approach
- disorder due to past learning and distressed learning
- social cognitive cause of a somoatoform disorder
- we get attention, priviledges when we fake things.. so we need reinforcement to boost our self confidence
social cognitive cause of anxiety disorder
through classical and operant conditioning, observation
cognitive: exageration of dangers, unrealistic expectations and you underestimate your capacity for dealing with it
social cognitive cause of mood disorders
stressors' response determines how likely we become depressed
learned helplessness, negative cog set, negative attributional style, ruminative style
social cognitive explanation of dissociative disorders
since people act differently in diff situations, these are only EXTREMES of it
memory loss = reward (escape from the bad)
negative reinforcement
social phobia
- anxious of others criticism or being humiliated
- somatization
- under 30 vague complaints; very dramatic, no cause. impairs your daily life
somatoform disorder
you have physical symptoms of a disorder but find no real cause
- specific phobia
only afraid of one thing
statistical infrequency
- untypical behavior that defines abnormal behavior
- stress disorder
nonsevere stress causes VERY strong response; extreme rxns
- strong diathess vs. weak diathesis
little stressors make you depressed vs.
strong stressors make you depressed
- undifferentiated schizophrenia
cant put it into any catergory YOUR A RETARD!