USMLE Microbiology
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- What does Candida albicans do that distinguishes it from other fungi?
- It forms a germinal tube at 37°C.
- What protozoal parasite results in dysentery with blood and pus in the stool, is transmitted via fecal-oral route, is diagnosed by cysts or trophozoites in the stool, and forms liver abscesses and inverted flask-shaped lesions in the large intestine?
- Entamoeba histolytica (treat with metronidazole)
- What is the most likely causative organism for a patient with folliculitis after spending time in a hot tub?
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- What two viruses get their envelope not from budding but from coding?
- HIV and poxvirus
- Which type of hepatitis can cause hepatocellular carcinoma?
- Hepatitis B
- Gas gangrene is associated with which Clostridium species?
- Clostridium perfrigens
- Which dimorphic fungus is found as hyphae with nondescript conidia in rotting wood in the Upper Great Lakes, Ohio, Mississippi, eastern seaboard of the United States, and southern Canada?
- Blastomyces dermatitidis
- Which parasitic organism, when it crosses the placenta, results in intracerebral calcifications, chorioretinitis, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, and convulsions?
- Toxoplasma gondii
- What staphylococcal species is positive for Beta-hemolysis and coagulase?
- Staphylococcus aureus
- What vector is associated with malaria?
- Anopheles mosquito
- What is the term for hyphae with constrictions at each septum that are commonly seen in Candida albicans?
- Pseudohyphae
- Which cestode infection results in alveolar hydatid cyst disease?
- Echinococcus multilocularis
- Which hepatitis virus is in the Flaviviridae family?
- Hepatitis C
- What nonmotile gram-negative, non–lactose-fermenting facultative anaerobic rod uses the human colon as its only reservoir and is transmitted by fecal-oral spread?
- Shigella
- What is the only Rickettsia that is stable in the environment?
- Coxiella burnetii
- Regarding the viral growth curve, is the internal virus present before or after the eclipse period?
- After the eclipse period
- What Ab is an indication of recurrent disease for hepatitis?
- HBc Ab
- What small gram-positive, non–spore-forming rod is a facultative intracellular parasite that grows in the cold and is associated with unpasteurized milk products?
- Listeria monocytogenes
- What is the only DNA virus that is not icosahedral?
- Poxvirus
- Which organism causes trench mouth?
- Fusobacterium
- True or false? All of the following are inactivated vaccines available in the United States: influenza, Vibrio cholera, hepatitis A, rabies, and adenovirus.
- False. Adenovirus vaccine is a live pathogenic virus in an enteric coated capsule. All of the others are inactivated vaccines.
Name the Plasmodium species based on the following information:
No persistent liver stage or relapse; blood smear shows multiple ring forms and crescent-shaped gametes; irregular febrile pattern; associated with cerebral malaria - Plasmodium falciparum
- Name the Plasmodium species based on the following information:No persistent liver stage or relapse; blood smear shows rosette schizonts; 72-hour fever spike pattern
- Plasmodium malariae
- Name the Plasmodium species based on the following information:Persistent hypnozoite liver stage with relapses; blood smear shows amoeboid trophozoites with oval, jagged infected RBCs; 48-hour fever spike pattern
- Plasmodium ovale
Name the Plasmodium species based on the following information:
Persistent hypnozoite liver stage with relapses; blood smear shows amoeboid trophozoites; 48-hour fever spike pattern; the most prevalent form worldwide - Plasmodium vivax
- True or false? A positive PPD skin test indicates the patient has active pulmonary disease.
- False. The PPD tests exposure to TB.
- What viral infection is known to cause intracerebral calcifications?
- CMV; Toxoplasma also causes intracerebral calcifications but it is a parasite.
- What viruses are associated with cervical carcinoma?
- HPVs 16 and 18
- What motile, gram-negative spiral bacillus with flagella is oxidase positive, urease positive, and associated with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and stomach cancer?
- Helicobacter pylori
- What glycoprotein in the HIV virus is used for fusion?
