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learning about culture and how become a part of society
children become part of their culture
language socialization
children are socialized through language as they are socialzed to use language
language ideologies
shared bodies of cultural conceptions and common sense notions about the nature, structure, uses and purposes of language (bridges linguistic system and culture)
2 main processes of cultural change
internal (invention) and external (cultural diffusion)

ex: capitalism, monetary system, technology, medicine, etc
cultural diffusion
cultural borrowing through contact
(direct-sustained presence; indirect-intermediary b/w cultures)
exchange of cultural features through continuous firsthand contact (already have culture and are changing it to a differnt one)
2 extremes of acculturation
assimilation-1 culture becomes entirely incorporated into another

syncretism-mixing of elements from 2 traditions to creat a cultural blend (haitian voodoo)
world system theory
immanuel wallerstein
late 15-16th century
european capitalism began to incorporate other regions and peoples into one world system
parts of this system are linked economically but not politically
3 parts of wst
core/ semiperiphery/ periphery
political, social, economic and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended period of time
peristence of these ties after political sovereignty
intensifying flow of capial goods, ideas, images and people around the world; accelerating interdependence of nations in a world system linked through int'l trade, mass media, modern transp., cultural exchange
types of social conflict
private/ individual; group: banditry, feuding, ethnic conflict,, genocide, ethnocide
bias toward violence
focus on protections of valuable resources, rewards, defense of honor, revenger
bias against conflict
value sharing and cooperation; valu nonaggressive behavior, build relations on dependence, engage in collective behavior promoting harmony
rewarded aggressive behavior and bravery in battle (# of horse and battle honors)
protecting valuable resources (need violence); women and children are valuabale
violence for code of honor; take vengeance

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