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- Isotonic Solution
- Optimum environment for cell to thrive
- Facultative Parasite
- An organism that prefers to feed on non living matter, but can also feed on living matter
- Water is necessary for growth & multiplication of organisms
- Moisture
- Dissolves food in the environment of bacterial cell so food can be better absorped
- Moisture
- Facultative Anerobe
- An organism that prefers to live in an Oxygenated environment, but can also exist in a NON Oxygenated environment
- Thermophile
- An organism that prefers HOT temperatures (45-70C)
- 7.35-7.45
- An organism has to be inbetween this pH to thrive in the human system
- Facultative Aerobe
- An organism that prefers to live in the absence of oxygen, but can also live in the presence of o2
- Bacterial Colony
- A group of bacteria growing on a solid medium arising from a single microorganism.
- Yellow
- Has least affect on bacterial growth
- Aerobe
- Organism that grows in the presence of Oxygen
- Light
- UV, Violet, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow
- Synnergism
- An association of 2 different organisms where the organisms multiply more rapidly together than an individual alone
- Hypotonic Solution
- solution with a LOW concentration of solute
- Hypertonic Solution
- Solution with a HIGH concetration of solute
- Mesophile
- An organism that prefers moderate temperatures (20-45C)
- Solution
- Homogenous mixture of 2 or more substances
- Plasmoptysis
- The process by which a bacterial cell will swell & burst (HYPOTONIC SOLUTION)
- Mutualism
- An association of 2 different organisms living close together, both mutally benefiting from each other.
- Semi Permeable Membrane
- Membrane which allows the passage of certain substances through it while restricting the passage of other substances
- Solvent
- Component of solution that is present in GREATER amount `
- Facultative Saprophyte
- An organism that prefers to feed on living matter, but can also feed on non living matter.
- Ultraviolet
- Most destructive to Bactera, denatures protein
- Osmosis
- Passage of a solvent (h2o) through a semi permeable membrane from an area of LOW solute concentration to an area of HIGHER solute concentration. (Just fluid moving)
- Synnecrosis
- An association of 2 different organisms where both are unhappy
- Nutrients
- Very important because an organism needs nourishment to thrive.
- Antagonism
- An association of 2 different organisms where the presence of one INHIBITS the growth of the other
- Optimum Temperature
- Temperature at which an organism grows BEST
- Commensalism
- An association of 2 different organisms in which one gains some benfit, and the other is undisturbed
- Mesophile
- 20-45C Moderate Temp
- Oxygen
- Aerobe, Anerobe, Facultative Aerobe, Facultative Anerobe, Microaerophilic Organism
- Water will leave cell, cell will shrink & die/plasmolysis/Osmosis
- What will happen in a solution with a high concentration of solute? What is this process caled? Why?
- Binary Fission
- A method of asexual reproduction in which the cell splits into 2 parts, each of which develops into a complete individual.
- Autotrophic Bacteria
- 2- Self nourishing bacteria that is capable of growing in the absence of organic compounds.
- Heterotrophic Bacteria
- Organism that obtains nutrients by breaking down organic matter from the environment into simple chemical substances (It Seeks an Organic Source from the environment)
- Osmotic Pressure
- Hyper tonic solution will cause PLASMOlYSIS HYPO tonic solution will cause PLASMOPTYSIS
- Solute
- Component of solution that is present in LESSER amount
- Saprophyte
- An organism that obtains nourishment from non-living matter
- Parasite
- An organism that obtains nourishment from living matter
- pH
- 0-7 Acid/ 7-14 Base.
- Symbiosis
- The living together in close association of two different species
- Temperature
- Maximum Termp, Minimum temp, optimum temp, mesophile, thermophile, psychrophile
- Mesophile
- Human body temperature is 37C
- Plasmolysis
- The process by which a bacterial cell shrinks and dies (HYPERTONIC SOLUTION)
- Parasitism
- An association of 2 different organisms where one benefits and the other one is harmed
- Anerobe
- Organism that grows in the ABsence of oxygen
- Water will enter cell, cell will swell & burst/plasmoptysis/osmosis
- What will happen in a solution with a LOW concentration of solute? What is this process called? Why?
- Maximum Temperature
- The temperature ABOVE which bacterial growth will NOT take place
- Concentration
- Number of molecules of solute used in solution in RELATION to number of molecules in solvent
- Micro Aerophilic Organism
- An organism that grows beest in an amount of oxygen LESS thatn that which is contained in air.
- Bonds of - will insulate micro organisms from any changes in temperature
- Moisture
- Participates in hydrogen bond formation to make molecules of protein
- Moisture
- Antibiosis
- An association of 2 different organisms where one is DETRIMENTAL to the other.
- Participates in chemical rxn/fxn that go on within the cell
- Moisture
- Major Component of Cytoplasm (70-80%h2o)
- Moisture
- 7.0-7.35
- pH for disease producing organisms
- Autotrophic Bacteria
- "Self Feeder" 1-Organism that obtains nutrients by building organic compounds in their cytoplasm from simple inorganic subtances
- Organic / Inorganic
- with Carbon (proteins/carbs/lipids) No Carbon (Calcium, magnesium, mineral salts)
- Minimum Temperature
- The temperature BELOW which bacterial growth will NOT take place
- Psychrophile
- An organism that prefers cold temperature (0-25C)
- 7.35-7.45
- pH of blood
- Isotonic SOlution
- Equal amounts of solute inside and outside of cell.