- GP41
- What Ag is needed to diagnose an infectious patient with hepatitis B?
- HBeAg
- Which organism causes multiple infections by antigen switching?
- Borrelia recurrentis
- What is the first Ag seen in an individual with hepatitis?
- HBsAg (incubation period)
- With which DNA virus are Guarnieri bodies associated?
- Variola (smallpox)
- What nematode is known as pinworms? What is the treatment?
- Enterobius vermicularis; the treatment is albendazole.
- What protein allows Mycoplasma to attach to the respiratory epithelium?
- P1 protein
What organism is associated with the following types of diarrhea?
Day care–associated diarrhea in infants - Rotavirus
What organism is associated with the following types of diarrhea?
Watery diarrhea from beef, poultry, or gravies - Clostridium perfringens
What organism is associated with the following types of diarrhea?
Rice water stools - Vibrio cholera
What organism is associated with the following types of diarrhea?
Diarrhea associated with raw or undercooked shellfish - Vibrio parahaemolyticus
What organism is associated with the following types of diarrhea?
Bloody diarrhea associated with hamburger ingestion - Enterohemorhagic Escherichia coli
- Which fungus is found worldwide on plants, is a cigar-shaped yeast in tissue form, and results in rose gardener's disease?
- Sporothrix schenckii
- Which type of hepatitis is a picornavirus?
- Hepatitis A (infectious)
- What gram-positive rod is distinguished by its tumbling motility?
- Listeria
- What is the vector for Leishmania infections?
- The sandfly
- What is the term of the viral growth period when no viruses can be found intracellularly?
- Eclipse period
- What organism causes Q fever?
- Coxiella burnetii
- What are the three naked RNA viruses?
1. Picornavirus
2. Calicivirus
3. Reovirus
(Remember PCR) - HIV's capsid, core nucleocapsid, and matrix proteins are products of what structural gene?
- gag gene
- What facultative intracellular fungus is associated with hepatosplenomegaly?
- Histoplasma capsulatum infects the cells of the RES and can result in hepatosplenomegaly.
- What type of hepatitis has the highest mortality rate among pregnant women?
- Hepatitis E
- Which gram-negative diplococcus ferments maltose?
- Meningococcus (Gonococcus does not)
- Are antibiotics helpful in treating a disease caused by a prion?
- No. Prions are infectious proteins, so antibiotics are useless.
- What bacterium is responsible for woolsorter's disease?
- Bacillus anthracis
- What picornavirus is associated with hand-foot-and-mouth disease?
- Coxsackie A
- What is the only trematode that is not hermaphroditic?
- Schistosoma have separate males and females.
- What water-associated organism is a weakly stained gram-negative rod that requires cysteine and iron for growth?
- Legionella (think air conditioners)
- With what virus are Downey type II cells associated?
- True or false? Interferons are eukaryotic proteins that inhibit viral replication by being virus specific.
- False. Interferons are produced by virally infected cells to inhibit viral replication via RNA endonucleases. They do not act directly on the virus, nor are they virus specific.
- What is the vector for yellow fever?
- Aedes mosquito
- What small, facultative gram-negative intracellular rod's transmission is associated with unpasteurized dairy products and undulant fever?
- Brucella
- True or false? All Proteus species are urease positive.
- True
Which genus of dermatophytes is associated with the following sites of infection?
⬢ Nails and skin only - Epidermophyton
Which genus of dermatophytes is associated with the following sites of infection?
⬢ Hair and skin only - Microsporum
Which genus of dermatophytes is associated with the following sites of infection?
⬢ Skin, hair, and nails - Trichophyton
- What protein of the HIV virus does ELISA detect to determine whether a patient is HIV positive?
- P24
- What genus of bacteria is described by catalase-positive, gram-positive cocci in clusters?
- Staphylococcus
- True or false? Vibrio parahaemolyticus require NaCl in its growth medium.
- True. Staphylococcus aureus and group D enterococci also grow in high-salt media.
- What virus causes small pink benign wartlike tumors and is associated with HIV-positive patients?
- Molluscum contagiosum
- What two bacteria are associated with drinking unpasteurized milk?
- Brucella and Listeria (has tumbling motility)
- What cestode causes cysticercosis?
- Taenia solium
- What DNA virus is associated with exanthem subitum (roseola)?
- HHV 6
- Which acid-fast rod is an obligate intracellular parasite?
- Mycobacterium leprae
- What form of the Plasmodium species is ingested by mosquitoes?
- Gametocytes
- What small gram-negative aerobic rod requires Regan-Lowe or Bordet- Gengou medium for growth?
- Bordetella pertussis
- True or false? Streptococci have catalase.
- False. Staphylococci have catalase; streptococci do not.
- What three bacteria are positive to quellung reactive test?
1. Neisseria meningitidis
2. Haemophilus influenzae
3. Streptococcus pneumoniae - A patient goes to the ER with abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating less than 24 hours after eating potato salad at a picnic; what is the most likely responsible organism?
- Staphylococcus aureus
- True or false? All spore formers are gram positive.
- True
- What is the only DNA virus that has the reverse transcriptase enzyme?
- Hepadnavirus
- What enzyme does HIV use to integrate the proviral dsDNA into the host?
- Integrase
- What are the two hepatitis viruses that can be chronic and can lead eventually to hepatocellular carcinoma?
- Hepatitis B and hepatitis C
- What gram-positive spore-forming anaerobic rod blocks the release of ACh at the NMJ, resulting in reversible flaccid paralysis?
- Clostridium botulinum
- Name three products of HIV's pol gene.
- Protease, integrase, and reverse transcriptase
- What form of Plasmodium species affects the liver?
- Hypnozoite
- What small coagulase-positive, gram-negative rod with bipolar staining is a facultative intracellular parasite resulting in buboes?
- Yersinia pestis
- What hemoflagellate species is the cause of Chagas disease?
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- To what host cell receptor does the rabies virus attach?
- ACh receptor
- Which hepatitis virus is in the Picornaviridae family?
- Hepatitis A
- Abs to what hepatitis B Ag provide immunity?
- Abs to HBsAg
- What type of spore is defined as an asexual budding daughter yeast cell?
- Blastoconidia
Which of the following characteristics accurately describe fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites?
⬢ Eukaryotic cell, 15 to 25 microns, 80S ribosomes, no cell walls, replicates via cytokinesis with mitosis and meiosis - Parasites
Which of the following characteristics accurately describe fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites?
⬢ Small prokaryotic cells; no histones; 70S ribosomes; no sterols in cell membrane; peptidoglycans in cell wall; replicate by binary fission - Bacteria
Which of the following characteristics accurately describe fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites?
⬢ Eukaryotic cell; 3 to 10 microns; 80S ribosomes; chitinous cell wall; ergosterol in cell membrane; replicate via cytokinesis with mitosis and meio - Fungi
Which of the following characteristics accurately describe fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites?
⬢ Acellular; some are enveloped; replicate within the host cell; no cell walls - Viruses
- What mosquito is the vector for dengue fever?
- Aedes (the same for yellow fever)
- True or false? Gonococcus is encapsulated.
- False. Meningococcus is encapsulated; Gonococcus is not.
- What virus is associated with Guarnieri bodies?
- Variola virus (Smallpox)
- Regarding the viral growth curve, is the external virus present before or after the latent period?
- After the latent period
- What aerobic branching rod that is gram positive and partially acid-fast is associated with cavitary bronchopulmonary disease in immunosuppressed patients?
- Nocardia asteroides
- What obligate extracellular fungus is silver stain–positive and is associated with pneumonia in patients with AIDS?
- Pneumocystis carinii
- What Vi-encapsulated gram-negative motile anaerobic rod that produces H2S is associated with enteric fever, gastroenteritis, and septicemia?
- Salmonella typhi
- What is the most likely organism causing cellulitis in a patient who was cut by an oyster shell?
