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FST1 Midterm1


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~10,000 years ago people domesticated animals
Farmers make up what percent of the US population?
Food science involves what disciplines?
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Microbiology, Toxicology, Psychology
What are some world food problems?
Population growth, Poverty, Oil Prices, War, Natural Disasters
Two vital micro nutrients that people are missing
Vitamin A, Iodine
Lack of Vitamin A causes...
Lack of Iodine causes...
Difference between macronutrients and micronutrients
micro:needed in milligram or microgram quanitites macro:needed in gram quantities
The 6 Nutrients
Carboyhdrates, Lipids, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals & Water
Which nutrients provide energy?
Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins
What are the energy/gram ratios for Carbohydrates, Lipids & Proteins
Carbohydrates: 4kcal/g Lipids: 9kcal/g Proteins: 4kcal/g
What is a calorie?
Unit of measure for the energy in calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise one gram of water by 1`C
What is a kilocalorie
The amount of heat it takes to raise 1,000 grams of water by 1`C -1kcal =1,000cal
pH measure is what?
0-14 0=Extremely Acidic 14=Extremely Basic
What does our body use water for?
60% Water -Transport Vehicle(deliver nutrients to cells, remove waste products from cells) -Solvent -Temperature Regulation -Reaction Medium
What does the body use minerals for?
-Promote chemical reactions -form body structures such as Ca (bones), Fe (blood)
What do we use vitamins for?
-help regulate and support chemical reactions in the body
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, and K
What are the Water soluble vitamins?
The B vitamins and C
What are the two types of simple sugars?
Monosaccharides & Disaccharides
3 Examples of Monosaccharaides:
-Glucose (GLU) -Fructose (FRU) -Galactose (GAL)
3 examples of Disaccharides:
-Sucrose (Glu-Fru) -Lactose (Gluc-Gal) -Maltose (Glu-Glu)
What are the two complex carbohydrates?
Oligosaccharides & Polysaccharides
What are oligosaccharides?
Contain 3-10 sugar unites -Raffinose (Gal-Glu-Fru) -Stachyose (Gal-Gal-Glu-Fru) -Verbascose (Gal-Gal-Gal-Glu-Fru)
Can monosaccharides be subdivided?
yes, trioses (3c) tetroses (4c) pentoses (5c) hexoses (6c)
What is a Glycosidic bond?
The linkage between 2 sugar units in saccharides
How many carbons to Glu, Fru, and Gal have?
6 carbons
Raffinose, Stachynose, and Verbascose are found where?
In legume seeds. Can't be hydrolyzed so you get gas.
What is starch made of?
Glucose, making linear chains and branched chains
What is amylose?
Linear glucose chain in starch
What is amylopectin?
The glucose branched chain in starch.
What is the average chain make up of Starch?
20% Amylose 80% Amylopectin
How does Geletization occur?
When the water insoluble starch gets hot and then cools to a gel
What is Glycogen?
a branched polysaccharide formed by glucose -storage carb in animals
What is cellulose?
Linear polysaccharide formed by glucose -insoluble in water -from plant cell walls
what happens to unsaturated fatty acids when they come in contact with oxygen?
They stink, its oxidation
What is the purpose of Antioxidants?
To protect lipids again oxidation
Typically, unsaturated fatty acids come from animals or plants?
What is protein for?
Help build and maintain body structures
Protein building blocks are called what?
Amino Acids
All amino acids contiain what compounds? Some contain?
all: C,H,O,N some: S
what type of bond holds amino acids together?
Peptide bonds -dipeptide -tripeptide -oligopeptide -polypeptide
Proteins are what kind of peptide bond?
What is the denaturation of a protein?
The protein unfolds, egg to scrambled