undefined, object
copy deck
- anesthesia
- loss of feeling or sensation resulting from ether, chloroform, novocaine
- dyspepsia
- difficult digestion, indigestion
- anomaly
- deviation from the common rule
- monotonous
- continuing in an unchanging tone
- anhydrous
- destitute of water
- microwave
- very short electromagnetic wave
- monogamy
- marriage with one mate at a time
- audiophile
- one who is enthusiastic about the high-fidelity sound reporduction
- anemia
- lack of a normal number of red blood cells
- polymorphic
- having various forms
- acrophobia
- fear of being at a great height
- anoxia
- deprivation of oxygen
- hydrophobia
- dread of water, rabies
- dysentery
- inflammation of the large intestine
- atypical
- unlike the typical
- agoraphobia
- fear of open spaces
- xenophobia
- aversion to foreigners
- monotheism
- belief that there is on god
- polygamy
- marriage to several people at the same time
- monocle
- eyeglass for one eye
- dyslogistic
- expressing disapproval or censure; uncomplimentary
- monochromatic
- of one color
- claustrophobia
- fear of enclosed or narrow spaces
- philogyny
- love of women
- misogyny
- hatred of women
- dysphasia
- speech difficulty resulting from brain injury
- anarchy
- total absence of rule or government
- bibliophile
- lover of books
- euthenics
- science dealing with improving living conditions
- monologue
- long speech by one person
- nonograph
- written account of a single thing or class of things
- euphoria
- sense of great happiness or well being
- monomania
- excessive concentration on on idea or subject
- photophobia
- aversion to light
- monogram
- two or more letters interwoven to represent a name
- anglophile
- supporter of England or the Enlish
- polytheism
- beleif that there is a plurality of gods
- microbe
- microscope life-form, germ
- philatelist
- stamp collector
- euthanasia
- controversial practice of mercifully putting to death a person suffering from an incurable, painfully distressing disease
- dysphagia
- difficulty in swollowing
- misanthrope
- hater of humanity
- pholyphonic
- having many sounds or voices
- philanthropy
- love of humanity, especially as shown in donations to charitable and socially useful causes
- euphemism
- substitution of a good expression for an unpleasant one
- polyarchy
- rule by many
- amoral
- not moral
- anomolous
- not normal, abnormal
- monolithic
- massive and rigidly uniform
- dyslexia
- impairment of the ability to read
- microgram
- millionth of a gram
- misology
- hatred of argument, reasoning, or discussion
- francophile
- supporter of France or the French
- philosopher
- lover of, or searcher for, wisdom or knowledge; person who regulates his or her life by the light of reason
- atrophy
- lack of growth from disease or malnutrition
- microsurgery
- surgery with the aid of microscopes and minute instruments or laser beams
- anglophobia
- dislike if england or the english
- philately
- collection and study of stamps
- eugenics
- science dealing with improving hereditary qualities
- microfilm
- film of very small size
- macroscopic
- large enough to be visible to the naked eye
- microwatt
- millionth of a watt
- sinophile
- supporter of China or the Chinese
- phobia
- fear, dread, aversion
- monomorphic
- having a single form
- anonymous
- nameless, of unknown or unnamed origin
- dystopia
- imaginary place where living conditions are dreadful
- macro
- computer instruction standing for a series of steps
- philanthropist
- lover of humanity, person active in promoting human welfare
- monarchy
- rule by a single person
- micrometer
- millionth of a meter
- polyglot
- speaking several languages
- anesthetic
- drug that produces anesthesia
- dyshoria
- sense of great unhappiness or dissatisfaction
- polytehnic
- dealing with many applied sciences and technical arts
- misogamy
- hater of marriage
- philology
- study of language and literature
- microsecond
- millionth of a second
- misanthropy
- hater of humanity
- eulogize
- write or speak in praise of someone
- polyglot N.
- person who speaks several languages
- microvolt
- millionth of a volt
- apnea
- temporary cessation of breathing
- polysyllabic
- having more than three syllables
- philhellenism
- support of Greece or the Greeks
- atheism
- godlessness
- microorganism
- microscopic animal or plant
- russophobe
- one who dislikes Russia of the Russians
- monosyllabic
- having on syllable
- germanophobia
- dislike of Germany or the Germans
- aseptic
- free from disease-causing organisms
- misandry
- hatred of males
- macron
- horizontal mark indicating that the vowel or which it is placed is long
- microbicide
- agent that destroyes microbes
- asymoptomatic
- showing no symptoms of disease
- monolith
- single stone of large size
- dysfunction
- abnormal functioning, as of an organ of the body
- philharmonic
- pertaining to a musical organization, such as a symphony orchestra
- dystrophy
- faulty nutrition, muscle disorder
- macrocosm
- great world, universe
- polychromatic
- having a variety of colors
- eupepsia
- good digestion
- microdont
- having small teenth
- amorphous
- without definite form
- monophobia
- fear of being alone
- misoneism
- hatred of anything new