president2 individual
undefined, object
copy deck
- 1885-1889
- Grover Cleveland
- vp. Hendricks
- Grover Cleveland
- Knights of Labor
- Grover Cleveland
- Haymarket riot
- Grover Cleveland
- Interstate commerce Act
- Grover Cleveland
- Wishburn vs. Illinois
- Grover Cleveland
- 1889-1893
- Benjamin Harrison
- VP - Morton
- Benjamin Harrison
- SOS - James A. Blaine
- Benjamin Harrison
- Sherman Anti-Trust Act
- Benjamin Harrison
- Populist Party Platform of 1892
- Benjamin Harrison
- ND, SD, MT, WA 1889 states
- Benjamin Harrison
- ID, WY 1890 States
- Benjamin Harrison
- Mckinley Tariff
- Benjamin Harrison
- 1893-1897
- Grover Cleveland 2
- 2nd admin
- Grover Cleveland 2
- vp - stevenson
- Grover Cleveland 2
- panic of 1893
- Grover Cleveland 2
- hawaiian Incident
- Grover Cleveland 2
- Venezuelan Boundary Affair
- Grover Cleveland 2
- Pullman STrike
- Grover Cleveland 2
- American Federation of Labor
- Grover Cleveland 2
- Tariff of 1894
- Grover Cleveland 2
- 1897-1901
- William McKinley
- VP-Garet Hobart, Theordore Roosevelt
- William McKinley
- SOS - John Hay
- William McKinley
- New Imperialism
- William McKinley
- William McKinley
- Open Door Policy
- William McKinley
- McKinley's Assasination - Leon Czoigosz
- William McKinley
- 1901-1909
- Theodore Roosevelt
- vp - Fairbanks
- Theodore Roosevelt
- SOS - John Hay, Elihu Root
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Panama Canal
- Theodore Roosevelt
- "Square Deal"
- Theodore Roosevelt
- corrallary to Monroe Doctrine
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Portsmouth Treaty
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Gentleman's agreement with japan
- Theodore Roosevelt
- hague Conferences
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Hepburn Act
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Pure ood and Drug Act, meat Inspection Act, and Muckrakers
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Political reorms o the Roosevelt Era
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Trustbusting
- Theodore Roosevelt
- coal strike
- Theodore Roosevelt
- conservation
- Theodore Roosevelt
- venezuelan Debt controversy
- Theodore Roosevelt
- dominican republic crisis
- Theodore Roosevelt
- algerius conference over morocco
- Theodore Roosevelt
- 1909 - 1913
- William Taft
- VP-Sherman
- William Taft
- Paine-aldrich Tariff
- William Taft
- Pinchet-Balling's conservation, poligamy problem
- William Taft
- "Dollar diplomacy"
- William Taft
- 1913-1921
- Woodrow wilson
- VP-Marshall
- Woodrow wilson
- Underwood Tariff
- Woodrow wilson
- 16, 17, 18, 19 Amendments
- Woodrow wilson
- glassower Act
- Woodrow wilson
- Federal trade commission
- Woodrow wilson
- clayton anti-trust act
- Woodrow wilson
troops to Nicaragua, dominican republic, haiti, virgin islands,
mexico - Woodrow wilson
- the lusitania
- Woodrow wilson
- "Fourteen Points"
- Woodrow wilson
- Treaty of Versailles
- Woodrow wilson
- "new freedom"
- Woodrow wilson
- 1921-1923
- Warren Harding
- "Dark Horse Candidate"
- Warren Harding
- VP-Calvin Coolidge
- Warren Harding
- SOS - Charles E. Hughes
- Warren Harding
- Fordney-McCumber Tariff
- Warren Harding
- Washington Conference
- Warren Harding
- Teapot Dorne Scandal
- Warren Harding
- 1923-1929
- Calvin coolidge
- VP-Dawes
- Calvin coolidge
- SOS - Frank Kellogg
- Calvin coolidge
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- Calvin coolidge
- 1929-1933
- Hervert Hoover
- VP - Curtis
- Hervert Hoover
- SOS - Henry L. Stimson
- Hervert Hoover
- National Origins Immigration Act
- Hervert Hoover
- Panic and Depression
- Hervert Hoover
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff
- Hervert Hoover
- 1933-1945
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- VP- Garner, Wallace, Truman
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- New Deal
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- World War II
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Labor
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 1945-1953
- Harry S. Truman
- VP - Barkley
- Harry S. Truman
- World II Ends - Atomic bomb
- Harry S. Truman
- Tat-Hartley Act
- Harry S. Truman
- Truman doctrine
- Harry S. Truman
- Marshall Plan
- Harry S. Truman
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
- Harry S. Truman
- Korea
- Harry S. Truman
- 1953-1961
- Dwight Eisenhower
- 22nd amendment
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Brown vs. board of education, topeka
- Dwight Eisenhower
- southeast asia treaty organization, SEATO
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Suez Crisis
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Dwight Eisenhower
- The Race for Space
- Dwight Eisenhower
- Alaska, Hawaii, states
- Dwight Eisenhower
- 1961-1963
- John f. Kennedy
- VP - Lyndon Johnson
- John f. Kennedy
- alliance for Progress
- John f. Kennedy
- baker vs. carr
- John f. Kennedy
- the peace corps
- John f. Kennedy
- Kennedy assassinated at Dallas, Texas Lee Harvey Oswald
- John f. Kennedy
- Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
- John f. Kennedy
- "new frontier"
- John f. Kennedy
- cuba
- John f. Kennedy
- income tax cut
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- cuban policy
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- the "Cold War
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Vp - Humphrey
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- 1963-1968
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- medicare
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Elementary and secodary education
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- anti-poverty Act
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- civil right Act
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- wesberry vs. Sanders
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- "Great Society"
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Warren Burger - chief Jutice
- Richard Nixon
- Landing on the moon
- Richard Nixon
- "Imperial Presidency
- Richard Nixon
- VP - Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford
- Richard Nixon
- 1968-1974
- Richard Nixon
- visit to china, russia
- Richard Nixon
- 26th amendment
- Richard Nixon
- EPA est
- Richard Nixon
- woodstock
- Richard Nixon
- salt
- Richard Nixon
- Nixon Resigns
- Richard Nixon
- Agnew resigns
- Richard Nixon
- Allende regime in Chile, CIA
- Richard Nixon
- Wounded Knee, SD
- Richard Nixon
- Kissinger - "shuttle Diplomacy"
- Richard Nixon
- Pentagon Papers
- Richard Nixon
- Pardons Nixon
- Gerald Ford
- VP - Nelson Rockefeller
- Gerald Ford
- neither pres nor VP had been electted
- Gerald Ford
- 1st appointed president
- Gerald Ford
- 1974 - 1876
- Gerald Ford
- OPEC crisis
- Gerald Ford
- 3. mile island incident, nuclear leak
- Jimmy Carter
- est. diplomatic relations with china, end recognition o taiwan
- Jimmy Carter
- panama canal treay signed
- Jimmy Carter
- VP - Mondale
- Jimmy Carter
- 1976-1980
- Jimmy Carter
- egypt and irael peace treaty; sadat and begin nobel prizes
- Jimmy Carter
- boycott of Olympics in Moxcow to protest afganistan
- Jimmy Carter
- Iran Hostage crisis, rescue attempt, 8 killed
- Jimmy Carter
- Seizure of Aganistan by soviets
- Jimmy Carter
- "stagflation"
- Jimmy Carter
- 1500 Marines sent to Beruit 83, withdrawn 84
- Ronald Reagan
- Falkland Islands crisis, U support Eng
- Ronald Reagan
- Hostage returned
- Ronald Reagan
- VP - Bush
- Ronald Reagan
- 1980-1988
- Ronald Reagan
- Iran contra Hearing: Oliver North
- Ronald Reagan
- Supply side economic"
- Ronald Reagan
- Sandra Day O'Conner appointed to supreme Court (1st woman)
- Ronald Reagan
- Nicaragua
- Ronald Reagan
- Grenada
- Ronald Reagan
- Invasion of panama
- George Bush
- berlin wall came down/reuniication of germany
- George Bush
- savings and loans scandal
- George Bush
- vp - quayle
- George Bush
- 1988-1992
- George Bush
- Operation Desert Shield/storm
- George Bush
- Family Medical Leave Act
- William J. clinton
- Middle East Peace Accordss
- William J. clinton
- SOS - Madeleine Albright
- William J. clinton
- VP - Al Gore
- William J. clinton
- 1992-2000
- William J. clinton
- Whitewater/Kenn Starr Investigation
- William J. clinton
- Monica Kewinsky
- William J. clinton
- Impeachment
- William J. clinton
- Peace in Northern Ireland
- William J. clinton
- "compassionate conservation"
- George W. Bush
- contraverial election
- George W. Bush
- SOS - Colin Powell
- George W. Bush
- VP - Dick Cheny
- George W. Bush
- 2000-
- George W. Bush
- new cabinet ofice: Homeland Security Tom Ridge
- George W. Bush
- war on terror
- George W. Bush
- september 11, 2001
- George W. Bush
- 2nd time father/son presidents
- George W. Bush
- compaigned on 1.6 trillion dollar tax cut
- George W. Bush
- NSA: condoleeza Rice 1st african american woman
- George W. Bush
- Boxer Rebellion
- William McKinley
- Federal reserve system
- Woodrow wilson
- Stock Market Crash
- Herbert Hoover