- Vibrio vulnificus
- What virus is associated with the Norwalk agent?
- Calicivirus
Describe the organism based on the following information:
⬢ Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus; positive cAMP test; hydrolyzes hippurate - Streptococcus agalactiae
Describe the organism based on the following information:
⬢ Alpha-Hemolytic Streptococcus; lysed by bile; sensitive to Optochin - Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
Describe the organism based on the following information:
⬢ Alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus; not lysed by bile; not sensitive to Optochin - Streptococcus viridans
Describe the organism based on the following information:
⬢ Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus sensitive to bacitracin - Streptococcus pyogenes
- What is the only nonmotile pathogenic Clostridium species?
- Clostridium perfringens
- If a virus has positive sense RNA, can it be used as mRNA or is a template needed?
- Positive sense RNA can be used as mRNA. Negative sense RNA cannot be used as mRNA; it requires special RNA-dependent RNA polymerases.
- Where do adult tapeworms develop, in the intermediate or definitive host?
- Adult tapeworms develop in the definitive host, whereas cysticerci or larvae develop in the intermediate host.
- Which streptococcal species is characterized by being catalase negative, turning bile esculin agar black, producing a positive PYR test, and resulting in biliary and urinary tract infections?
- Enterococcus (Streptococcus faecalis)
- What three carcinomas are associated with EBV?
1. Burkitt's lymphoma
2. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
3. Thymic carcinoma - Which organism causes trench fever?
- Rochalimaea quintana (now called Bartonella quintana)
- Based on the onset of the symptoms, how are bacterial conjunctivitis from Neisseria and Chlamydia differentiated?
- The onset of symptoms for Neisseria gonorrhea conjunctivitis is 2 to 5 days, whereas onset of symptoms for Chlamydia trachomatis is 5 to 10 days.
- What toxin, produced by Clostridium tetani, binds to ganglioside receptors and blocks the release of glycine and GABA at the spinal synapse?
- Tetanospasmin (also called tetanus toxin)
- True or false? All of the following are live attenuated vaccines available in the United States: measles, mumps, varicella zoster, and Francisella tularensis.
- True. So are rubeola, smallpox, yellow fever, and the Sabin polio vaccine.
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ Ebola - Filovirus
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ California encephalitis - Bunyavirus
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ Hantavirus - Bunyavirus
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ Rabies - Rhabdovirus
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ RSV - Paramyxovirus
What family do the following viruses belong to?
⬢ Measles - Paramyxovirus
- What microaerophile is a motile gram-negative curved rod with polar flagella that causes infectious diarrhea at low doses (<500)?
- Campylobacter jejuni
- What bacterium is diagnosed using the Dieterle silver stain?
- Legionella
- How many strains of Pneumococcus capsular polysaccharides are present in the vaccine?
- The vaccine contains 23 capsular polysaccharides.
- What nematode is known as whipworms? What is the treatment?
- Trichuris trichiura is treated with albendazole.
- Which Streptococcus pyogenes toxin is immunogenic?
- Streptolysin O
- A urethral swab of a patient shows gram-negative diplococci in PMNs; what organism do you diagnose?
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- A suspected dermatophyte infection is stained with KOH. What spore type do you expect to see?
- Arthroconidia with hyphae
- What negative sense RNA virus is associated with cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis with photophobia?
- Measles (rubeola)
- Which M-protein strain of Streptococcus pyogenes is associated with acute glomerulonephritis?
- M12 strains
- What are the three C's of measles?
1. Cough
2. Coryza
3. Conjunctivitis - What is the term given to arthropod-borne viruses?
- Arboviruses (bunyavirus, flavivirus, and togavirus)
- Which organism causes Weil's disease?
- Leptospira
- What form of the Plasmodium species are injected into humans by mosquitoes?
- Sporozoites
- What ssDNA virus must make dsDNA before it makes mRNA?
- Parvovirus (it is the only ssDNA virus)
- What is the vector of African sleeping sickness?
- The tsetse fly
- What HIV enzyme produces a dsDNA provirus?
- Reverse transcriptase
- What non–spore-forming gram-positive aerobic rod produces bull neck, sore throat with pseudomembranes, myocarditis, and sometimes respiratory obstructions?
- Corynebacterium diphtheriae
- What organism is associated with megaloblastic anemia?
- Diphyllobothrium latum
- What is the most serious form of tinea capitis, which results in permanent hair loss and is highly contagious?
- Tinea favosa (favus)
- What are the first intermediate hosts for trematodes?
- Snails
- What are the four capsular polysaccharides used in the Neisseria meningitides vaccine?
- Y, W-135, and C and A capsular polysaccharides
- What is the only encapsulated fungal pathogen?
- Cryptococcus
- What type of spore is asexual and formed of hyphae?
- Conidia
- What is the only Plasmodium that is quartan?
- Plasmodium malariae; the others are tertian.
Which bacteria are associated with the following pigment production?
⬢ Red pigmentation - Serratia
Which bacteria are associated with the following pigment production?
⬢ Black-gray pigmentation - Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Which bacteria are associated with the following pigment production?
⬢ Pyocyanin (blue-green) - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Which bacteria are associated with the following pigment production?
⬢ Yellow pigmentation - Staphylococcus aureus
- Which carcinoma—Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, or thymic carcinoma—is not associated with EBV?
- Hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with hepatitis B and C infections, not with EBV.
- What capsular serotype is associated with Escherichia coli– induced meningitis?
- K1 capsule
- What two Ags must be positive for a patient to have chronic active hepatitis?
- HBsAg and HBeAg
- In the window phase of a hepatitis B infection, which Abs do you see?
- HBcAb and HBeAb. You see the antibodies c and e.
- True or false? All streptococci are catalase-negative
- True
- In what trimester is the fetus most vulnerable to congenital rubella syndrome?
- The first trimester
- What virus causes hoof-and-mouth disease?
- Vesicular stomatitis virus
- Which gram-negative diplococcus grows on chocolate agar? Thayer- Martin medium?
- Meningococcus grows on chocolate agar, and Gonococcus grows on Thayer-Martin medium.
- Which protozoal parasitic vaginal infection produces a positive whiff test with KOH staining?
- Trichomonas vaginalis (treat with metronidazole)
Name the DNA virus
⬢ Linear dsDNA; enveloped; virion-associated polymerases; replicates in the cytoplasm : - Poxvirus
Name the DNA virus
⬢ Linear dsDNA; nuclear envelope; icosahedral; replicates in the nucleus - Herpes virus
Name the DNA virus:
⬢ Linear dsDNA; naked; replicates in the nucleus - Adenovirus
Name the DNA virus:
⬢ ssDNA; naked; icosahedral; replicates in the nucleus - Parvovirus
Name the DNA virus:
⬢ Partially dsDNA circular; enveloped; virion-associated polymerases; has RNA intermediate; replicates in the nucleus - Hepadnavirus
Name the DNA virus:
⬢ Circular dsDNA; naked; icosahedral; replicates in the nucleus - Papovavirus
- What fungus is urease positive?
- Cryptococcus
- What bacterium is characterized by large boxcar-shaped gram-positive rods and is spore-forming, aerobic, and associated with cutaneous infections and woolsorter's disease?
- Bacillus anthracis
- Is the Salk polio vaccine inactivated?
- Yes
- True or false? All negative sense RNA viruses are enveloped.
- True. They all have helical nucleocapsids and virion-associated polymerases too.
- What urease-positive non–lactose-fermenting gram-negative rod with swarming-type motility is associated with staghorn renal calculi?
- Proteus
- What two viruses are associated with Reye's syndrome?
- Varicella virus and influenza virus
- Which organism releases endotoxins prior to cell death?
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Clue cells are associated with which organism that causes vaginal discharge?
- Gardnerella vaginalis
- What is the name of the bullet-shaped virus?
- Rhabdovirus
- What fungus is characterized by India ink staining of the CSF that produces colorless cells with a halo on a black background?
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- What does hepatitis D virus need from hepatitis B virus to be infective?
- HBsAg as its envelope
- Which type of hepatitis is a calicivirus?
- Hepatitis E (enteric)
- What genus is known as the smallest free living bacteria? (hint: has no cell wall and has sterols in the membrane)
- Mycoplasma
- What three organs can be affected by Trypanosoma cruzi?
- Heart, esophagus, and colon. Remember, you get megas: cardiomegaly, megaesophagus, and megacolon.
- Which serotypes of HPV are associated with plantar warts?
- HPV serotypes 1 and 4
- What facultative gram-negative anaerobic rod is motile, ferments lactose, and is the MCC of UTIs?
- Escherichia coli
- What is the only dsRNA virus?
- Reovirus
- What are the four segmented RNA viruses?
1. Bunyavirus
2. Orthomyxovirus
3. Arenavirus
4. Reovirus
Remember BOAR -
What type of Plasmodium affects
⬢ Only mature RBCs? - Plasmodium malariae
What type of Plasmodium affects
⬢ Only reticulocytes? - Plasmodium vivax
What type of Plasmodium affects
⬢ RBCs of all ages? - Plasmodium falciparum
- What is the major cell membrane sterol found in fungi?
- Ergosterol
- What Ab is an indication of low transmissibility for hepatitis?
- HBeAb
- What is the term for RNA-dependent DNA polymerase?
- Reverse transcriptase
- Which gram-positive bacteria infection of infancy is associated with ingestion of honey?
- Clostridium botulinum
- Which trematode is associated with bladder carcinoma in Egypt and Africa?
- Schistosoma haematobium
- Which encapsulated fungus is found in soil enriched with pigeon droppings?
- Cryptococcus neoformans
What virus lies dormant in the
⬢ Trigeminal ganglia? - Herpes I
What virus lies dormant in the
⬢ Dorsal root ganglia? - Varicella
What virus lies dormant in the
⬢ Sensory ganglia of S2 and S3? - Herpes II
- What is the name of the exotoxin Shigella dysenteriae produces, which interferes with the 60S ribosomal subunit and results in eukaryotic protein synthesis inhibition?
- Shiga toxin (enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli produces Vero toxin, which is quite similar to shiga toxin)
- What protozoal parasite forms flasked-shaped lesions in the duodenum, is transmitted via fecal-oral route, and is commonly seen in campers who drank stream water?
- Giardia lamblia (treat with metronidazole)
- What color do fungi stain with PAS? Silver stain?
- Hot pink with PAS and grey to black with silver stain
- A tropical fish enthusiast has granulomatous lesions and cellulitis; what is the most likely offending organism?
- Mycobacterium marinum
- Which dimorphic fungus is found as Arthroconidia in desert sand of the southwestern United States (e.g., San Joaquin Valley)?
- Coccidioides immitis
- Which mycoplasma species is associated with urethritis, prostatitis, and renal calculi?
- Ureaplasma urealyticum
- What tick is the vector for babesiosis?
- Ixodes (also the vector for Lyme disease)
- What is the only DNA virus that does not replicate its DNA in the nucleus of the host cell?
- Poxvirus replicates its DNA in the cytoplasm.
- What organism would you suspect in a patient with diarrhea after eating rice?
- Bacillus cereus
- What small gram-negative facultative intracellular rod is transmitted to human host by Dermacentor tick bite?
- Francisella tularensis
- True or false? Cestodes have no GI tract.
- True. They absorb nutrients from the host's GI tract.
- What negative sense RNA virus is associated with parotitis, pancreatitis, and orchitis?
- Mumps
What is the size of a positive PPD test for the following? (Reactive)
⬢ IV drug abuser - >10 mm
What is the size of a positive PPD test for the following? (Reactive)
⬢ Patient with AIDS - >5 mm
What is the size of a positive PPD test for the following? (Reactive)
⬢ Recent immigrant from India - >10 mm
What is the size of a positive PPD test for the following? (Reactive)
⬢ Healthy suburban male without any medical illnesses - >15 mm
What is the size of a positive PPD test for the following? (Reactive)
⬢ Posttransplantation patient taking immunosuppressive agents - >5 mm
- What are the only two picornaviruses that do not lead to aseptic meningitis?
- Rhinovirus and hepatitis A virus
- Which cestode in raw or rare beef containing cysticerci results in intestinal tapeworms?
- Taenia saginata
- What DNA viral disease is associated with aplastic crisis in patients with sickle cell anemia?
- Parvovirus B-19
- What glycoprotein in the HIV virus attaches to CD4?
- GP120
- What Enterobacteriaceae are prone to produce osteomyelitis in sickle cell patients?
- Salmonella
- What organism is commonly associated with a cellulitis from an animal bite?
- Pasteurella multocida
- What fungus is seen as colored cauliflower lesions?
- Chromomycosis
- What is the reservoir for the togavirus?
- Birds
- What are the two exceptions to the rule "all cocci are gram positive"?
- Both Neisseria and Moraxella are gram-negative cocci.
- What nematode is known as hookworms? What is the treatment?
- Necator americanus is treated with mebendazole and iron therapy.
- What HIV structural gene produces GP120 and GP41?
- env structural protein
- Which hemoflagellate species causes kala azar?
- Leishmania donovani (kala azar is also known as visceral leishmaniasis)
- What DNA virus is associated with heterophile-negative mononucleosis?
- CMV; remember, EBV is associated with heterophile-positive mononucleosis.
- What negative sense RNA virus is associated with intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies called Negri bodies?
- Rabies
- What large, spore-forming, gram-positive anaerobic rod is associated with infections due to puncture wounds and trauma?
- Clostridium tetani
- What is the vector for Chagas disease?
- The reduviid bug
- What is the polarity (i.e., 5'-3' or 3'-5') of a positive sense RNA?
- Positive sense RNA means it can serve as mRNA and therefore has 5'-3' polarity
- What viral infection is associated with black vomit?
- Yellow fever (flavivirus)
- What encapsulated gram-negative, lactose-fermenting rod is associated with pneumonia in patients with alcoholism, diabetes, and chronic lung disease?
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- What is the essential reservoir host for Toxoplasma gondii?
- The cat
- What gram-positive anaerobic rod with branching filaments is a component of the normal flora of the mouth and female genital tract and is responsible for draining abscesses with sulfur granules in the exudates?
- Actinomyces israelii
- What is the term for Candida infection of the oral mucosa?
- Thrush
- What is the term for fungi that can convert from hyphal to yeast forms?
- Dimorphic
- To what viral family does the polio virus belong?
- Picornaviridae
- Name at least three bacteria that use capsules to prevent immediate destruction from the host's defense system.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Neisseria meningitidis; also Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungus
- True or false? There are no persistent infections with naked viruses?
- True. They lyse the host cell
- What virus is associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy?
- JC virus
- What bacterium is a gram-negative, oxidase-positive aerobic rod that produces a grapelike odor and pyocyanin pigmentation?
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Which three organisms cause heterophilic negative mononucleosis?
- CMV, Toxoplasma gondii, and Listeria
- What bacterium found in poorly preserved canned food causes flaccid paralysis?
- Clostridium botulinum
- Which two negative sense RNA viruses have neuraminidase enzymes?
- Mumps and influenza virus
- What Staphylococcus aureus protein inhibits phagocytosis?
- Protein A
- Which four bacteria require cysteine for growth?
- Pasteurella, Brucella, Legionella, and Francisella (all of the-ellas)
- What fungus causes endocarditis in IV drug users?
- Candida albicans
- What viruses are associated with Cowdry type A intranuclear inclusions?
- Herpes virus I and II
- Which streptococcal species is associated with dental caries and infective endocarditis in patients with poor oral hygiene?
- Streptococcus viridans
- What is the term for cestode-encysted larvae found in intermediate hosts?
- Cysticerci
- Km
- Km