Sounds italian
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- adagio
- slowly in music.
- andante
- moderate in tempo
- arpeggio
- the playing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than simultaneously.
- bravura
- in music, a flordi passage reequiring great skill and spirit in the performer; a brillant performer
- contralto
- the lowest female voice or part, between a soprano and a tenor; a woman having such a voice
- crescendo
- a gradual increase in the volume or intensity of sound; a music passage played in crescendo
- flasetto
- a typically male singing voice,the result of artificially produced tones in an uppr resiter that go beyond the voice's normal range.
- fortissimo
- avery loud passage, sound or tone.
- imbrogilo
- a confused or difficult situation; a confused heap or tangle.
- intaglio
- a figure or design cut beneath the surface of a hard metal or stone; the art of carving in this manner; a gemstone carved in intalio.
- libretto
- the text of an opera or other dramtic musical work.
- salvo
- a simultaneous discharge of firearms; a suden outburst of cheers or the like.
- staccato
- music performed with a crisp, sharp attack to simulate rests between successive tones
- vendetta
- blood feud; a prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility.