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Orthopaedic terminology


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having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course
substance to reduce pain
stiffness or fixation of a joint by diseare or surgery
substance to kill or wound micro-organizms
medication which given by injection or pill reduces the components of inflammation
a substance to reduce fever
intra articular scarring leading to impaired motion or function
to modify a joint by mocrofuacture or resurfacing
arthroscopic debridement
to clean out the joint, usually the knee
joint examination with a fibroptic endoscope placed into the joint
loss of muscle fiber cross-sectional area
same individual's tissue
donor tissue from same species
avulsion fracture
a ligament or tendinous attachment is pulled off with a peice of bone because the attachment was stronger than the base
Baker's cyst
localized fluid accumulation in the posterior fossa of the knee
Bankart lesion
bony on soft tissue avulsion associated with anterior shoulder instability
bankart procedure
eponym for anterior capsular repair of IGHL for anterior shoulder instability. Axillary nerve at risk
Immature healing bone
bone patellar tendon bone - tissue used as reconstruction by ACL
Bristow procedure
eponym using conjoined tendon transfer (reconstruction) for anterior shoulder instability. Musculocutaneous nerve at risk
protective synovial sac serving as a cushion for prominences throughout the body
cancer of epithelia origin
diffuse and especially subcutaneous inflammation of connective tissue
soft cartilage. a condition without reference to etiology
reair cartilage
marked by long duration, by frequent recurrence over a long time and often by slowly progerssing seriousness
closed fracture
bone is broken, skin intact
comminuted fracture
bone broken into more than 2 fragents
compound fracture
bone broke, skin open
shaft or middle part of a cylindrical bone.
Discoid Meniscus
congenital variation of the normal semilunar cushion cartilage, in which the meniscus is a disc like shape
complete displacement of one or more bones at a joint
Ectomy –
to cut out e.g. menisectomy, synovectomy
Edema –
fluid “loose” in the tissue which has escaped from the vascular or lymphatic spaces causing local or generalized swelling
Epiphysis –
the end of a growing bone
Etiology –
the cause of a pathologic process
Fracture –
any break in the continuity of a bone
Firbrocartilage –
normally found in the nose and ear; “scar” repair cartilage in the joint
Greenstick fracture –
incomplete fracture that passes only partially through the shaft of a bone in a child a bone fracture in a young individual in which the bone is partly broken and partly bent
Growth plates –
sites where bones grow longer and wider and are weaker than ligaments in a growing athlete
Hernia –
protrusion of a loop of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening
Heterotopic bone –
the formation of new bone in an abnormal location, often as a result of trauma or surgery
Hill-Sachs Lesion –
posterior humeral head compression fracture associated with anterior shoulder instability
humeral avulsion of glenoid ligament –
induced artificially by medical treatment
arising from unknown cause
symptomatic joint ROM; pathological
Itis –
suffix added to indicate inflammation. Pain (dolar), heat (calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor). E.g. tendonitis, bursitis, synovitis
Jones fracture –
5th metatarsal fracture of the diaphysis often requiring surgical treatment
Joint replacement –
a resurfacing of the articular surface
amount of ROM in a joint; non-pathological
Ligament –
a collagenous structure that attaches bone to bone. When injured, often associated with a pop, pain and swelling
Mal union –
improper bone healing
Metaphysis –
a portion of a long bone in the wide portion of an extremity that in children contains the growth plates
Monteggia fracture -
a fracture in the proximal part of the ulna with dislocation of the head of the radius
Mumford –
an eponym for distal clavicle excision
“Neutraceuticals” –
natural substances to help chondrocytes form and heal joint surfaces e.g. glucosamine, condroitin sulfate
Non union –
bone failing to heal
Osis –
a condition of; implies no inflammation e.g. arthrosis
Osteoclasis –
a gradual stretching of bone after it has been fractured
Osteomyelitis –
bone infection
Osteopenia –
x-ray characteristics of reduced bone density
Osteoporosis –
a pathologic diagnosis of reduced bone quality
Osteotomy –
the internal shifting of bone by breaking the bone a surgical operation in which a bone is divided or a piece of bone is excised (as to correct a deformity)
Otomy –
to surgically break a bone e.g. osteotomy
Plasty –
to form
Resect –
to remove e.g. meniscus, distal clavicle
Repair –
to reattach; implies nutrition source and most times blood supply exception – cartilage e.g. Bankart repair for shoulder ligaments
Reconstruct –
to replace a structure with something else. E.g. BPTB for ACL
Sarcoma –
cancer of connective tissue origin e.g. osteosarcoma; lymphoma
Septic –
Sprain –
injury to a ligament
Strain –
injury to muscle or tendon e.g. hamstring or quad tendon
Stress fracture –
bone discontinuity from overuse as a result of inadequate healing between insults
Subluxation -
partial dislocation (as of one of the bones in a joint)
(aka synovial membrane) –the dense connective-tissue membrane that secretes synovial fluid and that lines the ligamentous surfaces of articular capsules, tendon sheaths where free movement is necessary, and bursae
Tendon –
a collagenous structure which attaches muscle to bone
injection of material into joint to supplement viscous properties of synovial fluid; used for treatment of osteoarthritis. Example: Synvisc

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