cb2003 073
undefined, object
copy deck
- wrongheaded
- stubbornly wrong
- wry
- (esp. of an expression of the face) twisted; with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure)
- vacillation
- being uncertain, hesitating
- vacuous
- empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid
- vagabond
- wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp
- vagary
- strange act or idea
- vagrant
- homeless wanderer
- vain
- without use, result; conceited
- vainglorious
- boastful; excessively conceited
- valediction
- saying farewell; expression of leave-taking
- valedictory
- pertaining to farewell
- valiant
- brave
- valid
- logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective
- validate
- make valid; confirm; ratify
- valor
- bravery
- valorous
- brave
- vampire
- ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living
- vanguard
- forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement
- vanquish
- conquer
- vantage
- position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point)
- vapid
- lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless
- vapor
- mist
- vaporize
- turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)
- variegate
- change the appearance of (by marking with different colors)
- variegated
- (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored
- varnish
- paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using this substance
- vassal
- in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent
- vaunted
- boasted; bragged; highly publicized; v. vaunt: boast; brag
- veer
- change direction
- vegetate
- live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity)
- vehement
- forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong
- velocity
- speed
- venal
- capable of being bribed; corrupt
- vendetta
- blood feud (esp. between two families)
- vendor
- seller
- veneer
- surface appearance covering the true nature
- veneration
- regard with deep respect
- venial
- (of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial
- venison
- meat of a deer
- venom
- poison (of an animal); hatred
- vent (n)
- small opening; outlet (as of fumes or a gas)
- vent (v)
- release or discharge through a vent; express (esp. unfairly); utter
- ventilate
- admit fresh air into to replace stale air
- ventral
- ventral
- ventriloquist
- someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing
- venture
- risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk
- venturesome
- (of a person) bold; adventurous; daring; (of an action) risky
- venue
- location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.)
- veracious
- (of a person) truthful
- veracity
- truth
- verbalize
- put into words; adj. verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb